Log Title: Inga Oho
Location: Wallingford Bungalow - Seattle, WA
Date: November 29, 2024
TP: Kintsukuroi TP
Summary: Oba Sen visits her nephew at his new home with Edwin and Akari. Some conversations must be had face to face.
As logged by Storm Shadow
Wallingford Bungalow - Seattle, WA <WB>[]
Inside this house shows a bit more of its age with the light fixtures and 70's/80's decor, but it's still in very good shape. Whoever lived here didn't smoke and kept the place very tidy. There's a den/office, a living room, a dining room, and three bedrooms in a line with each other, with a single bathroom located conveniently in the same hallway. On the opposite side of the house is a master bedroom with an adjoining bath and shower.
The backyard is a nice size, and has several trees. One of the trees has a wooden bench swing hanging from it, for those rare occasions when the rain stops long enough to enjoy a little outdoor time. There's also a firepit in the backyard.
Outside, in the backyard of this old Seattle Bungalo sits Tomas. Or more accurately kneels. He's rebuilding the firepit 'properly' after the storm that rolled through the week prior and after the yard had been cleared. It is a simple house, solid bones but retaining the 'ahem' charms of a late 70's-80's renovation that hasn't quite been updated. Still, a house in a good neighborhood with an actual yard is hard to come by and Edwin's brother in law was selling it just in time for the good Doctor to get it. Now it's home for the small family of three, settling into a new routine.
Now he does miss 99 Hill House. Mostly the giant soaking tub and properly built bathrooms but home.. he's discovering, is more of a feeling than a physical place.
Music is playing, some randomized mix, eclectic, from one of those digital music sites as he levels each tier of firebrick in the hole he dug down and sand gravel graded out. He's more on the side of a mess than his usual fastidiousness, wearing well worn camo cargo pants in a faded arctic pattern, a thermal long sleeved shirt and horror of all horrors, a flannel button-down. A well worn leather jacket is slung over a camp chair as he's warmed up with the physical labor. "Hmm.. Should probably get a tree." Murmuring to himself now and then.
A long black armored limousine pulls up outside, and with Storm Shadow's enhanced hearing, he can hear his aunt ask the driver in Japanese if this is, indeed, the right place, before being reassured that yes, they have the correct address. The driver side door opens, and an Arashikage chunin dressed as an American chauffeur opens the back door, allowing Arashikage Sen to emerge.
In the crisp 40-degree, the high-class elderly woman appears, a vision of timeless elegance. Her silver hair, styled impeccably in a traditional updo, shimmers under the soft autumn sunlight, a striking contrast against the dark hues of her formal kimono. Wrapped in layers of silk and warmth, she exudes an aura of sophistication and refinement. Her eyes, sharp and perceptive, betray a keen intellect and a depth of experience that comes only with time.
Sen scans the dwelling, quickly spotting Tomas on his knees, and moves towards him. As she glides through the chill of the afternoon, her presence commands respect and admiration, a living embodiment of tradition and modernity intertwined seamlessly. With each step, the delicate sound of her zori sandals resonates, echoing the grace and poise with which she moves.
Around Sen's waist, a luxurious obi cinches her attire, drawing attention to the intricate patterns that adorn her ensemble. Despite her age, there is a subtle air of danger that lingers around her, a hint of mystery and wisdom accumulated over her many years.
Well this is going to make the neighbors talk. Talk more. Tomas hefts another firebrick into place before rocking back on his heels, head tilted as he listens, then watches his Aunt enter into the backyard of this little suburban home. Dusting his hands off, he rises to his feet, a smudge of dirt across his cheek, hair tousled, cheeks red.
Still he dips into a formal bow, lips quirked into a small smile of both amusement and impishness. Straightening, he cocks a brow upwards, "Aunt." gesturing to the back door of the house, "Would you like to come in and have some tea? I have some nice first bloom lotus tea."
<< That sounds lovely, >> Oba Sen replies, looking around the location with a very intentional mask of polite interest. She waits for her young nephew to stand and brush himself off before following him inside, allowing him to hold the door for her, of course. As soon as the chunin sees that his jonin is in good hands, he returns to the car, moving it to a nondescript spot nearby to wait until he is summoned again.
<< I apologize for the clutter. The house came, unexpectedly, with the furnishings. >> 1980's called, it wants its heavy furniture back. And the wallpaper. And carpet.
