Transformers Universe MUX

Log Title: Mine Now

Characters: Ghost , Banshee , Vizier , Soundwave , Ravage, Rock Out , Omen

Location: Soundwave's Workshop - The Cradle - Kolkular

Date: November 24, 2020

TP: Non-TP

Summary: Be careful what you ask for and who you ask. Vizier gets a new body and linked to Ghost.

As logged by Ghost

TFU - Tuesday, November 24, 2020

(Radio) Banshee sends you a radio transmission, 'I've... sent a message to zer furher. Vhen he is next free I vill be messaging him. I need to get out and fly and... be among friends.'

(Radio) You transmit, "Well I'm in Soundwave's workshop, we're about to complete a.. er.. project of ours." to Banshee.

(Radio) Banshee sends you a radio transmission, 'Hrm. A private project? Mind company?'

(Radio) You transmit, "(perhaps somewhat chagrined in tone) I'm.. adding another to my cadre." to Banshee.

(Radio) Banshee sends you a radio transmission, 'Oh? A friend for your bird? I should bring some Benzin!'

(Radio) You transmit, "Errr.. Well perhaps you should come visit. I've got 2 birds now.. And am about to add my 3rd, damn Soundwave for not warning me about all of.. this.. collecting (amused tone now)" to Banshee.

(Radio) Banshee sends you a radio transmission, 'Ja! Will bring Benzin!'

Soundwave's Workshop - The Cradle - Kolkular[]


Soundwave's workshop

Ghost is.. well. lounging in the workshop, cables linked to a console, reviewing reports and things on a much better quality connection that her usual location out in Praxus.

Soundwave is at his workbench, working on the body for Vizier. He's been working on the project more or less since he was told about it, just about finished with the final touches.

Vizier comes in warily not entirely sure he's allowed in here.

Ravage is entering on in. He goes to give a glance over at Soundwave, and then at Ghost with an 'are you -sure- you want to do this' expression

Banshee arrives a little while later, carrying two oversized jerry-cubes, one in each hand. "Hallo!"

Ghost sends and receives a few radio comms, expression amused a moment as she peers over at Soundwave. A nod to Ravage as he enters, brow lifting. Then those sensory finials of hers span and track, head turning to peer at Vizier. "Hello there. Last chance to re-think this." Sliding to her feet, fanning wings out then tucking behind her.

Vizier ducks his head for a moment then raises it up again, "Only the procedure itself, not where it leads."

Ravage would just watch over at Vizier and let out a sigh. "Yes, yes, it's about time." He would let out a soft sigh and then a groan. "Yes, let us."

Rock Out is ambling about, scratching at the floor and looking for snacks because someone has to prepare the welcoming feast, dammit. He gathers bits and pieces of delectable nibbles and arranges them in a kind of chartu...char..fancy-aft snack board.

That's it! Charred Cootchie Tree!

Soundwave nods "Indeed it is. The procedure itself is easy but afterwards, there is no going back. Are you prepared, Vizier?" he asks.

Banshee blinks a little, setting down the kegs. They're clearly engex, but there's a strong smell of leaded avgas around them. "So... vot, exactly, vill be goink on?" She looks over at Vizier and gives a slight bow. "Ich bin Banshee von Tripticon, Stadtsprecher. I... speak to cities... Titans in general - Trypticon, in particular."

Ghost nods, "It isn't horrible being part of a cadre I've discovered." She peers at the brightly coloured cockerel poking about. "That's Rock Out, he's also new to this. But built for it. And Soundwave has quite his own group as well with more than enough experience." Optics glint, "You'll be in partnership with me directly, few, if any would ever overstep such a thing."

Banshee also bows to Rock out.

Vizier backs away from Banshee, metal flares around his face getting larger back arching as he attempts to appear bigger, "Are you from Caminus? From the Way of Flame? Did the Mistress send you"

Banshee shakes her head "Nein, I am Cybertron native." She says, her own wings tucking up further in an attempt to look less-threatening. "I haff... I speak to zer Cities. Zat is all. I do not know of zis 'Vay of zer Flame' or 'Mistress'. My duty is to Trypticon alone... if you mean him no harm, I mean you no harm." Another small bow.

