Transformers Universe MUX

As of 03/29/2022 (User:Bzero), North Pole (Cybertron) is
Autobots within the territory are viewed indifferently, Decepticons within the territory are viewed indifferently, and Unaffiliated Inhabitants are undisturbed.
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The North Pole of Cybertron is an alien, cold, remote place, inaccessible to all but the most hearty of Transformers. The sky is lit by bright, crashing waves of aurora as charged particles from Cybertron's new sun slam into Cybertron's magnetosphere. Carbon dioxide snow covers the slick steel plains of the north, covering dangerous unseen fissures that drop deep into the core of Cybertron. Nothing can live up here for long -- after a while, the harsh cold freezes even the hardiest Transformers' joints solid.




  • March 26 - "Wild Cybertron Polar Aurora" - Lunar scanners and satellites report that there is to be an amazing display at the north pole. Several cybertronians journey up to see if they can catch a glimpse.

That doesn't seem quite right...

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