- Name: Tigatron
- Faction: Neutral
- Species: Eukarian
- Division:
- Sub-Group:
- Type: TP-only character
“ | We were given a paradise! All we had to do was live there in peace. But we proved unworthy... and the paradise is no more. | ” |
There are many who say that TIGATRON is far more tiger than robot. A loner who is more connected to the Eukaris than most, he enjoys the planet's natural beauty and is often concerned about the damage that the tribes' battles are doing to it. Scout, infiltrator, and sometimes programming guru, Tigatron filled a variety of roles for his tribe before he left them to be with his love Airazor. In tiger mode, Tigatron can leap up to 16 feet in the air and run up to speeds of 35 to 40 MPH.
Canonical/Pre-MUX/Theme History:[]
Tigatron is a native of the planet Eukaris, born from the hot spot inside the Titan Chela. He abandoned his tribe long ago so that he could be with his love Airazor.
MUX History:[]
OOC Notes[]
Logs / Posts[]
The Distant Past[]
- "Eukaris Flashback: Change is Coming" - In the past, before the Scale Walkers become the dominant group on Eukaris, Airazor and Tigatron grow closer while discussing a possible future without their tribes.
This page uses content from Transformers Wiki. The original article was at Tigatron. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Transformers Universe MUX, the text of Transformers Wiki is available under the Creative Commons License. |
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