Transformers Universe MUX

Log Title: One Moment Changed it All

Characters: Banshee , Soundwave , Veritas Prime, IRC , Autobot IC Radio Channel

Location: Titan Cortex Room - Calyhex

Date: May 16, 2022

TP: Liege Maximo TP

Summary: In the day after Primus Pilus strikes Optimus Prime down and the Matrix of Leadership goes 'missing', Soundwave and Veritas wake together after traveling to Calyhex and quietly navigate their new dynamic amidst other ongoings.

As logged by Veritas

Titan Cortex Room[]

This is one of the few rooms where the Titan's holography doesn't come into play. The horrific truth is on display in all of its ragged, spark-wrenching glory. From the damaged access consoles to her master mainframes, to the visibly damaged main cortical cortex with its blackened sectors, all that is this titan is on display. Debris has been cleared and some sense of the madness of cabling has been tamed, several opened panels showing new patch cable work, new connections and thick trunking bundles twisting upwards like fibrous trees into the ceiling. Extreme efforts have been made on slowly recovering this room, but so much still lies damaged.

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "Hey uuhhh.. Soo I know this is farking /weird/ but I think it maay not be a good idea to kick Sounders from the com"

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "Can't keep him off fer long even when we try. I just always assume he's on"

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "I mean, yeah"

<<Autobot>> Spike says, "We try - but like a good hacker, he seems to find ways to weave in."

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "Soundwave considers it: Personal challenge."

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "Pffft"

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "Like me locked to a magtable.... or kept out of people's offices"

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "But really, with how Megs is acting, Ghost-- Veritas, maybe.. Yeaah may need to tag team in this game of bullslag"

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "Fighting fair isn't gonna work on him. An honor duel is just offerin yerself up fer slaughter. Anyone who comes across them should call fer help and run. Because there's no guarantee if you run that yer gettin away."

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "I could try talking to him."

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "I'd not do that Sounders, and if ya do, be /real/ careful"

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "If he really is 'roided' up, slags gonna be... unexpected."

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "Has anyone tried it yet? Approach him when the rage is in embers instead of the flames?"

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "Dunno man, I've not exactly... how the frag could any of us even /try/ that? know?"

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "Ravage did. Last night. he lives."

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "I mean fair, but thats another Decepticon"

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "And Im not?"

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "I was mostly pointing out none of us could, due to being Autobots"

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "kinda turns into murder mode right away"

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "well maybe if he wasn't mocked and glittered..."

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "Ehhh I dunno about that"

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "Still"

<<Autobot>> Jetfire says, "Has it been determined if that was even Megatron last night? He identified himself as such?"

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "doesn't matter what faction ya are, yer all Cybertronians. And some of the mechs killed by him so far have been Decepticons also or at least Decepticon leanin neutrals."

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "Jetfire. I know him. More than anyone. I have been Megatron's right hand for longer then Earth's species have been sentient."

<<Autobot>> Spike says, "So, that is a confirmation, Soundwave?"

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "That's his rage. But I think it's.. somethings wrong with it if that makes sense."

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "The mocking and glitter have been the only thing that has allowed us to distract him from outright killing his opponents. It would help if people stopped gettin in that position with him."

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "Its him. That I do not doubt. I think I've learned flat out antagonizing him does not work."

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "Anyone else see something behind that rage. Could Optimus Prime alone cause that much fury? Is that typical?"

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "I wasn't there so I can't say, but it does... sound odd."

<<Autobot>> Spike says, "I don't know why Optimus took the bait. I remember back in '84, Megatron found a way to combine all the Decepticons' powers on Earth - once he did, he challenged Prime to an honor duel. Megatron would only challenge Prime if he KNEW he could win...and given that portal where he reemerged, there's no telling WHAT he got over in that world that gave him the power he has now."

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "I remember a few months ago Autobot and Decepticons fighting the fallen. fighting the Quintessons before that. Side by side. Under his leadership."

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "Perhaps your ...matrix is behind..."

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "I mean its more Cybertrons matrix, but really, I'm pretty sure its just megs on somethin'."

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "least what everything points to"

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "just running by options while its calm and quieter."

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "Nothin' wrong with that, gotta consider everything"

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "I know he has seeded chaos, and worse. Doubt among my people. Since his return."

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "Pretty sure your people haven't earned that. If only Megatron showed this much passion in unitin Cybertron"

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "He did. Once."

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "he still does."

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "He wants it united. But his direction is flawed."

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "Can you still call it united when everyone is dead?"

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "Until All are one."

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "I mean, thats one morbid way of lookin' at it. Ahahah"

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "Do you want Megatron to be the only mech left?"

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "No. And I don't think he does either. Or perhaps he does."


Soundwave starts to stir where he went to sleep. He reaches out his arms for his ...Veritas, optics still dimmed.

Veritas Prime rouses.. slowly from where she collapsed the evening prior. Plating that had tucked tightly around her like an armored cocoon shifts, slowly working through movement cycles as she boots up, completely.

Soundwave has held her close as long as she allowed it. He feels Veritas stirring and without even turning on his optics, he starts to stroke her softly.

Veritas Prime's systems humm softly, internal engine thrumming, even at rest. One set of finials twitches, then the other before her visor slowly brightens.. Plating ripples at the stroking, away at first, then more and more relaxing into the touch. "Feels..." soft murmur, "Different."

Soundwave pauses. "It is, my muse. It is. You need ..kaff? Anything?" he asks, his voice sounding staticy and exhausted. "Last night happened."

