Transformers Universe MUX

The Starfighter is a space fighter built by G.I. Joe using stolen Cobra technology. Completed in 1993, the Starfighter was intended to be piloted by Sci-Fi. However, budgetary and mechanical issues caused the project to be shut down in 1994 when G.I. Joe was disbanded. In 2015 the Starfighter was finally launched and remains in service.

Active Starfighters[]



  • G.I. Joe Starfighter <Hermes>
  • G.I. Joe Starfighter <Starship Velociraptor>
  • Starfighter <Voyager>
  • G.I. Joe Starfighter <TARDIS>
  • Starfighter <Starbug>
  • Starfighter <Starlight Valkyrie>
  • Starfighter <PHANTOM RACER>


  1. Two liquid-cooled rocket engines
  2. Opening fighter pilot canopy
  3. Navigational control systems computer
  4. Heat-resistant nose cone with internal radar
  5. Turreted Rocket launcher/laser cannon
  6. Two fuel support/coolant hoses
  7. Four Starblaster laser rockets
  8. Pivoting tail fin/landing gear


The Starfighter was created using the same basic technology as the original Cobra Stellar Stiletto, with a modification to the bottom hull to fit the missile launcher. The missile launcher and missile technology were stolen back by Cobra and incorporated into their Invader craft in 1993.


The G.I. Joe Starfighter


The Starfighter was intended to be piloted by Sci-Fi.


The Starfighter was a space fighter built by G.I. Joe. Completed in 1993, the Starfighter was intended to be piloted by Sci-Fi. However, budgetary and mechanical issues caused the project to be shut down in 1994 when G.I. Joe was disbanded.

MUX History[]

In the early 2000s, Sci-Fi pushed to have the program re-started, perhaps with the assistance of Autobot technology. With the shutdown of the US Space Shuttle program in 2011, leaving only the Crusader in service, there has been a renewed push to restart the Starfighter program.

Over Kill and Sci-Fi later stole a Stellar Stiletto when Sci-Fi was captured by Cobra. To prevent Sci-Fi from being executed or further harmed, Over Kill had a BAT fly him into space and land it in Joe safe terroritory. Sci-Fi modified the stolen Stiletto into the first Starfighter flying prototype.

In 2015, the Starfighter was finally launched, to rescue Roadblock from Space Station Delta once the Dreadnoks had taken it over.

In 2021, the Starfighter was transported to Nebulos by Sci-Fi. A second Starfighter, left behind at the Pit, is being refurbished by Corporal Cloudburst and Concealer. Sci-Fi dubbed his Starfighter Starship Velociraptor.

Where are the schematics for this?!

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Both Starfighters have been modified to seat two, a pilot and a Weapon Systems Officer. At the end of 2021, Concealer reported the second Starfighter was finished.

