
The MASS Device
Cobra Commander has Destro develop a new technology that is sure to help him take over the world!
In 2022, Cobra used the MASS to teleport troops into the Pit while Bludd led a conventional force outside. Later, Cobra again used a combination of MASSed-in and conventional forces to capture the Relay Star.

Major Bludd
In 2025, Major Bludd led Bayonet and Interrogator in trapping G.I. Joe in a radioactive cave in the Sea of Ice. The Crystals were Recovered, but at what cost? The Joes recovered the radioactive crystals they need, but Greathawk was Killed in Action. Was it worth it to the Joes to lose one of their own?

- March 30 - "Scientist Recruitment" - Baroness makes Dr. Laszlo Vandermeer an offer he can't refuse.
- October 18 - "The Big Reveal" - Cobra Commander convenes a meeting in the Silent Castle in Transcarpathia.
- November 6 - "MASSive Plans" - Cobra Commander summons Major Bludd to the Silent Castle.
- November 11 - "Baroness' Wish List" - Major Bludd and Baroness meet to discuss strategic options for the upcoming attack on the Pit.
- January 6 - "Tele-Viper Raid" - Lady Jaye defends an encryption data-chip.

Cobra Commander
- January 10 - "Time to Strike" - Cobra Commander urges action.
- January 21 - "IC Report" - The Baroness confirms the current location of the Pit.
- January 22 - "IC Message" - A private message from Wraith to Flint.
- January 25 - "Medical Report" - Wraith is out of the woods from her injuries.
- January 30 - "Operations" - Scalpel prepares Medi-BATs for the Pit attack.
- 30 January - "Prelude to Assault" - The Cobra forces gather in preparation to launch an assault on the Pit.
- January 30 - "Attack on the Pit" - The conventional Cobra forces mount their assault on the Pit.
- January 30 - "Medi-BAT Experiments" - Scalpel reports on the Medi-BATs' effectiveness in the field.
- February 2 - "SSuccesss" - Cobra Commander claims victory (of course).
- February 2 - "IC Report" - Hacker reports on what Cobra got from its infiltration of the Pit.
- February 2 - "AAR and new orders follow-up" - Major Bludd reports on the Pit attack.
- February 3 - "Pit Status" - Urgent Updates from Sci-Fi.
- February 3 - "re: Laser Communications Systems" - Doctor Sci-Fi gives a lesson.
- February 3 - "Laser Communications project" - Cypher locates what she needs.
- February 3 - "Home Invasion" - Sci-Fi's parents are killed.
- February 4 - "My Status" - Scarlett returns to Earth.
- February 4 - "Protecting the Home" - Flint responds to the death of Sci-Fi's parents.
- February 5 - "re: Current Orders" - Red Spot stands up for Sci-Fi.
- February 5 - "IC Report" - Scarlett responds to the threats to the Joes' families.
- February 7 - "Cobra Attack" - Lady Jaye expresses concerns about follow-up attacks on the Pit.
- February 7 - "RE: Cobra Attack" - Scarlett offers to help reallocate G.I. Joe resources.
- February 7 - "Re: Re: Cobra Attacks" - Sci-Fi repeats his carrier proposal.
- February 7 - "NebTech" - Red Spot takes stock of what was obtained on Nebulos.
- February 7 - "A Call to Action" - Scarlett gets some bad news, and runs to the person she trusts most.
- February 7 - "IC Orders" - The Baroness begins to exploit the information extracted from the Pit.
- February 7 - "IC Message" - The Baroness captures Scarlett's brother, Joseph.
- February 7 - "Atlanta News Report" - Scarlett's brother Joseph is targeted by unknown assailants.
- February 8 - "One Step Closer" - Scarlett and Snake-Eyes get one step closer to finding her brother.
- February 8 - "Re: Dispersal" - Lady Jaye chimes in with ideas.
- February 8 - "Compromised" - Sci-Fi has reason to suspect Spike Witwicky's loyalty.
- February 8 - "IC: Another Security Breach" - Pinhole spy cameras are found in the Pit.
- February 8 - "Doubles" - Zarana has a suitably nasty idea.
- February 9 - "Disbursement Plans" - Scarlett makes suggestions.
- February 9 - "Addendum" - ... or the opposite suggestion.
- February 10 - "IC Report" - The Baroness infiltrates NASA.
- February 11 - "Sci-Fi Sitrep" - Seymour reports in.
- February 11 - "IC Medical Status" - Wraith is returned to active duty.
- February 12 - "Announcement" - Sci-Fi and Wraith are married!
- February 13 - "Outmaneuvered" - Lady Jaye corners Flint in the Command Center of the Pit.
- February 14 - "IC Report: Baroness" - The Baroness is spotted in the environs of the Pit.
- February 14 - "Required Reimbursement and Purchases" - Battleaxe's skillset finally gets to shine.
- February 17 - "A Broca Encounter" - Scarlett goes to Broca, to find her brother, but finds something else.
- February 21 - "Over Kill" - Sci-Fi is back and out for blood... or whatever it is that runs in Over Kill's veins.
- February 21 - "Trenton Psychiatric Hospital" - Androids versus an armored neon green warrior.
- February 23 - "Scarlett Goes to Broca" - Scarlett enters Broca, once again. This time, she brings company.