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "Yer call cannot be completed as dialed... please check yer number and try yer call again....<<giggles>"

<<Autobot>> Spike says, "Stop it"

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "don't mind him guys, he's on pain meds."

Veritas Prime continues to slowly rouse, there's a lot of new things, patterns to integrate. Her plating ripples and shifts here and there before she speaks again, "Oh... That explains the voices..."

Soundwave pauses. "Tell them one at a time, my muse. Relax... let them come slowly. Control... the sounds."

Veritas Prime hrmphs before sitting up, plating bristling as she looks around, "Omen? Rock Out? Vizier? Ringtone? Where are my.. Are they -okay?!"

Soundwave pauses. "If they aren't docked, they are fine." He says. "They will know they can go to my cadre. They will know you are safe. They will return when you want them to."

Veritas Prime shifts, agitated as she reaches out to try and 'touch' her cadre, plating rippling, additional armoring beneath shifting around as well. "Omen. I sense Omen. She's.. She's .. ok. She's ok.."

Soundwave nods "Good. Good. She'll watch out for the rest of them. Omen's a good bird..." He says.

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "Hey Sounders, DD just brought up something, Megatron was after the matrix? any idea why?"

Veritas Prime hnns and leans forward, shifting the plating along her back and those panels that drape awkwardly. "No. She's docked just.. Under the.. wings?"

Soundwave nods "Good good." he relaxes "Then they all are. Your wings are magnificent."

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "the power perhaps? He knows its free? Hrm."

<<Autobot>> Starlock says, "Yeah but like.. wouldn't it reject him? or like.. be unable to use it?? Like.. I'm pretty sure he knows that already, right?"

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> *halos*

Veritas Prime winces, looking around then back at Soundwave. Her visor brightens, "Soundwave you can't.. You can't be here with me! He'd /kill/ you! She.. we .. *I* need you alive, safe. I'm a.. Oh.. Oooooh frag.. Ohh frag me sideways with a skidster. Frag me, feck, frag, slag, fek.. Oh. this is a friggin' mess. I'm a.. Am I a?" She gestures wildly.

Soundwave pauses. "He'll kill me regardless. I'd rather die by your side." He says. "Chosen one."

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> I mean ...its not that I don't appreciate the fire.

Veritas Prime tenses, looking at Soundwave. Those paneled wings rattle behind her, scraping anything they rub against. Plating shifts, something beneath it rippling like eels in the deep ocean. "What did you do that he would kill you regardless?" choosing words cautiously.

Soundwave pauses. "I am in open communique with the Autobots." He says. "We are in agreement that this is not... the direction the empire should head."

Veritas Prime settles, something still seethe-rippling beneath her plating in agitation, metallic hisses of something rubbing against her heavier armoring. "Soundwave.. That was.. This is.. very brave of you, to do such a thing. Are. you certain you want to walk this road with me? I don't know where it's going and I know.. I -know- I, we, she.. I remember.. that you do not like /Primes/. And I fragged up. Look at this mess."

Soundwave nods "He does not represent the cause we fought for. Would a true Decepticon .... fight for his destruction?" He asks. "I don't know where I'm going either. But we will walk into the fire together. It's not your fault the Matrix.. did that."

Veritas Prime blinks and pulls Soundwave into her lap, curling around him, panels folding around the two. "I panicked. I transformed to escape, forgetting that I was trying to keep it out of my own frame."

Soundwave pauses. "You did what you needed to." He strokes her wings, holding her close. "You did what the accursed object fated you to. We will handle this. Together."

Veritas Prime snorts, "I panicked. That was stupid of me. Even in root mode, I'm still one of the fastest aerial-born." She smooths hands across Soundwave, checking absently for damages, fingertips poking into seams to groom him. "Like it was my first execution level event." a snort, "I didn't expect Optimus to -give- it to me."

Soundwave pauses. "Well it was you or him. You were the fastest. He knows..." He leans in. He's a bit battered up, his finials have dents in them in perfect shapes of his hands but otherwise he's alright. His own fingers move around her, looking for damages as well. "You handled it as well as you could. He knows you are wise and would keep it safe."

Veritas Prime murmurs, "I didn't want it to kill my brother, you know." words soft, sad, hurt. "I knew.. that if he tried to use it. It'd destroy him. Outright.. or whatever's left." Rumbling her engine, "I.. She.. and I. We both agree, Cybertron first. This is -hard- and I'm so sorry, Soundwave. I.. I didn't want to be the reason your anchor crumbled."

Soundwave buries his head in her neck softly. "I know. If your brother is still your brother. He would have destroyed himself with it. My anchor was built on lies. You are my one truth in this lifetime."

Veritas Prime tucks arms around the, to her, oddly smaller Soundwave and holds him close. "Your anchor was built on a strong foundation. But time erodes even the strongest without care and maintenance."

Soundwave pauses. "Was that foundation true or lies. If not. I towards the foundation I originally saw rather then what we were deceived into seeing.."

Soundwave sends a radio transmission.

Soundwave sends a radio transmission.

Soundwave sends a radio transmission.

Veritas Prime chuckles softly, "We.. were called Decepticons for a reason after some time. We grew into the name as much as it defined our forms and thoughts."

Banshee has arrived.

Soundwave nods "Live a lie long enough you not only become it, but you learn to know it." he says. Veritas is wrapped around him and he's holding her, not wanting to let go. "I should have known better. I'm a master of them.."

