Transformers Universe MUX
Transformers Universe MUX

Atlanta-hammy Atlanta-hammy 5 January 2021

Journal Entry - 01/04/2021

01/04/2021 - New Year, New Thoughts, Same shit. - Starlock

Welp, its the new year, journal, and I figured I'd needed to write something down, since I didn't write anything last month... So, where to start?

I guess I should start with our newest resident, Solstice, Autobot from another universe, she seems nice, and like a genuine ball of sunshine, I like her~ Reminds me of me when I was... Well, not as jaded, and much more timid... But she's more.. confident? I think that's what I'm looking for word wise.

....On that note, I am starting to wonder if I am too high strung, and strict now a days and thus no one wants to be around me, keep thinking I'm a awful person, thus no one wants to be around me... I don't know if this is the anxiety and dep…

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Atlanta-hammy Atlanta-hammy 10 November 2020

Journal Entry - 11/9/2020

11/09/2020 - This is stupid.. - Starlock

Been a minute since I wrote in this, last one was on the 5th of last month, ew... 

A lot has happened since then, I talked to Scales at long last, finelly had some resolution from Dust Devil and the whole screaming at Cerebros incident. (Also reviewed my video footage of it, was Red Alert that told me I could call secruity on him)

Been spending a lot of time in New Harmonex working on getting it build up, mainly been working to get the peace pavilion tree statue up..Elita One got me some crystalline sheets I can use to make the leaves to contrast the flowers Deathsaurus made using the dead Harmonex crystals.

I now, also, have the crystals seeds to start growing the crystals there. In the process we came …

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Atlanta-hammy Atlanta-hammy 5 October 2020

Journal Entry - 10/52020

10/05/2020 - No Regrets, but plenty of intrusive thoughts - Starlock

Well, I went to Prime and spoke with him regarding the combaticon situation. Was demoted (As if that really changes anything, no one respected my rank anyway...) and reassigned to the wreckers temporarily. I think Springer is taking it far to seriously then he honestly needs too, Prime said Springer would push me but not break me, and try to help me a better version of myself... I have doubts, but I did say i'd trust him. (Can't break whats already broken.) 

Springer does seem nice but.. as I said, I think he's taking this temporary assignment a bit to far, I'm a medic, I don't have many weapons despite having trained myself in combat the best I could back in the day...Its Use…

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Atlanta-hammy Atlanta-hammy 23 September 2020

Journal Entry - 09/23/2020

09/23/2020 - Restless - Starlock

Listned to some good music today, now I'm extreamly restless, trying to get what I can done before Calyhex lifts off.. she needs too, soon, else I fear what those left behind in the east wing and down will do to her.

I'll likely be heading back to New Harmonex, work for when she returns, would love for her to be able to hear the new crystals, likely will help sooth her and those staying behind inside her... Oh Blast Off also finelly left the confides of Calyhex, which is good, not good for any of us to be here for so long, but I needed to help get her repaired and erady for what she's going to do.

Ah, we also found Krystallos, he's agreed to help, he's an odd fellow for sure, surprised he agreed so quickly too…

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Atlanta-hammy Atlanta-hammy 9 September 2020

Journal Entry - 09/08/2020

09/08/2020 - Its been a long time. - Starlock

Its been sometime since I wrote in this journal, seems my previous entries are long gone, I think I may of deleted them, I don't remember, I just know i'd probably cringe at them now... Still, suppose its good I start writing in this thing again. 

Where to even start?

I'm tired, I'm stressed, I'm angry, The pressure is mounting, Time is running out,

I can't fall apart, not now, not yet, not when I am so close, not when I can almost reach out and touch that light at the end of this endless war.

Maybe once they see what I've been working too, maybe they'll understand why I've been the way I have been...  Course that's just a hope, pretty sure people will still hate me regardless. Hell, people think I …

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