Lindsey Pierce appears on her M2 News show, but the perky commentator has significantly changed her attitude and look. Her permed blonde hair has been dyed black, and she’s also wearing a black dress and headband instead of her usual trademark orange. Her sharp blue eyes glower as she makes her report:
“Jem and the Holograms launched their Jem and the Holograms Hits Back! West Coast tour at The Masquerade club in the Los Angeles on Monday, May 2nd, and their new sound has exploded across the Internet since then.
“Jem and the Holograms were joined by Cold Slither and The Misfits for the set's three distinct sections. The last section revealed their new, dark sound, which after many illegal uploads onto the Internet, appears here on M2 News for its official debut. Let’s give it a listen:”
Strangely compelling goth-style music follows. Those reading this post have the option of the music stimulating mental images of your character’s dark side, which encourages you to abandon empathy and embrace cold selfishness (lyrics by Ayn Rand?). How your character reacts is up to you.
After the song, the screen cuts back to Lindsey Pierce’s ice-cold demeanor. “Tell your friends to give it a listen,” she orders, and your character feels strangely compelled to do to. "This is Lin-Z for M2 News. We’ll be playing Jem clips all day long, so tune in any time.” The station continues to another new Jem song, and then another....