Transformers Universe MUX

Lugnut appears in a video recorded in Autobot City's repair bay. On one side of him is a slab containing the unconscious body of Security Director Red Alert. On the other side is a table on which lays the badly chemical-burned body of Trailbreaker, who also looks like he's had half his leg bitten off. Neither patient is in very good shape. Lugnut, as usual, looks grumpy, but also sounds concerned and a little harried.

"For those of you who hadn't heard -- we got hit hard last night at Autobot City," Lugnut reports. "One'a them Seacons led an attack on the city -- you shoulda seen it, musta been hunnerts o' them landsharks -- while another one - that flyin' ray - attacked Red Alert in Perceptor's lab. They was after the Key, see, but Jetfire got it away in time, and Trailbreaker held off the Seacons until they were forced to retreat."

Lugnut looks at his two more injured patients and sighs. "I'll try ta get 'em up and running again as soon as I ken," he says tiredly, and simply ends the log.
