Transformers Universe MUX

Atlanta-hammy Atlanta-hammy 24 February 2023

Private Video Link: Song Draft I

Starlock is seen setting up the carma, she looks to be in the Concordance Theatre in New Harmonex.

Its empty and she's alone, she moves to the controls and start playing the stand-in music for what she's singing, she starts singing along with her own lyrics as she places a hand on her chassis, stepping forward, following the drum beats, as her peds leave streaks of light behind her that float up like mock vistages of ghosts.

"This melody is for all of those who've lost their light along the way."

She'd step into a spin as she brought her hands out, and the defibulators in her palms make a small ball of light to make it look like a spark that grows, then fades.

"May your melodies join in The never ending song of harmony
That our crystalline home s…

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Atlanta-hammy Atlanta-hammy 2 July 2022

Journal Entry - 06/01/2022

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Atlanta-hammy Atlanta-hammy 12 April 2022

Research Log 04.11.2022 - 24

... Someone once told me, that they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself because they inspire you.... I hate to admit this, but they where quite right, I can truly say Khamsin inspired me to my very spark core, and made me wish to be better to stand proudly next to him.

I'm sad to say, I wish I realized this while he was around, were I could tell him such, bur here I am, alone, him missing once more, and me re-examining every interaction I had with him while he was here... I feel so stupid for not realizing what he meant sooner  in regards to what he meant about legacy .... something I am correcting now, for if he returns or, if the unthinkable has happened, not.

I've been collecting samples from those that have threatened th…

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Atlanta-hammy Atlanta-hammy 22 October 2021

Journal Entry - 10/22/2021

Well.. This will be an interesting entire after the last, but I don't regret it, interestingly, anyway.

I've been feeling a lot better this past moth, its been...Quite? Unstressful, so far so I've been able to find some stability and peace with myself.

All of this after I received an email from Imager, apologizing to me and.. I don't know, it felt like so much was taken off my shoulders then and there, just vanished, I'd never.. really blamed Imager, yes, I was angry but, my ire was never at her, yet... I've not told her this, but its.. I don't know, I suppose reliving?

I've been able to work in the medical bay of Iacon again, after I kept avoiding it, feeling like I didn't belong. Ratchet even acknowledged the daily work I do, like cleaning…

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Atlanta-hammy Atlanta-hammy 13 September 2021

Journal Entry - 09/13/2021

...Its been months since I last wrote, but I suppose it's time I write in here, given my darker mindset, get them out here before they explode forward...

I'm tired, I've been suppressing a lot recently.. Not to speak, not to show my feelings...But they are growing, and my thoughts.. well, I should just write them bare, as I understand my inability to really put things coherently in my voice.

I'm unlikable.
I'm annoying.
I am a burden.
I am useless.
I am nothing more then another tool in this war, this never ending horrible war.. To do nothing more then to put them back together and send them back out to become injured, kill, and die.

All I can hope is that I am killed in battle one of these days to never see this coming apocalypse.. I'm hopeless …

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