Banshee approaches, making sure to be heard not to startle the pair. Calyhex has presumably alerted them to her arrival, but the sound of her heels on the floor heralds her approach.

Veritas Prime is leaned back in a corner, back against the wall. Soundwave seems to be in her lap with her wing plates curved around them both as they quietly talk. She's visor'd and masked, an interesting looking feminoid. "I, too, believed in everything we did. Until I couldn't. I... she.. we lived through the lost years. Cybertron is coming back from the long winters sleep. Who would we be if I let it fall once more?"

Soundwave murmurs "I got to thinking. We are all created by Primus to fight his war. If more hot spots are forming that means more warriors. Something is gearing up."

Banshee blinks at what she's seeing, tilting her head. "Um..." she says.

Soundwave murmurs. "It's alright, Banshee." he says, hearing his voice. His optics are shut and his visor is dark. "It's her." he says.

Veritas Prime's visor dims slightly, "These things come in waves. Each time we learn anew to work together. Then we break apart. But such things come faster and faster... And we work together more and more often. I do wish there was less death th-." she trails off, pushing to her feet, -setting- Soundwave behind her as those back panels span and lock, listening to the footsteps. "Speak quickly." Armor plating angling, flexing as something seethes beneath it.

Banshee looks up "I was about to ask you to do the same." Banshee says, calmly. "Namely, two things. First, why are you zo... wrapped around my friend. As far as I know, he only has eyes for one. Second, this is a /very/ sensitive part of zer titan, why are you here? You could harm her, stranger."

Then Soundwave's words sink in. "It's... oh, sheiss..."

Veritas Prime tilts her head, visor brightening as there's a bark of a laugh, strained, stressed, perhaps a bit on the manic side, "Yeah, that's a good word for it. Can we -not-.. go.. leaking this out just.. yet. She and I.. we.. I.. It's -fragged- up." Still positioned between Banshee and Soundwave, still bristling. And.. taller. And wider.. And -very- well armored.

Banshee blinks "Ghost... or... if that name still applies, it's me. Banshee... Primus I need some kaff." She pulls out her flask, the fragrant smell of the rich Germanic blend filling the air. She take a sip, and then walks closer - holding it out. "If you don't remember me yet you should at least remember this."

Banshee adds "And if you are not Ghost... well, you look like you need zis anyvay."

Veritas Prime cycles systems, things clicking and humming then nods. "Kaff would be appreciated, Cityspeaker Banshee of Trypticon." A tilt of her head, "And a straw. As you see." she gestures, "Mask. It seems important."

Soundwave pauses "It's safe..." he says perhaps to both of them. "I'd move to get you some kaff, but.. processor ache's keeping me down today."

Banshee nods, pouring a cube of kaff and putting a straw in and handing it over. She takes the opportunity to get a look over Veritas, sliding another cube over to Soundwave. "Please, just Banshee. You've known me long enough. Bigger than you were... I suppose that comes mit zer Matrix though. I guess zat makes you a Prime zen, Ghost? Or... what should I call you? The name feels... wrong."

Veritas Prime nods, taking the kaff carefully. A pause to look at her hands, then a cycling of air through many intakes and out again. "The formality felt right, Fraulein." Tilt of her head, "I'm.. Not Ghost but am? It's... I remember things but a great many are still as if I read them in a book or saw them on a broadcast." A small port opens on the mask and she sips the kaff. "Veritas, if you would please."

Soundwave just sits very still, optics half dimmed. "I like the name. Veritas." he murmurs distantly.

Banshee nods "Veritas." She says softly. "It suits you." She looks between Soundwave and Veritas again, laughing as an absurd thought hits her. "Well, that answers that, hey Soundwave? You won't bend your knee to a Prime, but you will love her." She grins, no malice on her face or in her tone. Then her face returns to it's serious look. "Your secret is safe mit..." She pauses. "Us. I cannot keep it a secret from Him, but I can promise that we will tell no others."

<OOC> Banshee says, "Veritas. Truth."

<OOC> Banshee says, "I found Truth for Trypticon."

<OOC> Soundwave says, "d'aww :)"

Soundwave murmurs "I love the spark not the title..." he says softly.

Veritas Prime sips the kaff again then turns, looking at Soundwave. Finials prick forward for a moment before she bends, setting the kaff aside and ever so carefully scooping Soundwave up as if he were a delicate maiden. Bridal hold. She nods and settles herself back down on the floor, tucking him to her chest. "Drink your energon, cyar'ika. Please. You look rough. And we've only just started this road."

<< >> <Watcher>

Banshee chuckles at the old Cybertron. If she had any doubts before, they're gone now. "Please, it's the good stuff." She says to Soundwave, sitting at the first available console.

Soundwave lifts his mask just enough to take a sip. His optics light up some more, his battered finials start to move upwards again "Thank you. Both of you. It's a lot to take in."

<< >> <Watcher> also going to dedicate this song to the newcomer

<< >> <Watcher>

Veritas Prime nods, plating shifting as a... well.. it's a cable, prehensile, thick like a primary datacable but the plating arrangement is new, as are the biolights, snakes out from beneath her wings to snag her kaff with a set of flexible claspers on the end. She brings it to her facemask and sips again, visor focused on her close friend a moment before looking at Banshee, "I fragged up. Badly." she admits, tone flattening. "I panicked. This.." cable waving in lieu of her hands, "Was not my plan. Never the plan, never even a consideration. And now." She shakes her head, "I've.. a different focus."

Banshee nods softly. "I can't imagine how it would ever be part of the plan." Banshee agrees. "A different focus? What's that?"