- February 23 - "BATs and Updates" - Seymour is not Fine.
- February 23 - "Satellite Recon" - Lady Jaye requests Space Force keep an eye on Broca Beach.
- February 23 - "IC Report: Broca A.A.R." - Scarlett retrieves her brother from Broca Beach.
- February 24 - "IC AAR" - Broca Beach has been compromised.
- February 27 - "Broca Beach Compromised?" - Cobra Commander calmly reacts to the Baroness's report.
- February 27 - "IC Report" - Rats flee a sinking base.
- February 27 - "IC Report - Broca" - The Baroness reports on the evacuation of Broca Beach.
- February 27 - "Update" - Bloody Bones learns more about Soundblaster.
- February 28 - "Anagram" - Lady Jaye plans to use Cobra's 'we're so clever' anagram use against them.
- March 1 - "Over Kill Encounter" - Sci-Fi runs into the BAT Commander near Broca Beach.
- Mar 04 - "ALL THE THINGS" - Flint addresses the many issues facing G.I. Joe.
- Mar 04 - "RE: ALL THE THINGS" - Duke returns to Earth after briefly relieving the troops on Nebulos.
- Mar 05 - "Toxicity Report" - Cesspool makes a deal with Russia.
- Mar 07 - "Agent Coldsnap" - Agent Snapdragon has returned.
- Mar 07 - "Sub Team Meeting" - Duke encourages interteam communication.
- Mar 09 - "Status of G.I. Joe and Autobot Relations" - They are strained, to say the least.
- Mar 09 - "Major Bludd's Personal Journal - Reflections on the destruction of Broca Beach.
- March 10 - "AAR: Broca Beach" - General Hawk reports on the assault on Cobra's secret headquarters in New Jersey.
- March 11 - "Weekly Wind Down" - Duke recaps the week.
- March 13 - "Breaking News: Broca Beach" - An eyewitness report of the attack on Broca Beach, New Jersey.
- March 15 - "Broca Beach and Pit Update" - Duke gives orders.
- March 17 - "Leprechauns?" - Sinatra and his Rat Pack get into the spirit.
- March 22 - "Raid on Canaveral" - While their comrades work inside the base, Cobra Commander and other Cobra distract the defenders outside.
- March 22 - "Satellite Assault" - NASA is about to unveil their new spy satellite, and due to Baroness's undercover work, Cobra knows the launch date and location! Will the Joes be able to keep the terrorist group from getting hands on technology that will vastly increase the reach and scale of Destro's MASS Device?
- 22 March - "Satellite Assault and Recovery" - While their comrades work inside the base, Cobra Commander and other Cobra distract the defenders outside. (Flint POV)
- March 22 - "Everything Must Be Perfect" - NASA is about to unveil their new spy satellite, and due to the Baroness's undercover work, Cobra knows the launch date and location! Will the Joes be able to keep the terrorist group from getting hands on technology that will vastly increase the reach and scale of Destro's MASS Device? (Cobra Commander POV)
- March 25 - "Relay Star Satellite" - Major Bludd reports on the outcome of Cobra's raid at Canaveral.
- March 25 - "Satellite Stolen" - Cobra captures the Relay Star.
- March 25 - "Visiting Flint in the Infirmary" - Meggan risks life and limb to visit Flint in medbay.
- March 26 - "Something in the Data" - Major Steven Blum brings SyFy a new project.
- April 1 - "Relay Star Deployed" - Mindbender reports progress.
- April 5 - "Cobra Space Forces" - Red Wolf prepares the Cobra space fleet, at Cobra Commander's command.
- 4-5 - "Extensive Liabilities" - The GI Joe forces attempt a risky infiltration of a possible Cobra asset, and are forced to pull their punches lest they may injure civilians.
- April 9 - "Extensive Enterprises Update" - Mainframe examines what the Joes brought back from Extensive Enterprises.
- April 14 - "Spike's Journal Entry" - Spike lacks complete exoneration of involvement with Cobra.
- April 19 - "Coltonbolt" - Major Blum has both concerns and solutions for General Hawk.
- 21 April - "Citizens of the World!" - Cobra Commander steals Fort Knox and sends the world's financial system into chaos.
- April 26 - "His Lairdship’s Update" - Destro brags about his success.
- May 2 - "Dr Vandermeer Update" - Agent White Hat lays out the options.
- May 5 - "General Orders" - Flint addresses the many on-going issues facing G.I. Joe.
- May 10 - "Snakecoin jumps 17%, outperforms bitcoin" - Snakecoin surges in response to Cobra Commander's threats.
- May 11 - "Nerd Attack" - The Joes make off with Laszlo Vandermeer.
- May 13 - "AAR: Operation: Five by Five" - The Joes recover Dr. Vandermeer.
- May 17 - "Fort Knox Theft Triggers Hyper-Inflation" - Cobra Commander throws the financial world into chaos.
- May 27 - "Mass Transporter" - Dr. Laszlo Vandermeer helps the Joes counter Cobra's MASS device.
- August 25 - "Operation: Swamp Changer" - Duke wants two HISS tanks.
- October 18 - "Global Orders" - Cobra Commander makes his wishes known.
- October 29 - "Update. Whatever." - Flint files an odd report.

