Transformers Universe MUX

A shiny gold and red field correspondent appears onscreen next to an awkward-looking tan and sea-blue robot. The journalist reports, “I am standing here with Weatherbot navigator and environmental scientist Typhoon. She has been studying the effects on Cybertron from its entry into orbit around Citctus Minor. Typhoon, what has the impact been so far?”

Typhoon smiles nervously at the camera, and says stiffly with a slight twang, “Well, thanks, Cassiopeia. The climate impact has been sudden and extraordinary. Weather patterns across the planet have been altered. Tyrest has been all kind of torn up from storms raging across from Kalis, and earthquakes are still emanatin’ up from beneath Altihex. That’s not even mentionin’ the temperature rise from bein’ in orbit around a sun again – it’s downright comfortable!”

Cassiopeia asks, “Do you have any forecasts for the future?”

Typhoon responds, “Well, that’s gonna be a little tricky, since this is pretty unprecedented in Cybertron’s history. Not since it was brought into Earth’s orbit and then blown back out of it have we had a planet-wide disruption this big. If I had ta hazard a guess, though, I’d say we’re goin’ through some growin’ pains right now as Cybertron adjust to new heat energy and gravitational stress, but once things calm we’ll settle down to a stable new normal.”

“Thank you, Typhoon,” Cassiopeia says politely, and then turns back to the camera. “This has been Cassiopeia, reporting from Iacon.”
