Transformers Universe MUX
Log Title: Medical Intel

Characters: Jazz, Scales, Starlock

Location: Decagon - Command Offices

Date: April 29, 2020

TP: Peace in Our Time TP

Summary: Jazz wants to know more about the recent guests in Autobot Medical

As logged by  Scales

Log session starting at 16:35:32 on Wednesday, 29 April 2020.

(Radio) Jazz sends you a radio transmission, 'Scales, where you on duty when the Con and the Neutral parties left?'

(Radio) You transmit, "Um, no. I was off duty, gettin' my recharge in. Starlock signed them out." to Jazz.

(Radio) Jazz sends you a radio transmission, 'Report to the Command Offices for me.'

(Radio) You transmit, "Yessir!" to Jazz.

Command Offices - Decagon

The Command Offices are a series of highly-monitored briefing rooms for the various operations carried out by task forces and working groups in the faction. Each room is pre-programmed for kinesic reference, as well as optical scans, spark-rate scans, and such, to ensure the barest minimal in duplicity. While most rooms are rather spartan in design to eliminate bugging possibility, they generally house a number of viewscreens and off-network information systems.

The hustle and bustle of the Commands Offices is not so pronounced this cycle except for his Office. If you are paying attention to the monitors on the walls you'll mostly see Nova Cronum.

 Jazz leans against his desk in the center of the room dodging officers and enlisted as they run back and forth. 

Jazz is rubbing his temples.

He grabs a cup of ener-tea and sips savoring the taste a smirk comes to his face.

He happens to not be facing the door he is on the side of the desk and looks up and a few particular screens.

 Starlock comes striding through the doors, frame relaxed, but posture respectful all the same, she'd come to attention at Jazz with a salute. "Jazz, sir." She'd say, a smile coming to the triple changers face.

The door opens and Scales bounces into the room, optics spinning merrily through various colors, but daffodil yellow is prominent. She bounds to the front of Jazz's desk and sits on the floor, tail curling around her paws and wings carefully folded, all prim and proper and still very alert, like a cat who's been promised a treat.

Jazz shuffles himself from where he is and looks at the two for a long moment before sips his ener-tea again and he begins.

"Starlock, Scales here tells me that you dicharged those other two the other day," relaxing a touch he takes another sip of his tea

"I need know so I can know where to next go."

Then he looks between the two of them, "Any info for your this old bro?"

Starlock blinks. "Soorta, they're apparently left, and I ran across them while I was out of Iacon, so I alerted medical and ensured proper paperwork was filed." Starlock explains with a scratch of her cheek. "They actually also left a location for medics to go and check up on Khamsin." She'd vent.

Scales drops her face into her paw. "Then who LET them out of medical? I mean, even letting a Decepticon in I wasn't stupid enough to let them be -unescorted-."

Jazz raises a hand to Scales, "That is what we are going to find out. Relax," he looks back to Starlock with a nod. "We all realize that this is a serious breach right? But since I haven't been around in a while and they didn't damage anything well I won't lose my cool old school."

Sipping his tea a bit more he looks between the two, "Atleast tells me that someone had teh foresight to get a bug in there or a scan or something that can tell me something about the thing?"

Starlock cringes, knitting her ridges, clearly a bit taken aback as well she was being snapped at. She'd take a vent and get out her datapad. "Considering they left a location where they could be found, they were probably escorted out by the wrecker that was set as a guard, or one of the nurses." She'd murmur as she looked through the documents. "Whoever filed the paperwork after I called about it, probably left a note on it about it."

Scales grumbles under her breath about reports and pulls out her own datapad, but before she starts seriously pulling things up, nods to Jazz. "I got scans of both of 'em. Khamsin for treating, naturally, and Goth 'cause he was there."

Scales belatedly adds, "Oh, and I peeked a bit at Deathsaurus. Not a full scan, but... he was so worried about us knowin anything about him."

Jazz optic shifts between the two of them very calmly and simply waits for whichever one to speak first.

He sips his ener-tea a bit slower this time. He even glances with a side optic at one of the monitors.

<<Broadband>> 39.6 FM Decepticon Propaganda Network DJ Banshee says, "Shit like zis is vhy I love humans."

There is infact a patient outtake report, Khamsin having left despite doctors advice other wise. The wrecker had indeed escorted them out to the gates, and had reported that Goth was mainly focused on ensuring that Khamsin was moving steadily that they likely didn't notice them.. They did in fact leave a location they'll be at in Altihex, located in its market. 


Starlock chirps up. "Found it." She'd call as she brought it up on her datapad and flipped it over for the others to see.

Scales nods and calls up the medical records she's taken while the two guests were there, along with a few observations of Deathsaurus' new frame. "Khamsin's heavily modified, with a lot of old but serviceable parts. Goth is a -mess-."

Jazz looks at Starlock's report first and nods, "Volunteered there location huh? Will need to learn if that is a permanent residence or not."

He turns towards Scales with an amused smirk, "Something YOU haven't seen? What do you mean?"

Scales blinks at Jazz, uncertain what he means. "Um.. there's a -lot- I haven't seen- I'm still pretty young, but I didn't say that..."

Starlock nods at JAzz and tilts her helm, wondering Jazz's response.... Though she can likely guess why.. She does let out a minor huff as she claimed herself down from earlier when she was being snapped at. "well I assume someone could ask if they go out to check on Khamsin." She adds quickly.