Ravage would take a moment over at Ghost and let out a sigh and slowly grumbling, "One does what they must." Then he would look at Banshee, then over at Vizier. "Something from the colony worlds, I'll see that the data is uploaded to you later."

Banshee adds "Vell, cybertron native, naturalized Deutsch."

Rock Out extends his wings and returns Banshee's bow, dipping his head forward in a deep and dignified movement that is potentially spoiled when he quickly pecks up a spare screw on the ground and hops up to run it over to his stack of snax.

Vizier says, "I don't know what a Deutsch is, the only City Speakers I know are from my home. I fled them to come here, to serve the Empire."

Soundwave pauses. "I do not know many cityspeakers myself. Seems to be a unusual skill, common among the Camiens." he says as he continues to work. "Any special abilities you would like in this? It's not often you can chose your altmode. And Ghost? I am truly sorry I didn't warn you about this. It's different for everyone and I honestly didn't know it would be this way."

Banshee nods to Ravage. "Please do, danke." She says. She nods to Vizier. "Deutschland is a nation on Earth. Mein accent, altmode, and love of music come from my time there. I mean you no harm, Herr Vizier. I am Trypticon's Stadtsprecher... nothing more, nothing less. My duty, my bond, is to Trypticon. Not Caminus."

Ravage would glance at Ghost over and then at Vizier, letting out a harrumph. "I fail to see why we should depart over from the standard for this." He would intone in a very slight shade of amusement.

Ghost steps to peek over Soundwave's shoulder a moment before backing up to give the mech room to work. "No. None of us here are from Caminus nor followers of this 'way of the flame', Vizier. Banshee's duty and bond, as she's said, is to Trypticon." A small smile crosses her face, optics glinting gold. A shift and tilt of her canopy and an indigo and blue tape pops out, transforming into Omen, who circles and lands above to be able to watch and grumble to herself. "We are all Decepticons here, oaths and loyalty to the Empire spread among us. Mhi aranar Empire. Mhi cabuor Empire. Mhi te'Empire."

Banshee does a politically incorrect salute, and the camera cuts away just in time to prevent complaints to the FCC.

Vizier bows his head low to Banshee, "My apologies, I have very strong feelings about Caminus and the lies they spread about the Primes." He turns to look up and up at Soundwave, "What will this entail? Am I to be moved to a new body or have my robot form subsumed into a recording device?"

Banshee nods softly. "I am sworn to learn zer skills. I... know indoctrination." She looks a little embarrassed, and attempts to change the subject - pulling out a stack of energon cubes and motioning to her jerry-cubes. They're really jerry-cans, just made out of the same material as energon cubes, so it's transparent and the faintly blue-tinted engex can be seen within. "I haff Benzin. It's... a little rough, but... I like it."

Rock Out squawks happily as he sees the Black Hen leave the Beloved Coop. He darts over to his snax stack and retrieves a particularly delightful morsel before carrying it to near Omen's position. Setting it down, he crows to try and get her attention - not quite as loud as he *can* be, but still noticeable.

Ravage would glance at Rock Out for a moment, and then at Vizier. "You are being quite traditional when it comes to the beginnings of your collection." That would be noted to Ghost as if it meant something in comparison.. Oh, hi Soundwave!

Omen drops off of her perch, kraa-ing at Rock Out as she lands near him, bird-walking over to take the offered treat with a less sulky sort of chortle. A side-optic up at the larger framed 'cons then one at Ravage. A hrmph and flex of her crest.

Soundwave looks to Vizier "It would be easier to simply move the entire core, otherwise, there may be issues in the long run. Is this something you wish to do?"

Ghost lifts a brow at Ravage before responding to Soundwave, "Well it is what it is, I'm adjusting and they all feel content. Apparently this is 'tradition' with the birds being the initial, hmm?" At the mention of the benzine, she perks, wings rustling. "Banshee I love you. In the 'drink with me soon' sort of way." Aheming and returning to her more serious mien. listening and watching.

Banshee gives Ghost a nod and pours several cubes of the blue, avgas-scented rough engex and passes them out to all who want one. "I varn you. Benzin has... bite. I first learned to brew it back in zer human var, on Earth. After mein crew found me out... zey vere most displeased I vos unable to drink mit zem. Zo... between us, ve invented zer Benzin, brewing it illicitly behind zer bomb dump."