Tomas nods to the chunin before closing the door behind himself. There is a small mudroom area where he wiggles his muddy shoes off and slips into clean slippers. << It was far more important to get Akiko settled into her new school than to spend concern on something as passing as looks when everything is functional. >> He gestures to the kitchen which has an electric kettle were others might have a coffee maker and stools at the breakfast counter. << What brings you to Seattle? >> He asks, pulling open a cabinet to collect his tea things, a nice pot and cups, a container of the aforementioned lotus tea and busies his hands with prepping the pot, starting the electric kettle.
<< This is very cozy, >> Oba Sen remarks politely in response to Tomas' somewhat defensive explanation. She looks around without touching anything. << Does it have an o-okasan suito? >> she asks casually, thinking of the extensive visitor quarters she maintains in the San Francisco location. As Storm Shadow's question, she turns to him with a more genuine smile. << To visit you, of course, and Steen-san, and to check on Akiko-kun's progress, >> she replies.
It was less defensive than simply explanatory but.. his Aunt knows him. Perhaps slightly defensive in the way an errant child is defensive of a new schoolmate, expecting to be poked about it. << It does not. With the family in mind, keeping the Hill House was something I was intending. So that we would have a place of refuge built to our standards. >>
Tomas hmms, then pulls a few containers out, pulling thin sesame cookies out, and small oatmeal lace cookies to go with the tea. Little snacks. << Ed-win is.. was on duty over the holiday so it was just Akari and I. >> Tiny little smile on his face for a moment, << We went to Pikes Place. She is such a serious young lady. >> His smile fades, << Very serious. She is.. adjusting. It will take time. >>
Oba Sen nods, settling in for tea and cookies. She pulls her elegant shawl over her shoulders and raises a precisely plucked eyebrow. << Might I trouble you for some misoshiru if you have any available? It's a bit chillier here than I had expected. >> She glances around again, and Tomas can tell with his practiced eye that her casual look is taking in every possible entrance and exit should the need arise unexpectedly. << Akiko-kun is a serious young woman, >> Sen finally comments. << She can benefit from your experience and tutelage, and Steen-san's empathy and warmth. >>
<< He got her a little scooter. >> Apropos of nothing or a comment on the empathy. Tomas nods, << It is the damp, it seeps into your bones. >> Pulling a little pot out and using some of the kettle water to get it started on a simmer. Pulling out a few things to swiftly make the simplistic miso broth, already chopped green onions, little nearly translucent slices of button mushrooms, white miso paste and some bonito shavings. Simple but balanced. The kettle is refilled after water is added to the teapot and covered to steep.
<< I have the fireplaces and chimney scheduled to be confirmed safe for use. Something about a fire warms more than the body on these damp nights. >> Quirk of a smile, << And having all of the closets properly organized. So I can have the appropriate attire for this new position I find myself in. >> Tiny smirk, amused, << When I said I would do anything for my family, I did not anticipate the levels of cruelty I would be exposed to... Public service, Oba? >> Tone amused, lighter.
Oba Sen smiles sweetly. << Inga Oho, >> she says with a hint of polite sadism. << Redemption for all the evil you had to perform in the service of adatagachi, >> she adds, with a touch more sympathy. << Besides, your physical skills are already unmatched. It is time for you to build up your social muscles as well. Covert operations take place more than in the dead of night. You can hide in shadows in a white ninja-fuku. But can you do the same in a snow tuxedo? >> she asks with amusement.
Tomas hrmphs, but pours tea none-the-less. << Balance in all things. >> He replies, carefully offering her the first cup. << I have social skills! >> Of sorts. If snarky asshole were a social category, he'd have honors mastery in it. << Hai. I can and I will. And I have already. >> Impish smile as he begins layering the miso soup's ingredients together. << I do understand the need for more polish. Quietly glaring only works with certain elements. I have not.. entirely. forgotten manners. >>
Oba Sen chuckles, accepting the tea graciously and sipping it delicately with a smile of approval. << Your glare can certainly kill at a thousand paces, and your manners are impeccable when appropriate, >> she acknowledges. << But a little more practice at social intrigue wouldn't hurt if you are one day to take over the family business, >> she says softly. << There is more to leadership than skill in assassination and security, >> she quietly laughs behind her teacup.