Veritas Prime snorts, "I thought.. All of what I'd ever read about the Matrix was that it was a leadership determinator for -Autobots-. To attempt to touch it, use it as a Decepticon was to invite your own destruction in." Tilt of her head, "That was.. incorrect." She sips, "I don't know. All I get is a general sense of something -greater- than just those that walk the Autobot path and those that walk the Decepticon path. We are -all- Cybertronians. This is our -home-, We've only the one." Finials slick back and down, voice sliding softer, "War.. Is it's an -illusion-..."

Soundwave murmurs. "That thing has plans of its own. We can adjust. change plans. We are decepticons. That will not change..this is just a new challenge to our beliefs."

Banshee blinks and listens, sighing. "Lot of challenges to those beliefs around at zer moment." she says, with a shrug. "My loyalty is to Trypticon. That can't change."

Veritas Prime nods, "Yes, learning to navigate my own impulses verses the voices is going to be interesting." She sips her kaff, "I've never been really -good- at controlling my desires for things I really /want/."

Soundwave murmurs "One night can change so much."

Banshee nods softly. "If... we can help at all, we will."

Veritas Prime's visor flickers, "So much for one panicked moment. I"m so sorry. I really am." she murmurs, wings creaking to curve around herself and Soundwave again.

Banshee chuckles "One can change a lot in one moment." she says. "The important part is you're still alive."

Soundwave murmurs "It's not your fault. You said.. you hear voices?"

Veritas Prime nods slowly. "That is true - I am alive, yes." She settles back, tipping head to rest against the wall. "I need to.. process." Pause, "Sortof? Murmurs from a distance. It could be memories working their way back into place though. Excuse me.. I'm.. yes.. short little nap.."

Soundwave nods "I think I will as well." he says curling around her "Thank you both for the visit."

Banshee smiles "I will keep Calyhex company. It has been too long since I sang for her."

Soundwave nods "She enjoys the singing." the lights flicker almost welcomely. "I think. She seems content with friends here."

Banshee nods "She likes music." Banshee smiles. "Music heals zer spark, and Primus knows she has a lot of healing to do. It is true what they say, you know. The greatest evil can only be done by those convinced - utterly convinced - they are doing the right thing."

Soundwave looks around at some of the still frayed wiring. "She's repairing slowly. I hope we can convince her that we're allies."

Banshee nods, and smiles. "The word you're looking for is friends. She needs friends more than allies at the moment."

Soundwave nods "She has some now. I believe the skittering ones around here are a part of her and friendly as well."

Banshee smiles "Yes, probably repair drones." She says. "Or something similar. I will leave you in peace and sing to her."

Soundwave nods "If you want. Thank you for coming by."

Administrator's Office.[]

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' Veritas. Dust Devil and Spike want to speak with you.'

<< >> <Watcher> So it begins.

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' be careful with them. They'll want a prime. a leader.'

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "Why? Do they know or guess? Or are they looking to talk to Ghost?" to Soundwave.

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' It is ghost. I am confirming.'

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "Well that is problematic.." to Soundwave.

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' be VERY careful. they may know.'

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "Even I can tell my voice is different... And how I talk." to Soundwave.

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' I know they may have guessed though.'

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' It is confirmed. they know.'

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "Frag. They can't -know-. They know she ran.. I ran... That the Matrix was taken away after Optimus asked." to Soundwave.

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' they said they are looking for ghost as a matrix bearer. they know. They will expect a Prime. Be VERY careful.'

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, " Well.. frag.. I can't." to Soundwave.

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' I know...'

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' what cant you do?'

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "can't -lie-. Can't give them false hope either. I'll radio. Who wants to talk to 'Ghost'." to Soundwave.

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' Dust Devil and Spike.'

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' Old matrix bearer and titanmaster/diplomat'

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "Well I can't radio them both... Frag.. Primus fraggity frag frag on a pogostick" to Soundwave.

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' I will give you access to their networks.'

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "Soundwave might be patching Ghost into our networks. Please be polite."

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "<Clicking as a signal patches> Pathing through. Standby."

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "Their High Command might take offense but here we go.." to Soundwave.

<<Autobot>> Veritas Prime (Ghost) ahems, "You do know the entire idea of running and hiding away is to not be tracked down, yes?"

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "Well...yes. But I was worried about ya. And there are some that are a bit panicked. Glad that you escaped safely."

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' well you are a Prime... if anyone argues remind them'

<<Autobot>> Spike says, "Heyah - how are you, Ghost?"

<<Autobot>> Elita One says, "Well, this is most unexpected."

<<Autobot>> Spike says, "For what it's worth - it's good to hear your voice. Are you OK?"

<<Autobot>> Elita One says, "Ghost....What are your intentions?"

<<Autobot>> Veritas Prime (Ghost) "Yes well. Hello Autobots. I'm alive, and safe. And your Matrix is undamaged as well."

<<Autobot>> Veritas Prime (Ghost) says, "My intentions, Elita One? Stay in one piece and keep the disco ball of destiny out of a certain someone's hands."

<<Autobot>> Elita One says, "Will you meet with us?"

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "Fraaaaag" to Soundwave.

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' relax. calm. if you want ask if you can bring me along to make sure they dont do anything suspicious.'

<<Autobot>> Veritas Prime (Ghost) says, "Errr.. That doesn't fill me with warm and soothing thoughts. I'm not going to put myself into a position where I'm going to be ambushed. Let me.. Get myself a better hiding place and get back to you.""