Vizier stops to think about this for a moment, "Commander, I will, of course, bow to your expertise, though I would like to keep as much of this," he gestures down his metal draconic form with a four clawed 'hand', " as possible."

Ravage would just glance at Vizier, and then at the wire-frame. "Something close enough should be feasible. It's not far off from Wingthing's exoframe, so it should be simple to reformat." Probably not best basis for comparison..

Vizier looks over at Ravage, "This form is so much more versatile than a robotic one."

Rock Out moves over to Banshee, awaiting a drink of his own - since, y'know, if she's pourin', he's drinkin'!

Ghost hmms, "Ravage, some of it is a winged sense of self as well. His frame alt is his choice as the other will be changed to become part of my cadre." A look at the benzine, "Until we're through I can't indulge. I've a mod to go through for the sync."

Banshee nods to Ghost "I brought plenty." She says softly, pouring a cube for Rock Out and herself it seems. She looks to Soundwave, asking a question with a tilt of her head

Soundwave nods "I was thinking the same thing Ravage." He pulls up a design, based heavily on Vizier's build and shows him the blueprints. "Is this acceptable to you?"

Vizier looks over the designs, understanding little of it, but liking the general look, "I think that will do nicely, yes."

Banshee watches quietly, sipping her Benzin cube quietly with very little idea of what's actually happening.

Rock Out bows again to Banshee before he settles himself in front of his cube and dips forward, just like one of those drinking birds, and takes a sip from the Benzin. He rises up from the cube, blinks his optics and looks to Banshee, bobbing his head with approval. This is some good stuff. "Bok!"

Omen contents herself with her nibble, giving Banshee a polite bob of her head before returning to a higher point to watch.

Banshee smiles to Rock Out "I am glad you approve."

Ravage would glance at Rock Out, "I'm glad that you find it.. Appreciative. And when was the last time that you did this?" A casual query is sent over towards Soundwave. "And you've not looked at some of the more.. Esoteric proposals lately I hope."

Ghost smiles, "I think it may be a bit of an upgrade as well. Perhaps more durable than a civilian build, no matter the sizing involved." She settles wings behind her, looking at the schematics thoughtfully. "We will make certain that you are comfortable in it, Vizier. That is important to me, comfort in ones own frame, that freedom to choose what one could -be- verses having someone else determine that for you." Tone thoughtful.

Soundwave shakes his head "Negative." He shows Ravage the blueprints as well. "Something traditional, it is after all in her first few. I wouldn't want her to go through anything too unusual."

Banshee grins a little... herself another example of that with her anachronistic frame.

Vizier smiles at Ghost "That is appreciated, ma'am."

Rock Out boks and dips his head for another drink, fluffling his wings as he rises from the cube again. He lets out a happy crow, nothing too loud, just a 'woot, I'm just happy to be a part of things!' crow.

Banshee pours another, chuckling. "I don't sink your mistress vould be too happy if I got you black-out drunk. Be careful."

Ravage would glance at Banshee, "Oh? Is that what their relationship is now?" He would chirp while going to 'upload' the data to Banshee as to what the general Terran definition of that word was in relation to.

Banshee snorts at Ravage "I just meant... vell... zer whole... tape sing..." she says to ravage. "Just as Soundvave is your master..."

Ravage would just -look- at Banshee, "He is my superior officer, he is -not- my Master."

Ghost stiffens slightly at the 'master' comment but lets Ravage voice his own thoughts on that matter. Then she blinks, ahems and peers up at the ceiling a moment thinking primus help me from smug aft cats.

Banshee nods a little. "I see. Mein apologies."

Omen shakes her head, muttering 'Idiots' softly. "Mistress as in leader of our little fiasco." she notes, tone dry. Yes, the raven speaks. "not as in leash holder nor.. untoward things, Ravage." Click of her beak at the feline.

Ravage would just smile at Omen, "Of course. There is no offense taken. Merely a.. Correction." There is a bit of a thought bubble that those along the tape mental link can make out.

Ravage Trypticon, walkies

Banshee says, in a total deadpan "Vell, considering mein accent, I can understand zer misunderstanding."

Rock Out boks and clucks as his cube is refilled, but doesn't dive into it immediately. He knows how to pace himself and certainly doesn't want to overenergize. This is a festive occasion, after all, and getting mudflap-faced is certainly Not Best Bird Behavior.

