Transformers Universe MUX

Log Title: Warm Surprise

Characters: Ghost , Omen, Soundwave

Location: Soundwave's Workshop - The Cradle - Kolkular

Date: December 29, 2021

TP: Non-TP

Summary: Ghost returns 'home' after her horribly busy day dealing with despotic Destron commander tantrums and a Neo-Titan causing moral quandaries. Soundwave has a small surprise for her.

As logged by Ghost

Soundwave's Workshop - The Cradle - Kolkular[]



Ghost returns to the Workshop after seeing Deathsaurus settled into the South Pole.

Soundwave does have several things waiting and ready for Ghost. He has a warm oil bath, some energon, some heated blankets. He's been waiting for his love.

Ghost walks into the workshop, optics dim, perhaps in thought, perhaps in exhaustion. Her footfalls make more than her usual sound, soft tick-clacks. Once the doors close behind her she stops, ex-vents and unfurls wings, shaking lingering moisture off of them from her travels.

Soundwave moves to Ghost with the heated blanket. He murmurs. "Good evening, Ghost. Welcome back. I have some energon waiting for you." He says softly. "You've had a busy night."

Ghost lifts her head and looks at Soundwave, blinking as if it's taking her a moment to connect thoughts to words. Her archives can be heard humming, engines ticking as they cycle offline. "Oh..." She blinks again, finials slowly flexing forward, "I've had a busy -day-." she murmurs, taking a moment to eject Omen, who emerges with an angry hiss and heads upwards to lurk on the catwalks.

Soundwave pauses. "Probably a couple of busy days." he looks to Omen "Poor Omen. I hid some treats in the catwalks for her to find." he says. "Let's get you warm and in the bath. And some silence." he says, his voice barely audible.

Omen grumble-warks up on the catwalks, but does so at a lowered tone. Yes she's tetchy. But treats..

Ghost steps into the heated blanket and lets out a sigh. "A few, yes." she murmurs, optics slitting. "You?" she asks softly, moving to tuck the blanket around herself to shake off that arctic chill and flight.

Soundwave pauses. "Can't complain." he says softly. "I know between the titan and the mercenaries you've had a rough night. Listen to the stars with me?" he asks. "Let the chaos melt away?"

Ghost's finials wiggle and she leans against Soundwave, smile breaking across her face. She voices softly, "Two titans, and the Destron."

Soundwave tilts his head. "Two? Oh primus. which other one."

Ghost hnns, "The young one. Moral quandaries and the like."

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> Ugh

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> destroyed?

<< >> <<Underwood>> threw a rock at a bot, i think you dented the trench

<< >> <Morticia> My sanity

Soundwave pauses. "Did he listen to you? I'm sorry you have to tolerate all of that."

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> How many shanix do I owe you? I know if I woke up here somethings on fire.

Ghost nods slowly, "Yeah, a bit. Didn't shoot me when I showed up discombobulated. I -was- trying to meditate in Praxus after checking on the Aerie there, was waiting for a patrol to switch back out to Polyhex. I need to check on Arbiter." She wiggles finials, "Frag me, I'm -exhausted-. I've been all across this damn planet in the past day."

Soundwave frowns "Sometimes those are the worst days for things to happen." he says "Right now, you just need to rest. You can't have the entire planet under your watch all the time."

Ghost laughs softly, "No. No I can't. I'm not you. I did my best when you were gone. But now there's -more- on my plate. Things I didn't ask for." She peers up, optics brightening slightly, "How did I get so -lucky-."

Soundwave chuckles. "I can't be responsible for the entire planet either. People like us work best in groups." he says. "What can I help you with?" he says. "I think I'm more a curse than a blessing but I am glad to be gifted with you."

Ghost looks less washed out but still tired. "This helps. Warmth, fuel, promise of an oil bath." Brow raises, "How are you going to do that, I wonder?'

Soundwave chuckles. "I don't know but I'm willing to try." he says. "I do have a bath ready for you. I think that should help."

Ghost's smile shifts to a lopsided grin, a bit of adoration in it. "I've -sand- in /places/... Transforming down to rifle did not help. If there's a bath, I'm going to.. I don't know.. kiss your face, a lot."

Soundwave chuckles. "There's a bath. And extra hands to help clean you as well." he says with a smile. "I'd like nothing more."

Ghost's finials wiggle and she prrts softly, "I'd very much enjoy that. I'm as warm as this blanket will get me, now. And you joining me in a bath sounds.. devilishly delightful."