<<Autobot>> Elita One says, "I would come alone, Ghost. But perhaps a neutral setting would work as well, one of your choosing. Harmonex, Valvolux, Polyhex perhaps?"

<<Autobot>> Veritas Prime (Ghost) says, "And a mug of kaff and something to fill my tanks with. That was.. frighteningly exhausting that level of panicked stupidity."

<<Autobot>> Spike says, "Would you prefer to meet with any one of us specifically?"

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' of course. Alone. Be /very/ cautious.'

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "You bein safe is important."

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "I'm never alone.. She wasn't, I'm not either.. I need to find the rest of my symbiotes." to Soundwave.

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' bring mine if you have to'

<<Autobot>> Spitze says in a clearly disapproving tone, "Me Spitze."

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "Not for the safety aspect. because I'm worried about them. How the change felt to them. If they think I'm dead again. Vizier does nt take to my epic shenanigans as well as the others do. It makes him nervous and fretful." to Soundwave.

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' I will keep them informed if they ask.'

<<Autobot>> Sideswipe says, "An.. Question."

<<Autobot>> Sideswipe says, "For you, Veritas."

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "If ya need some refreshments, I can see about droppin some off fer ya in a few hours fer someone to pick up."

<<Autobot>> Veritas Prime (Ghost) says, tone sliding thoughtful, "Is there really anyplace neutral left on our planet? After all we have done to the people, to the planet itself? All for what?... I digress.. Where to meet and when Elita is a good question. Let me refuel where I am, reach out to me privately and you and I can discuss. It won't be immediate. I need to handle some things."

<<Autobot>> Veritas Prime (Ghost) says, "I suspect your security team is having mechana-kittens hearing me on your comms as it is. Soundwave, if you would break the connection please. And let them have their communications."

<<Autobot>> Sideswipe says, "This is unfortunately unrelated to that, to you, and that glowy thing, Ghost."

<<Autobot>> Elita One says, "I see..."

(Radio) Dust Devil sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' Ghost, I will be movin to meet up with Alpha Trion. Is there any information you require? I'd offer to lead you down ta him, but figured you might not be ready. If nothin else I can at least bring back some information.'

<<Autobot>> Sideswipe says, "If it were about any of those things it'd be a lot simpler. but, do I have your okay?"

<<Autobot>> Soundwave says, "Confirmed <Connection to Ghost Broken>"

<<Autobot>> Elita One says, "I'm afraid we'll have to table that for another day..."

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "Okay ice is broken, ya know she's alive."

<<Autobot>> Dust Devil says, "Don't forget how she was treated last time she was with the bots. Yer gonna have ta take it easy with her."

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "tell that (censored) old goatacron (censored) that next time I see him I'm going to ram my fist so far up (censored) that he's going to taste the flavor of my nailpolish for -vorn-. What the everloving frag Alpha Trion.. He needs to make sure you all get Optimus sorted so I don't have to live my life in hiding protecting somethign I damn well didn't ask for. Mother-fragging sticky fingered know-it-all smirker." to Dust Devil.

Surface of Calyhex <Titan>[]

The surface of the Titan reflects the ages old scaring and recent repairs performed in Praxus.

(Radio) Dust Devil sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, 'Permission ta quote you directly? <ow...> Again if you need anythin, I can deliver pretty much anywhere. Encore likes ya And I get along with Maccadam.'

Veritas Prime is sitting atop the titan Calyhex in her city phase, tucked between spires, looking upwards at the sky. She has a mug in one hand with a straw, using that to drink through a mask while pondering deep thoughts*tm.

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "yes you can quote me. I'd come down there myself.. wait. that's not a bad idea, he can handle the.. thing.." to Dust Devil.

<< >> <Watcher> Interesting.

(Radio) Dust Devil sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, 'I am willing to give you safe passage there and back as needed.'

Sparkles of blue white light start to infringe on the outside of your vision. Within seconds, the body freezes up, the mug of kaf falls from your grasp, as your newly forged frame slumps over as blue white light fills your gaze.


There's a strange metal on metal sound as your eyes clear a bit. An orange light with a tall blackness before it. Together the two object seem reminiscent of a large organic eye, but as your senses start to come back, in this vivid, blue and white void, a voice can be heard.

"should know....that I am not your enemy."

Veritas Prime's systems freeze, that precious kaff dropped, spilling the wonderful concoction across the metal surface. She slumps, optics widening, panic filled for a moment. Senses pushing to make sense, gain clarity, scan, seek information before attempting a response, "Friends... don't.. freeze.. friends.."

"I didn't freeze you. I had nothing to do with it."

The blackened silhouette shifts a bit, its unclear if its looking towards you, or away. Again there's that metal on metal sound, and orange light. "I have chosen a good time to look in on you. I had long been curious." The figure turns halfway towards you, a slender femme, though any details of her are hidden by shadow. "Will you answer me a question?" The metal sound stops, "Have you upheld your vow?"

Veritas Prime's finials give a twitch, or attempt, optics flickering as she listens, watches, studies. A pause as her frame shifts, plating twitching here and there, other metallic whispers echoing from beneath the denser armoring. "I've upheld all vows I've given until I was released from them by the other. Which vow are you talking about?"

The voice that replies is one of quiet presence, powerful and understated. Slowly the figure moves forward towards you, eventually revealing herself. A femme with no markings, and a burnished helm that covers her full face, her mantle that of some scaled hide of a creature. In her hand, she holds a forging hammer. "I know not, I only know what I would expect to happen." The armorer regards you from your seated position, "What trauma occurred to you to put you in such a position?"