Ghost levels a look at Ravage, "While I'm certain this is old hat for you, cat. For some of us it is still very much new and.. exciting." Wing panels twitch behind her. A glance to check on Rock Out then up to Omen before studying Vizier again. "If you are ready, and he is ready, I am as well."

Vizier nods to Ghost and turns to Soundwave, "The new form would be best, as Commander Ghost said, stepping up from a civilian form would assist in my abilities as well. I'm ready."

Soundwave nods "Very well. Then with your permission, I am ready to begin." so accommodating. Maybe because they are tape builds.

Ravage would just sit back and watch for a moment. Then.. Then he goes to send to Ghost along the tape-telepathic link an image of Omen, but with red and white 'stripes' over her body sort of like in that game he'd use to keep her entertained a few months ago..

Rock Out boks again. Let's light the fires and kick the tires!, the bok seems to say, as he settles down to dip and sip and watch the proceedings.

Omen ruffles plating and death*tm* side-optics Ravage. Then hrmphs, returning the image with Soundwave's blues repainted in that lurid pattern with 'why ruin best color?'

Vizier looks back and forth between Ghost and Soundwave, "Do you want me to get on a table or something?"

Ghost nods, "Next to your new frame. I'll be right here. Or wherever Soundwave needs me to be."

Soundwave pauses. "Almost ready." he says as he continues to work. "Ghost, will you assist me with hooking Vizier to the monitors? Once we do the spark transfer this should go smoothly enough." wait. Spark transfer?

Ghost lifts a brow, Omen almost mirroring that exactly. "Alright. I can do that." A look at Soundwave, "Will he then go through the initial process like Rock Out or is there a third means of this process?"

Vizier shrugs slightly and lifts lightly into the air, body twisting and turning as his sinuous body flies over to the table next to the new body. He lands claws clicking on the metallic surface before curling up catlike on the surface then extending out his head from the coils towards to bank of machines.

Ravage would just go to watch, settling in and as the delicate work was starting going quiet beyond lending his occasional support along the mental link.

Soundwave nods "I was thinking similar to Rock Out. Is this satisfactory?"

Ghost nods, "That does give him the final choice of you or I then." Watching Vizier fly to the table, a smile crossing her face as she walks through making small connections to the dragon. "An. initialization process that once you've transformed and docked to me, will trigger the linking protocols and finalize our joining, Vizier." She peers at Soundwave a moment, "I sill need to be re-joined myself."

Rock Out hears his name and looks up from where he was facefirst in his drink. "Bok?" he says. He does not bok. He says 'Bok'.

Vizier watches as connections are made and looks over to see what Soundwave is doing, curious, but oblivious to the science behind the procedure.

Soundwave nods "Very well. I am ready when you are. Let me know when you are prepared."

Vizier gives a small nod, careful of the connection, "I'm ready when Commander Ghost is."

Ghost gives a nod of her head, "I'm ready as well." She offers Vizier a smile.

Soundwave nods "Then let us begin." with that he checks the connections "Ghost, I will need assistance with the procedure. Open the new body for me and I will prepare the spark for transfer." with that, he moves to Open Vizier's chest. "Shut down to bare minimum." he says. "When you awaken, you will be somewhere new."

How to make your own minions: 101

Ghost hadn't realized she would be this hands on in this, but does as instructed. Here and now, she easily bows to Soundwave's request, moving to the new frame, carefully opening panels on it to prepare. "As you wish, Soundwave."

Vizier's body slows and stills. He frills and mustaches hang limp, his colors fade. Eyes nearly shut and no longer shine, then slowly they close.

Soundwave moves to gently open Vizier's chest, working quick and deftly. He turns off Vizier's pain receptors and removes Vizier's spark casing. He holds it deftly, heading to the new body to install it, after weeks of preparation. "Careful would be the time to initiate the bond. Just like with Rock Out."

Rock Out looks up from his drink, head tilting to one side. "*hic*-Bok!"

Omen watches from above quietly.

Ghost watches the transfer of Vizier from his Camien frame to one respecting his original design but so much more now. A look to Soundwave, brows raising, "Rock Out was docked." She extends a pair of datacables, brow lifted in question.