- Dec 15 - "Oct-Dec TP Review" - Once again, the awesome Scaythe runs down everything that's goin' down.
- 18 December - "Oct-Dec G.I. Joe RP/TP Review" - What the Joes know ICly.
- 18 December - "Oct-Dec Cobra RP/TP Review" - What members of Cobra should know.
- 18 December - "RP Hooks: G.I. Joe/Cobra" - Scene ideas for humans on Earth.
- January 21 - "Dec-Jan TP Review" - An update on long-running events.

- January 21 - "Dec-Jan G.I.Joe RP/TP Review" - What the Joes know.
- January 21 - "Dec-Jan Cobra RP/TP Review" - What Cobra knows.

Cobra Commander
- 7 April: "Goings On" - Cobra Commander comments on everything that is happening in the world.

- August 19 - "Crystal Clear" - Cobra successfully raids a civilian science station in the arctic, finding radioactive crystals for MASS.
- August 20 - "Arctic Exploration" - Limelight reports on a Cobra attack.
- August 22 - "Re: Arctic Follow Up" - Limelight figures out what Cobra was after.
- Sep 11 - "Bikini Atoll Disturbance" - Cobra goes after heavy water to power the MASS device.
- October 11 - "Water War" - Cobra and G.I. Joe clash near Chernobyl while Cobra hunts for Heavy Water.
- October 12 - "After Action Report" - Scarlett details the Cobra Chernobyl Incursion.

- Jan 21 - "East Africa ARR" - It was a hot mess.
- Jan 22 - "Unexplained Happenings in Mozambique" - A media blackout in Mozambique has spurred interest in the East African country.
- January 28 - "Mission Request" - Lifeline asks to return to Africa.
- January 29 - "RE: Request from Lifeline" - Flagg gives the OK for Lifeline to travel back to Africa.
- March 3 - "Our Time is Now" - Cobra Commander lays out his immediate plans for the future.
- March 10 - "Citizens of the World" - Earth's savior is ready!

- March 24 - "Give to Cobra Unity" - Cobra calls for aid!
- May 14 - "Cobra's Interest in Nuclear Sites" - Hi-Tech inquires if any intelligence has been gathered since encountering Cobra in Chernobyl.
- May 14 - "Cobra's Interest in Nuclear Sites" - Scarlett responds to Hi-Tech's intelligence request.

- May 14 - "Re: Cobra's Interest in Nuclear Sites" - Hi-Tech offers the aid of.
- May 21 - "To: Jinx - Intel" - Chuckles reports in.
- December 16 - "Sea of Ice" - A situation report detailing the discovery of a cave complex within the Sea of Ice, emphasizing the need for caution as Cobra's deceptive history poses a threat, prompting a recommendation for a specialized team led by Captain Mark "Sub-Zero" Habershaw to secure the essential crystals for MASS device operations.
- December 17 - "MASS Elements" - Laszlo Vandermeer knows what he needs to combat Cobra.

Desert Patrol Captain Lady Jaye in 2025
- Jan 11 - "Elements Recovery" - Lady Jaye reports that a team tasked with recovering crystals from an Arctic cave engaged Cobra troops and suffered significant casualties, including the death of operative Selena Greathawk, while securing samples for extraction.
- 11 January - "AAR: Sea of Ice" - Major Bludd reports that after a confrontation with G.I. Joe operatives at a crystal mining cave, his team initially trapped the Joes with SNAKE suits and radioactive gas, but the Joes hacked the SNAKEs to escape with some crystals, despite sustaining injuries and losing control of the situation.