(Radio) Soundwave sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, ' if you're someplace safe and need me let me know. I'm..returning to work.'

Veritas Prime blinks, walking through a mental checklist as it were. Cycling air, insuring systems aren't reporting damage, cycling archival connections, the usual. There is the slightest tilt of her visored and masked face, visor glowing blue for a brief moment, "I fragged up. I panicked and.. this..." she waves a hand at herself, "Is the end result. Trauma? Life is a series of traumas and experiences, you learn from them and grow, become more than you were." Optics flicker, and she notes softly, "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> So. yeah.

<< >> <<<Buttercup>>> yes my stars?

<< >> <<Whirlwind>> Is someone throwing themselves down a hill yelling as you wish?

The figure doesn't seem to respond to the philosophy. "It was enough so that I noticed. As I had said, I had long been curious about my....'other half', long after I had found out the similarities between our worlds." She steps away from you, off to a blurred area that can't quite be made out, "and used a tiny piece of my own spark to fuel a device that would look for sympathetic resonances. Your resonance. No sooner do I finally complete it, when I see you very nearly die, or something as bad."

Veritas Prime snorts, looking at the spilled kaff, "I've died before. I'll die again. It's what happens between the deaths that matters most. I've kept all my oaths, even when the other has broken theirs. Because my word is my word. Truth is far more of a weapon than lies." Another tilting of her head, "I spilled my kaff. I needed that.." Wary tone now, "Other half? I'm sorry, I'm already spoken for. Nice mech, bit short now.."

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> Heeh.

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> Just lettin the world know..

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> If PP tries what he did to Stanix with Polyhex it wont go well.

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> He'll be beggin the Autobots show up and safe his aft.


She returns to you, "But you don't understand who I am." Though still shady, her form seems to express a bit of impatience or disdain. "'Truth' is indeed a weapon. Many a mech damn themselves over the truth more than any lie. I will ask you one further question, and then you will have one for me." She pauses for a moment, "What is the end result you wish for?"

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> ok ok ...

Veritas Prime's optics narrow behind her new visor, "Do you know who I am?" she asks in turn. "Truth isn't something you go out and -find-. It is wide, vast, unending and all you can every hope to see is a tiny part of it. And to take what you see, that sliver, and mistake it for the whole is to make Truth itself a -lie-." Finials flicking forward, panels behind her creaking softly as she 'sorts' herself out. "I don't know who you are, no. But I also recognize that I don't know -everything- and never will. As for the end result I wish for? That's between me and myself and what I learn as I go."

She only cryptically confirms your words, "It IS between you and yourself."

That blue and white light starts to trickle through your vision again, spreading to the makeshift flooring of the void in which you converse. "Although I can be spared the philosophy, we should be able to work together."

The walls of the strange room, and the boxes and decorations all glow in the blue white light. "You'll find that forever isn't forever, at the end of all things."

Your acquaintance's feet start to glow the same color as she starts to discorporate, her body dissolving into motes of light, "You know who I am."

As her features disappear into the blinding light, words hang on the air "I am you."

and then you awaken from your vision, spilt kaf on the top of the titan, the night sky visible, and all things quiet.

Veritas Prime is slumped over, sitting atop Calyhex, between spires, a mug laying on its side near her, contents spilled. And is rousing from.. something or another.

Banshee steps out of the main entrance, her heels clacking on the ferrocrete. She's oblivious to anyone else around as she pulls out an enercig, inserts it into a long holder, and lights it, taking a pull.

Veritas Prime's systems cycle out of whatever moment she was having and she climbs to her feet with a litany of words that'd peel paint. Most of which revolves around her spilled kaff. A shake of her head, a mournful study of the mug, poking with straw to see if there's anything left before, "Bugger. Bollocks, fraggit.. Of all the diode blowing.. hnnk." Footfalls, silent still despite her changes and she rounds a crenellation, stopping with a "Hello Banshee."

GAME: Banshee FAILS an INTELLIGENCE roll of Above Average difficulty.

GAME: Banshee FAILS an INTELLIGENCE roll of Above Average difficulty.

Banshee blinks at the expletives, looking over just as Veritas comes into view. "Hallo Veritas. I think I caught the gist of that..." she says, pulling her insulated flask off her belt and giving it a shake. "I think I still have two cubes' worth left."

Soundwave has arrived.

Veritas Prime ooohs, visor brightening, "Thank you Banshee. I had a.. moment. And spilled my (censored) kaff." She takes the flask, stares at it a moment before, "Oh -come on-..." working to unlock her mask so she can drink. She gets it to split down the middle, sliding underneath hel-guards and takes a drink. "Oh that's.. You are an -angel-." Visor brightens, "Er... can I get an enercig too. I think I left mine.. Actually I'm not sure where mine are. Omen ran off with the last pack I remember having."

Banshee pours the two cubes of kaff and nods, proffering over the pack. "Ja, of course." She says with a smile. "My kaff is quite unique, you know." She says. "Like the Benzin, brewed with mein crew back in the luftwaffe. They described it to me, in detail, good human coffee... reminiscing, of course, of what they could not have while drinking battlefield coffee rations. This is as close as I can replicate to what they described; a rich aroma, a deep, complex flavour, and of course, the strong kaff kick."

Soundwave sees the two on the roof and flies up to join them "Ah, greetings. Sorry I had to take off there. Dealing with Ravage." he says. "How are you both doing?"