Soundwave nods "We will re-activate him and then dock him." he says. "When you are ready."

Ghost settles herself and shifts plating, canopy and chest panels tipping to angle out, dockspace neatly hidden in her angles and armoring. "I am ready to receive him."

Rock Out crows at the mention of his name, not loud, just cheerful. He's still not entirely sure what's going on but damn if he isn't happy to be here with you fine folks! And this magic pixie drink! He clucks contentedly, dipping his beak in his drink again.

Soundwave moves to reactivate VIzier. It's a movement hes done many times before but each time he isn't sure what to expect. "And now..we wait and see if the transfer was a success."

Vizier's new form comes online, running primary diagnostics, servos and gears turning as the spark adjusts to new but similar pathways, improvements and adjustments. His eyes open and for a moment before sight returns green light boils out and fades before etching lines in the ceiling. Vizier shakes his head slowly and blinks looking around the room before flexing his jaw and rolling his head on his neck.

Ravage would take a moment to offer his mental strength to the others as needed. A familiar sight. But never an unwelcome one. And yet there is also just that edge of wariness, of innate paranoia that is the Decepticon's ever permanent state.

Ghost watches and waits as the spark syncs to the new frame, violet optics dark in thought, wings motionless behind her.

Vizier looks up at Ghost from the table then over to Soundwave, he voice is similar, but subtly different, "Did it work?"

Ghost offers a smile, "You'll need to transform and dock." She gestures to her open canopy and armor plating.

Soundwave scans Vizier. "Seems to be in order. Let us test the transformation and dock." He says.

Vizier uncoils and stands upon the table looking at the canopy in the Commander. "Very well."

The dragon folds inward like origami, losing mass and size as it changes, shrinking down to a tiny cassette tape.

Vizier flips up into the air as he transforms and flies towards Ghost.

And now Ravage watches. Quietly. Unobtrusively. And just waits for seeing how the new link is going to mesh up.

Ghost sets herself and guides Vizier in for that initial dock and integration. canopy and armoring close around the new tape and she bows her head, focusing inwards on making those first connections, braiding the two together. Finials flex-fan out, optics flare gold briefly.

Rock Out boks, softly and contentedly, happily buzzing from the excellent beverage he's been imbibing this evening and seeing what appears to be an entire mech turn into a snack and fly into the Beloved Coop's chest. He blinks his optics, looking at the cube dubiously as he tries to calculate if he's had too much -- or not enough...

Vizier is overwhelmed at the connection. "This is more than I was expecting."

Omen hunkers down, grumbling on her perch, "Do not like... to share..."

Ghost nods, steadying herself as she remains focused, gently keeping the other two of her cohort 'distanced' as she can from Vizier, keeping herself somewhat distanced, bleeding data through one packet at a time to give him a period of adjustment. << It is.. a lot. It was when I was a member of Soundwave's cadre for a time. But, you can and will adjust to me-them-US. >> Offering a glimpse through her archives and data-systems of the fine web spreading out now.

Rock Out boks and clucks, settling himself down to sit and watch the proceedings with genuine if abstracted curiosity. He can sense that something is going on, feeling a transmission of data occurring but it's not coming toward him so he ignores it for the time being.

Soundwave looks at the cadre, watching over the connection "Is it successful?" he asks.

Vizier starts to laugh as he's inundated with information, the new form and circuitry assisting with assimilation of the torrent of information, "Commander, this is good, this will help. I know what a Deutche is now."

Ghost holds up a hand, index finger up as she headtilts 'listening' now. << There is much, much more for you to integrate, Vizier. You're mine, now. And as mine, well, this form and format benefit you greater than had you remained as you were. >> Cycling the link open, allowing the connections to complete to Omen, to Rock Out, finalizing her own web change. "Welcome to the cadre, Vizier."

[Con-Tapes] Ghost says, "Welcome Vizier."

Vizier says, "Thank you, Commander. I will serve you well."

Soundwave nods "I know you will." he says. "Welcome to Ghost's Cadre." he says, looking to Ravage. "And thus it has begun for her."

[Con-Tapes] Vizier says, "Again, thank you, Commander."

Ravage would nod to Soundwave, "Yes, yes. That's the way it begins." First a bird. Then a chicken. Now a lizard.

