Transformers Universe MUX

To: G.I. Joe Command
From: Lieutenant General Clayton “Hawk” Abernathy
Subject: Antarctica

Scarlett’s discovery of a second Decepticon installation in Antarctica is troubling at best. The Decepticons are dangerous enough an enemy without having to split our forces. However, there are advantages. The existing landmass at the South Pole will allow us to deploy our ground forces to better effect than the completely submerged North Pole. We have access to burrowing equipment we can use to get at the Decepticons as well.

Once again the Autobots have agreed to assist us in this matter. As of now, all ground forces not committed to the Flagg will be transferred to the Ark – both equipment and personnel. Scarlett will handle exceptions, but in general all Army forces will be participating in the Antarctic assault from the Ark, while Air Force, Marines and Navy will attach the North Pole from the Flagg once in position.

These will be difficult, but not impossible missions. The stakes are great, but our allies are powerful and just as committed as we are to save our planet. Even Cobra forces are with us 100% in this, and for the duration of this mission I demand each be afforded the courtesy and respect we would grant allies from any affiliated country. Admiral Keel-Haul will be taking command of the northern mission while I transfer to the Ark.

General Hawk