Veritas Prime oohs and takes the offered mug, lower half of her face exposed now and then an enercig. "It is unique. And I always feel grateful when you make it and share, banshee. It's something important to you and you share your own unique history through it, using it as a means to retain your own links to your past." softly spoken before she lights that cig with a, "Okay the random moments of philosophical thinking are -newish-." Then turning, visor brightening, lips curving into a smile, "Soundwave! I am.. I'm better. I spilled my kaff but Banshee is sharing hers."

Soundwave nods "Good. Good. How are you adjusting to your new body?"

Banshee smiles "I don't have much past to remember." she shrugs. "So I treasure the fact that it has been so enriched. I would offer you some, but... without fresh energon, I can't brew any more. I have my stove and kaff, if we can find some..."

Veritas Prime sips and smiles, "Cherish the ones you do have. I've seen you do that you know. Talk about the ones you remember with such fondness." A tilt of her head, "I.. Got up here and decided to sky watch and let my mind wander a bit first. I haven't. Honestly... I haven't even transformed yet. It feels -different-."

Banshee chuckles and holds up her enercig in its holder. "I came up here for a smoke. I don't like smoking inside while Calyhex heals."

Soundwave pauses. "It's just like a new body. It will take getting used to." he says, staying back so the two can talk.

Veritas Prime tilts her head slightly sipping, and taking a drag. "Everything's.. center of gravity is weird. I'm -heavier-." Panels behind her give a swing-wiggle. "Wings feel different, new HUD command lines. All my careful setup from before is useless." She peers at Banshee, "You seem.. not too upset with.." she waves a hand at herself, "This." Considering, "For Trypticon's safety, he needs to know to not share what he learns from you. I don't want him or you being used as some sort of bait." Sip, drag, finial wiggle. "Soundwave, what was the cat doing now?"

Soundwave pauses. "He brought your old body to the lab in case you need it." he shakes his head.

Banshee shrugs a little, with a sip of her kaff. "The world has turned upside down, Optimus has fallen, unt zer matrix has given mein best friend a new body." She takes a pull of her cigarette. "Unt I have to stay calm because if I don't Trypticon might vig out... it's been a hell of a day. I think after Optimus fell my capacity for zer unusual... overloaded."

Veritas Prime gestures, "This.. was an accident. As soon as I can, I'm returning it. To Alpha Trion if I have to stuff it up his (censored) and use my hand to (censored) to get it to stick."

Banshee laughs softly. "I don't blame you. I imagine it's been a hell off a day for you as vell."

Soundwave makes a strange snicker. "That's one way to put it."

Veritas Prime puts her hand over her mouth, visor bright, "I think I'm missing some filters?" tone chagrined.

Soundwave chuckles. "I like it that way."

Veritas Prime snorts and drinks more kaff before offering her cube to Soundwave, "It's good. And the idea of the cat with one of my old bodies.. is hella sketchy, Soundwave."

Soundwave pauses. "It is in my lab. I will keep an optic on it for you." oh like thats better. He takes the cube and opens his mask just enough to take a sip "Thank you."

Banshee chuckles "Missing filters? If that's the worst problem you're doing well considering."

Veritas Prime mmmhmms, "You're welcome." She peers upwards, flexing panels behind her, then notes, "I hope the old fragger takes it back." I need to find a place to take refuge in that -isn't- a target, past or present."

Soundwave nods "Understandable. I do not envy you. There's voices with it?" he asks.

Veritas Prime ahhs.. "Low level ambient.. noise is.. more like it. It's -odd-."

Soundwave pauses. "If you can try to focus on the noises more local. It works for me to handle it one at a time."

Veritas Prime finishes the enercig and hands Soundwave the kaff cube. "I'm going to walk through transformation sequences. I don't want to need them and flip out."

Soundwave nods "Good point. Slowly." He takes the cube. "If its too much, revert."

Banshee nods softly "Ja. Take it slow, you're with friends. If you need help - ask."

Veritas Prime takes several steps back, cycling sequences up, t-cog priming, pun intended. "Engaging weapons co.. cores.." baffled frown as her mask slides back into place. "Powering up.. oh.. that's new..." trailing off, lost in her own HUD for a click before, "Alright, walking through secondary." Slowly.. slowly transforming, expanding, plating shifting, interlocking.

The lines are similar to her old interceptor frame, but amplified. Heavier armor, sized to transport and still run down other ships. A tetra-transport, complete with an engine bank for atmospheric and ftl.

Banshee blinks and low whistles. "Haven't seen one of those in this lifetime." she says. "I remember escorting them occasionally. Surprisingly agile, despite its size."

Veritas Prime sits there, engines cycling through pre-ignition sequences. "This feels.. good." voice echoed softly, flight members twitching forward, back, edges raising and lowering flaps and the like. "Oh. I've cargo capacity - holy.. great.. well.. Mass sifting is amazing, I've ample carry space.."

Soundwave scans Veritas " are as beautiful in this mode as the other. Amazing." he seems in awe.

Banshee chuckles softly, taking a pull of her smoke

Veritas Prime rumbles her engines in what was intended as a pleased 'purr'.. It vibrates the plating she's settled on. "Well then.." pulsing running lights, "Lets see what this does..." tick.. tick -transform-.

The craft compresses, armoring locking over plating, engines twisting, aligning into twinned stacks, stabilizers ratcheting out, compacting to a degree. And she sits there. pulsing concentric rings of biolights.. or weapons core indicators racing up and down the twinned barrel artillery unit now sitting there.