Jazz nods at Scales first this time, "Well, then what is messed up about the other one," then he plays ping pong with his head to Starlock, "We wouldn't have to make a house call if he were still here," he sips his cup.

"But good work finding that report. It's not your fault."

<<Broadband>> 198.4 BLAST FM's DJ Blaster |

<<Broadband>> 39.6 FM Decepticon Propaganda Network DJ Banshee says, "Play zat funky music... wait if /I/ complete zis sentence... never mind."

<<Broadband>> Bloody Bones says, "White boy?"

Scales huffs. "Goth isn't my responsibility," she says. "But to sum up... He's vampiric by nature, but either he's been through some serious deprivation or somebody outright skimped on his frame. There's a stealth module that isn't the original and looks like it was torn outta somebody else. His repair systems don't like the rest of him, either, which makes it all worse. AND his root form doesn't cooperate with his alt form, so half his systems don't even engage when he's in that mode." She shrugs. "He's a mess."

<<Broadband>> 198.4 BLAST FM's DJ Blaster dances. Loudly.

<<Broadband>> Soundwave says, ""

<<Broadband>> Deathsaurus says, ""

Starlock cringes as she hears that. "Eeesh." She'd say, looking to Scales with a raised ridge. "..I take he isn't aware of the scan being taken? He seemed pretty nervous of the medics and doctors there in the medical bay when I was working on others after the attack at Nova Cornum." Starlock would ask with a limp point of her finger, she'd also smile at Jazz in thanks.

<<Broadband>> 39.6 FM Decepticon Propaganda Network DJ Banshee says, "'Ey Blaster, zis vun's for you."

Jazz nods, "intereting," with his free hand he rubs his chin.

"That's all you got? I wonder why the 'Cons haven't fixed him yet?" 

"Ok. Scales, since you are my intel guy, see if you can make heads or tails of any of that," he glances between two. "Anything for me?"

Scales gives Starlock a sheepish look. "Pretty sure he didn't know," she says, then thinks a moment at Jazz's question. "He's from one of the lost colonies from what I've heard, so that might have something to do with how he was originally built. But the modifications.. either somebody was usin' him as their test subject, or he was lost for a while and didn't have the best materials to work with and was just tryin' to make stuff work long enough to keep goin'. Maybe both." She shrugs. "He's old enough, both's possible. If he got used as somebody else's project, that'd be a good reason to be nervous around medics he doesn't know already."

Starlock can't help but chuckle lightly at Scales. "Sounds about right for those scared of doctors and medics around here." She'd grin, before tapping her datapad stylus again her chin. "That does make sense, considering his behaviour Scales.. I think at one point he was explaining over the internet channel that he often had to scavenge for parts before coming to this planet.." She'd hem, before looking at Jazz. 

 "...Well If i could guess, the Decepticons aren't exactly well known for having many medics and if he's actively rebelling against Megatron.. Well, I can see why they'd attempt to keep him not up to snuff." Starlock hems and thinks. "Khamsin is a neutral.. and his Conjux.." She'd frown, hoping they wouldn't think to hard on why Megatron wouldn't just force Khamsin to join the cons.

Jazz turns to back to his desk grabs padd nd taps a few things onto it.

He turns back towards the two, "Can either one of you tell me what this metal Goth was made of and if we have any of it to spare?"

Another pause, "And we know his internet handle?"

Scales hehs. "I can send you the technical specs. It's not a common alloy, but we could prob'ly dig some up." She hmms. "An' I think he's Underwood on the IRC chat."

"Yep, he's Underwood, Khamsin is Sandman, Soundwave is Watcher, Gardner is Deathsaurus, Domina is Banshee, pretty sure Captian Sparkles is Glit." Starlock lists off in thought, before glancing up at Jazz, and lifts a ridge. "...Why?" she asks, before pausing. "As.. in Why do you ask, sir." She questions.

Jazz notes down all the names and says, "Because I need to know when he is own the internet and we can speak to him anoymously," he pauses. "Why else would we?"

"Ok Scales. Get a request into Ratchet or anyone under him to get some of that alloy. Run those specs by Starlock, you may need some help. Now, don't talk to anyone about this meeting until I tell you so. Got it? Dimissed, he moves back to his desk."

He grabs his cup and sips it, "Stick with plan man."

Scales blinks and nods. "Okay!" She glances over at Starlock. "Um.. no offense to Starlock, but I don't think I'll need help with the technical parts."

Starlock smiles at Jazz. "You know I'm not one to spill a secret." She'd smile up at Jazz… Starlock then glances to Scales and frowns, but gives a respectful nod. "Well.. You know how to reach me if you need any help." She'd say, folding her hands behind her. "...Ah, right, Orion is Blast Off, and 'DaChoppa' is Vortex."

Scales nods. "Gentleman is Ar-Gent Silverfinger, but he doesn't show up often. Rawhead is a human, I think, and maybe Cobra. Clarity and Kaylee... I'm not sure. They're real careful not to give away details of where they're from, same as I am."

Scales pauses. "Well, everybody knows 'Puff' is me, but that's not the only name I use."

Jazz looks up from his desk and bounces his gaze between the two of them, "Well?"

Scales looks away from Starlock and nods to Jazz, then bounds out again.

"Their Cybertronian, i know that much from the fight one 'em and Banshee got in over the chat channel." Starlock adds on... He gaze goes back to Jazz and nods. "If that's all, and I am not needed, I...Will on my way then." She nods, finials drooping lightly.

Log session ending at 19:13:41 on Wednesday, 29 April 2020.