[Con-Tapes] Omen grumbles, "Another? Do not like to share, buir. Hello, am Omen. Am -first-." hrmph.

[Con-Tapes] Vizier says, "First? Then I know who to ask when I need help."

Ghost gives a shift of her wings, settling herself into accepting another braided and linked to her spark. "Still one of the oddest things I've experienced. And I've synced with Trypticon." And Calyhex.. And maybe Metroplex..

[Con-Tapes] Omen huhs.. "Yes. Can assist. Know who knows what is our game."

Ravage would nod to Ghost, "Never let it be something that is normal, and that has no surprises. There are always new wonders."

[Con-Tapes] Vizier says, "My game is an easy one, Omen. Assist the Commander to reach her goals."

Ghost lifts a brow, peering at Soundwave for a moment, thoughts a swirl of amused understanding tempered with a thread of fondness. She considers then asks out loud, "Do you wish to remain docked or come back out? Some integration will continue wirelessly and through our other connection."

[Con-Tapes] Rock Out boks. "Welcome!"

[Con-Tapes] Ghost says, "Huh. I get it a bit more now, cyar'ika."

Soundwave nods "Its a unique experience. Never gets old and I've done it often myself."

[Con-Tapes] Slugfest says, "eeeeee"

Vizier says, "I will leave then. I have much work to do, and a cadre to meet."

[Con-Tapes] Ghost says, "Slugfest, Vizier is new to our extended family of sorts."

[Con-Tapes] Soundwave says, "Welcome to the collective."

Ghost nods and pops plating and canopy, mag-assisting Vizier to eject, "Rock Out, Omen and you are mine directly. The rest are Soundwaves. There are a few customs we're learning along the way as.. well, our class is rather limited in numbers and -someone- forgets that I'm new to this and a late bloomer as it were."

[Con-Tapes] Vizier says, "Thank you, Commander Soundwave."

The cassette tape unfolds like metallic origami, gaining mass and size as head, tail, and wings emerge like petals of a blooming flower until a dark green dragon is fully formed before you.

[Con-Tapes] Ravage says, "Resistance.. Is futile."

[Con-Tapes] Vizier says, "Exactly"

Vizier hovers in the air, thin body twisting while his head stays still. "Do you have specific orders at this time, Commander, or should I start on my overall mission?"

Ravage would go to raise a claw up and over and turn to Ghost, "I do have a suggestion to forward to you, Commander."

Ghost ejects Vizier, watching him transform outwards with a smile. She snakes a primary datacable out and wraps it around Soundwaves wrist. "Thank you." Closing her plating neatly. "Familiarize yourself with current events so that you are able to work the Empires needs into your time with your overall mission." She headtilts, peering at Ravage, "Yes?"

Rock Out boks, standing up a bit shakily. Luckily, he's able to extend his wings to balance himself as he bows to his new comrade in arms.

Ravage would nod over at Ghost, "Given his.. Substantial skillset, he might be appropriate to place in the role of an.. Established contact in one of the neutral city states. We are of course allowed to maintain formal contacts with them."

[Con-Tapes] Slugfest says, "yay!"

Ghost hmms, "Give him a few cycles to settle into a new frame, Ravage. Speaking as someone who's only just had one herself, it takes a bit of time to get fully integrated. And he's had a class and configuration change. I'll have orders drawn up soon enough."

[Con-Tapes] Slugfest sounds of a stego running around

Ravage would nod at Ghost, "BUt of course. Looking for ways to engage your.. Associates' abilities. We have many field agents.. And not necessarily enough analysts."

Vizier looks at Ghost, "I will go where you send me, but I do appreciate the time to integrate all this new information."

Ghost's smile crooks, "We are only as good as our information. You can't function to your best with an incomplete set."

Vizier says, "I've found one's enemies function quite the same."

Ravage would go to very, very lowly mutter under his audial receiver on 'idiot Autobots' and 'intelligence'.

Ghost smirks, "Ravage, don't be so catty."

Soundwave tilts his head "Well he does have a point..."

Vizier nods to Ghost, "Commander, I will begin," then turns to Soundwave, "I am in your debt for this, I will not forget."

Ghost returns the nod, "When you need to rest, defrag, refuel, you are welcome to return to me and dock. It is.. preferable whenever possible."