Banshee blinks "That's a big cannon." she says softly. "Can't tell what type, two long barrels."

Soundwave blinks in surprise "A third... Primus. That's amazing..."

The artillery 'gun' tilts barrels, up, down, testing elevations before there's a series of click-pops and the two begin to shift independently of one another. "Oh this feels.. -weird-.. I've got -two- barrels. targeting reticule.. sync paths, high gain input.. there's.. the .. hmm capacitor arrays, plasmic induction coils and containment baffles, there's.. ohh. parallel serial ionization chambers? Oh.. oh. this.. This is.. -ugly- dangerous."

Soundwave nods "And chosen for you. Its magnificent. Horrible. And beautiful."

Banshee nods softly. "A particle cannon, impressive." she says softly. "Yes, vicious is the right word I think."

<< >> <Voidwalker> uhg.. i'm awake

<< >> <<Whirlwind>> didn't burn the place down yet....give us some more time.

<< >> <Watcher> Good morning.

<< >> <Voidwalker> morn.. no one did anything dumb to pressure ya' lot, did they?

<< >> <Watcher> No. Thank you for your concern.

<< >> <Voidwalker> good..

<< >> <Voidwalker> you'll have to talk to her about letting it go at some point, BUT, when your ready.

<< >> <<Whirlwind>> Told everyone ta behave....not like they really listen ta me.

<< >> <Voidwalker> fair, they'll listen to me tho

<< >> <Voidwalker> I have been trained in Ratchet-Wrench-Fu.

<< >> <Voidwalker> like.. i'm pretty sure you two don't want anything to do with that thing, but uhh.. need to make plans cause I'm preeeetty sure this will have uh.. lasting after effects

Veritas Prime reverses part of the sequence slowly transforming back to root mode, wing panels flexing outwards, edges glinting dangerously before she tucks and looks at her hands, "I'm a -weapon-. It turned me into.. a -weapon-. What madness is this?"

Banshee blinks "You already had a rifle mode. Perhaps it turned what existed already up to 11."

Soundwave pauses "Increased your abilities....maximized what you had.." he says. "We are all weapons. To it. To Primus."

<< >> <Watcher> Oh trust me.

<< >> <Watcher> I dont think you'd have a problem if you asked for it back.

<< >> <Voidwalker> Ahahah I figured as much!

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> Asked for what back?

<< >> <Voidwalker> Just take a few days, plan what ya'll gonna do after, and let her rest

<< >> <Watcher> As the humans say. Your mom.

<< >> <Voidwalker> AHAHAH!

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> Ha!

<< >> <<Whirlwind>> Borrowed Romcom....Voidwalker was interested in the nuances of human relations. Watcher lent her a VHS.

<< >> <Voidwalker> cause yeaah... i'm pretty sure Megs is not gotta be happy it accepted her

<< >> <Voidwalker> and.. know.. both ya'll not handing it over

<< >> <Watcher> I dont think this is the best place to talk about it. Curious people you know.

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> Hey. I can be discrete.

<< >> <<Whirlwind>> No one else should know of yer secret viewin habits.

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> You know. The best way to keep a secret is to have none.

Veritas Prime looks at her hands some more, "Yes I was a -rifle-. A weapon, a tool to be wielded by another. This is.. different. What madness.. A chosen Prime.. weaponized.." Systems humming as she considers before nodding to herself. She steps back, plating shifting, lifting here and there before spinning into a kata, a practice routine. Slowly, kick, punch, slap - before whatever was rippling beneath her plating erupts outwards. Shadows twist and braid with heavy datacables, lashing outwards like tentacles, combined, separate, she moves, frame blurring as she speeds up, testing systems. Wings come into play, bladed edges snapping out and around, spin-kick, slam-strike at an imaginary foe until she stops, cycling air with great intakes, cables, shadows writhing around her like additional, fully developed appendages. "Well... frag.."

<< >> <<Whirlwind>>

<< >> <Muse> You're horribly chatty again Void.

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> so wait

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> Did you finally tell Megsy you're gettin' conjuxed?

<< >> <Voidwalker> I'm dealing with some things, okay

Banshee shrugs "If I were religious, I'd say perhaps you were... imbued... with the Matrix for a reason." she suggests, then shrugs.

<< >> <Watcher> I don't think he cares.

<< >> <<Whirlwind>> She hit me

<< >> <Muse> Alright. And no, we haven't told him. Exactly. I think he's aware of the closeness. Fragit. feckity frag, primus on a pogostick (explicit filter engaged) and (---) for another (---) We haven't set the da (user has been temporary suspended for profanity)

<< >> <Voidwalker> Nice.

Banshee laughs at the IRC. "I'll second that 'nice', holy sheiss. Not even /Backblast/ has been suspended for swearing."

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> Wow. that was impressive.

Veritas Prime facepalms. Or maskpalms as it were. "I just got suspended on the IRC." There's a pause, before a quiet chuckle, "I think that's a sign I should try and rest more. I could go for days it feels, but I want to.. try and sync more of me with me."

<< >> <<Whirlwind>> my poor innocent optics!

Soundwave pauses. "You poor thing. That was amazing though."

<< >> <Cybertronian Babysitter> so needle. needle. details

(Radio) Dust Devil sends Veritas Prime a radio transmission, 'wonder if this counts as a suitable trial for full sainthood with the priests of Primus.'

(Radio) Veritas Prime transmits, "What? Hiding from my own kind while protecting your disco bauble? I need to defrag - this is a mess." to Dust Devil.