<< >> <Morticia> No. But I have to write a letter of apology on your behalf.

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> Oh, Primus. To who?

(Radio) Ghost transmits, "Do you want me to say temporary mental leave of absence or drunken binge rant as your reason?" to Deathsaurus.

(Radio) Deathsaurus sends Ghost a radio transmission, ' can't it be both? And I'm surprised you want to write letters for me.'

Soundwave smiles brightly under his mask "I thought you'd never ask." he carries her to the bath and starts to unwrap Ghost. "It should be plenty warm now..."

(Radio) Ghost transmits, "At the moment, you're an allied group to the Empire. As the Empires Diplomate, I -eeeek! *static*" to Deathsaurus.

Ghost was sending off a quick message to handle work but squeaks as she's swept off of her feet. There's a delighted giggle, wings tucked neatly. "I haven't had one of these in.. well." She wiggles wings as she's un-burrito'd. There's a slight blush, "I probably should explain that squeak somehow..." Dipping a toe in, before optics brighten with a "Oh.. Soundwave.. this is.. niiice."

(Radio) Deathsaurus sends Ghost a radio transmission, ' well yeah there's that. Whose city did I crush?'

(Radio) Ghost transmits, "My apologies, I was startled. I'm the diplomat, I need to send a message. And no cities. You dropped a rock on a lone bot." to Deathsaurus.

Soundwave chuckles. "If we're lucky there will be more squeaks." he says, trying to keep his hold on her and lower Ghost in softly. He dips a toe in himself. "Nice..."

(Radio) Deathsaurus sends Ghost a radio transmission, ' startled eh? Is this a bad time? A rock? Did I kill them? That..sounds like something I'd do. I'll make up an apologiy.'

<< Broadband >> Deathsaurus says, "I wish to publicly and formally apologize for anyone and anything I may have destroyed last night. If anyone needs reparations, please contact me."

<< Broadband >> Optimus Prime says, "About that..."

<< Broadband >> Sideswipe says, "And.. Apology accepted on it."

<< Broadband >> Deathsaurus says, "Were you guys the one I crushed?"

<< Broadband >> Deathsaurus says, "my radio is open if I need to negotiate payback."

Ghost wiggles but doesn't try to depart the embrace, just softly rumbling up an engine purr. "This is.. Yeah, hold my calls for a bit I think. This is.." Slowly settling into the oil bath, wings creaking as they flex and expand as much as they can. "Ooooh Primuuus.. this is.. waaarm." Optics slitting.

Soundwave pauses. "You are currently unavailable." he purrs. "Yes.. that's my favorite sound right there. Happy Ghost." he sinks in behind Ghost, holding her with a very content sigh.

Ghost settles back, optics slit, one finial forward, the other back. She relaxes into the warmth, and back into Soundwave. "Right. I.. Yes, no interruptions." flaring plating to let the oil seep in everywhere. "Oooh.. That's... so warm. Soothing." Slinking cables out now, letting them sink around her.

Soundwave nods "No interruptions. Just you, me , a bath and bliss." he purrs. "That is good. Yes."

Ghost nods, swishing cables through the heated oil. "You, me, nosy birb." She laughs softly, "Who knows who else is lurking about. From solitary to this, my how things have changed for me, for the better."

Soundwave chuckles. "I love your nosy bird. Reminds me of my own." He says. "Same here. It's good to have company."

Ghost hmmms, lifting a hand to ripple the oil, flexing plating, wings as she soaks. She parses a file through her short range with a soft laugh before singing softly. "I woke up from the longest dream. Where I was drowning in the datastream.."

<< >> <Morticia>

Soundwave tilts his head "What sort of things were in the datastream my love?" He tries to get some more sand out from her wingpanels.

Ghost oohs and flexes, "Code from that damned young titan again. I'm getting better at ignoring it. Blocking it now. I've loaded in an external program from Shockwave." She holds a hand up, "After vetting it through the black box. It helps isolate better than I can since I'm.. sensitive, sensitized to them, now." She shuts her comms off, all of them.

Soundwave pauses. "Is he as difficult to block as the others?" he asks, moving to get at Ghost's cockpit as she raises her hand up.

Ghost squeaks at the rinsing of her cockpit, blinking a moment. "He's harder. I've a ring I use to keep Trypticon and Calyhex at bay. Slowly working that usage lower so I'm not dependent on the external things but it's not -easy-. And now, those dreams. I haven't blown a processor but for Primus sake, I can only parse so fast." She settles, giggling softly. "How -are- you doing?"

