Transformers Universe MUX

Transformers Universe MUX

Welcome to the Transformers Universe MUX!
This is a wiki about the Transformers Universe MUX that anyone can edit. Wiki policy here.

The Transformers Universe MUX is a multiplayer online text-based role-playing game with a 1980s comics and cartoon theme. This wiki is for players new and old alike, and for people just interested in the world we created for our MUX.

We've added 10,561 articles since January of 2009!

Transformers Universe MUX is located at is port 1976 (IP port 1976).

Or Play Transformers Universe MUX on Grapevine!

Note: This is NOT a general Transformers wiki -- it is a wiki based around the online RPG Transformers Universe MUX. For the general Transformer wiki, please head to TFwiki.

Get Connected!

To connect to the MUX, simply point your MUSHclient or other client to port 1976. Other clients are listed on our MUX Resources page. You may also go to this web-based client, or the flash client @ and enter the connection info there. If you're on Android, try Blowtorch! Then just enter connect guest and talk on the Guests channel by entering g Hi!

For players new to the world of MU*ing, the following are guides to help people get started and connect.

Where to Start

Not sure where to start?
Adding content

Helping out

This wiki is open for anyone to edit! Want to help add things? Below you can find out ways to start adding things!

However, none of that formatting is needed if you don't feel like fiddling with wiki code. Feel free to just post a character background, log, or page, and let us do the rest!

To write a new article, just enter the title on the line below. Don't be shy!

On that note, if wiki editing is not your thing, and you want to help in another way, we have a Patreon! Keep in mind it's optional though.

Latest MUX Posts

Introducing "by Faction" Report pages. These reflect the posts made on the Mux on a by faction, by board type arrangement.
Autobot logo
Reports - Autobot Decepticon Reports - Decepticon
Reports - Cobra
Reports - G.I. Joe
Junkion symbol
Reports - Junkion
Reports - Neutral
KNUJ logo
Reports - News
Reports - Rumors

Current TinyPlots


New Roleplay Logs
