Transformers Universe MUX

As of 02/25/2020 (User:Bzero), Seven Spaceports of Retoris is
Autobots within the territory are viewed indifferently, Decepticons within the territory are viewed indifferently, and Unaffiliated Inhabitants are undisturbed.
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Unlike the restricted military launch pad in Iacon to the north, the Seven Spaceports of Retoris are open to all - even, theoretically, Decepticons. Each of the landing platforms are arranged around a central platform for ease of customs and shopping. With the recent revival of Cybertron, traffic at the spaceports is brisk, with returning colonists mixing easily with alien tourists and mostly-Autobot security. The newly-refurbished tarmacs are smooth and clean -- you can almost forget that Cybertron is in the midst of a crippling civil war.

Locations of Interest[]

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