Transformers Universe MUX
Transformers Universe MUX
This is the Timeline of Interrogator's Life. This is OOC info.

10-31-1952, 6:06

Interrogator born as Alexander Johan Hamilton

1958 Elise, Alexander's younger sister, stabs him in the vocal cords with a pen.

1960 Alexander regains speech.

1962 Alexander's Grandparents buy him his first helicopter, psychology book, and sociology book.

1963 Alexander's first solo flight.

1965 Alexander's Grandfather, Alexander Markov dies of cancer.

1968 Alexander meets Melina.

1970 Alexander graduates Valedictorian from high school.

1972 Alexander earns his Associates in Psychology, with a minor in Sociology. Graduates top of class.

1974 Alexander earns his Bachelor's in Psychology, with a minor of Sociology. Graduates top of class.

1978 Alexander earns his Doctorate in Psychology, with a minor of Sociology. Graduates top of class.

1979 Alexander promoted to Head Warden of Borovia's gulags.

1979 Borovia falls, Alexander flees to Russia with his Grandmother.



1981 Alexander 'dies', Interrogator is born.

1982 Serji is promoted to General, Interrogator is sent to Cuba.

1983 Interrogator gets sent to Africa.

1985 Interrogator and Sefu leave Africa and join Cobra.

01-1986 to 07-1986

Interrogator helps Dr. Mindbender create Serpentor, Cobra Civil War, Serpentor dies.

Note: Interrogator missed the war due to his Grandmother having the Flu.

October-1988 After Cobra Civil War

December-1994 Cobra disbands.

December -23-1995

Interrogator returns to Cobra.


Interrogator's player will be editing this as we go!