Soundwave pauses. "The ring doesn't work on him?" He asks. "I am doing well thank you. Just the normal amount of chaos."

Ghost shakes her head, "No - it doesn't. He's not the same as the other two. And the maker could only work with what they knew how to defend against."

Soundwave pauses. "I wonder what makes him different in that way."

Ghost hmmms, engine cycling as she opens vents and slowly cycles the oil through intakes. Her voice slides slightly deeper, the benefit of being able to maneuver in space and underwater.. huh. "Both the Autobot Cityspeaker and Solus said he wasn't a Titan but.. I think they're -wrong-. He's just not their type."

Soundwave pauses "Just because he's newer doesn't mean he's not one of them." He says. " "But I don't know a lot about them myself. I do not possess that gift."

Ghost quiets, settling. "They all -look- different to me but the same too." She swishes that oil in and out of her intakes, clearing sand and warming herself up more and more.

Soundwave nods "You can tell their style."

Ghost nods, "They. all .. eh.." She waves a hand. "Taste different?"

Soundwave nods "Yes. It's not taste or smell. It's like... symbiotes?"

Ghost hmms, "Yes. Different like them. They all think differently, their code is different. But there's a core that is.. It sounds like pathetic, mystical nonsense, I'm sorry."

Soundwave pauses. "If there's something I learned recently, it's that mythology is rarely nonsense."

Ghost settles back, pushing the oil out of vents, smiling with slit optics. Then's there's a shudder of wing panels at those words. "I'm afraid." she murmurs.

Soundwave tilts his head. "What of?" he asks, as he starts to massage her wing panels, letting oil seep into his seams.

"Those dreams, what happened in the desert. What Shockwave, what the scans might have seen." Ghost replies softly.

Soundwave nods "They frighten me too. They seem to come from somewhere else. Quintesson trick maybe?"

Ghost shudders, "I hope not. How, even.. This is a new body. The specs and build were looked over by our techs so the chances of Goth slipping something weird in is low to nil." She shifts, turning so she can help rinse Soundwave, grooming him with tiny claws that emerge to pick at his plating seams gently. "Unless Vector Sigma and Alpha Trion are working for them, now."

Soundwave pauses. "I don't know. I hope the dreams go away soon though."

Ghost grooms, shifting so she can work oil into Soundwaves armor seams, tickling out any debris her tiny claws catch on. Her engine purrs quietly. "Same. So far, it's been quiet in my head, in my recharge."

Soundwave nods "Good good. I hope that I can protect you in both.."

Ghost continues to groom and oil Soundwave, cables coming to help detail, soothing herself and relaxing as she maps every inch she can. "They haven't come back. I still think it was a bad memory purge that took time to clear but.. Ok maybe I don't think that quite so much, now. I wish it was just that."

Soundwave murmurs. "I think it has something to do with Vector Sigma's plan, whatever it is. I have accepted.." He purrs... "Accepted that.. I need to let you . Find your" he melts a bit.

Ghost snorts, continuing her grooming, finials pricked forward before she leans in and kisses his mask. "We should groom more often." happy murmur as she continues to tend to Soundwave.

Soundwave removes his mask and returns the kiss. "I agree. We can get so, so dirty..." he chuckles.

Ghost kisses softly, finials wiggling. "Things like this are a treat. We're not so decadent to expect this regularly." She swishes wings through the warmed oil. "Not that I wouldn't like to have these more often. I.. don't remember when I last had one, outside of being Omen."

Soundwave returns the kiss "Every now and then is good though. Helps us focus..." he says. "We need to do this more often,'s better when you're like this then when you were Omen."

Ghost's engine purr slides several tones 'happier. "Helps keep us out of medical." She winks.

Soundwave chuckles. "That it does. That it does. And I want to spend time with you before life takes you away."

Ghost settles against Soundwave, wings flexing in the oil, ex-venting softly to blow the rest of her system out. "It makes.. Don't say things like that. It.. gives me an ache in my very spark when you speak as if I'm leaving you soon."

Soundwave sighs "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to things this wonderful lasting."

Ghost settles, optics closed, enjoying the dual warmth of the oil bath and Soundwave. "Me either. But one thing I learned while all of you were having your dirt nap. Enjoy the good things when they come, worrying about their loss is only borrowing trouble from tomorrow."
