- Rage is a Decepticon.

Clearly, he is against the machine.
The leader of the Stormtroopers, Rage was very appropriately named. His sole purpose and joy in life is simple: destroy anything that gets in his way. Smash it, dissolve it with his acid spray, run it off a high cliff. There's basically nothing that is safe from his all-consuming fury, including his fellow Decepticons. His nearly-unquenchable lust for carnage, combined with an incredibly sharp mind, plus impressive strength and firepower, all adds up to a Decepticon nobody wants to mess with.
His own subordinates are scared oil-less of him, but know better than to say anything about it within earshot, as that would simply put them in Rage's crosshairs.
- Rage transforms into a Jaguar XJ220 sports car.
Foreign names[]
- Japanese: Rage (レイジ Reiji)
- Dutch: Aquanaught
- French: Aquanaught
- Italian: Murena ("Moray")
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