That gets a quirk of a brow while Tomas stirs the simmering liquid he's preparing. << I was sent to a -war- as a /finishing school/ Oba. As a graduation. >> Tone quiet, taking time to strain the bonito flakes out and then slowly stir in the miso paste. << Social niceties were not part of that learning pathway. If that was the intent then perhaps mistakes were made in my original training.. >> he trails off, shrugs, and gets two bowls out. << 'If only's only bring regret. I have more than enough regret for two lifetimes if not more. I will do as I am directed and try to not gain what is it the kids call it these days... ahh... >> "Dad bod." Smirking as he dishes the soup out..
Oba Sen's expression sobers slightly. << Learning to stay alive, and how to work with others in a combat situation, took precedence over social intrigue at the time, >> she replies pertly. << I have no regrets as to the course of your education. As for your extended self-imposed mission of adatagachi... >> she says, pausing. << It's... not what I would have chosen for you, but I cannot fault you with seeking justice for the murder of my husband, nor for the need to clear your name. >>
Tomas frowns, hands pausing in the work of dishing out the simple seeming soup. A deep breath, another, brow knitted as a glimpse of his more intemperate disposition flares. A nod and he places the bowl of miso soup in front of his aunt with a little bow of his head. << The times were different and so were we. >> he finally speaks after taking a moment to reel in that tiny flame of temper. << Akari wishes to visit home - I thought of making the trip over her next extended school holiday break. >> Impishness rises again, ever present these days even with the glimpses of temper. << Perhaps a winter wedding? >>
Oba Sen accepts the warm soup gratefully, sipping it daintily with a pleased grin. << A winter wedding for Akari-kun? >> she teases. << Isn't she a little young, in this age? >> she chuckles. Setting her spoon down, she adds more seriously, << If that is something you would desire, I would of course put all the family's resources towards making it happen, Tomas-kun, >> she smiles. << Have you discussed it with Steen-san? >> she asks with a familiar quirk of her eyebrow.
Tomas sips his tea, lips quirked into a tiny smile, the barest of expressions but one that's more true than the smirks he presents regularly. << Ahh, she misses home, Oba. I understand this. I remember when we first moved over, missing the states, the patterns, being uneasy with strange faces. More when father.. was gone. >> He shrugs, looking off, << December 25th is a ta day. Doubly auspicious this year. There are others who were engaged before Ed-win and I. >>
Tone sliding amused, << At this rate Sean will follow in his sensei's footsteps which I'd rather not have to hound 2 adopted members of our family into properly settling in with their chosen other halves. So. not necessarily my own wedding - which, thank you for this position, sneaking off to have it would be peculiar but not entirely improper. >>
Oba Sen smiles, also a more genuine expression than most would ever see. She looks almost ready to pinch her younger nephew's cheek, although of course she resists. After taking another long, slow sip of her soup, she says, << Whatever you feel is more appropriate, you have my backing. Just inform my Fukucho of all the details and he will see that it is handled. >> She finishes her soup and settles back to enjoy her company and tea.
Tomas blinks slowly, looking off, allowing himself a moment of quiet to think and.. mull over his own words. Some of it was meant as part of the ever ongoing game of words, although it still brings a tint of red to the edges of his ears and a huff before he sips at his own soup. << It would be a bare few weeks to attempt to plan such. I would not do my komorebi a dishonor by not properly showing my devotion. >> He fidgets with his tea cup, brows knitting together, frowning, a flicker of something crossing his face before he exhales heavily.
<< Oba? >> Tone sliding thoughtful, brittle. << He is my other half, the light to my shadows. Crows on the roof and all. I... the words, I am no poet, I only wish I were more of one. Imperfectly perfect together, we balance. >>
Oba Sen sets down her cup and leans forward, her expression open but serious. << Thus was the same between the Hard Master and me. Not everyone saw how we meshed, but... we were good together, >> she says wistfully. << I see how Steen-san is good for you, Tomas-kun, >> she continues. << How can I help? Sincerely -- you have suffered so much. It is good to see you find some happiness and contentment before I die, >> she concludes.
<< You will outlive us all, Obake. >> Tomas teases before looking into his tea. << I wish to wed him, the sooner the better. I have been watching for auspicious days, and comparing to when Akari is not in schooling. And comparing to when he is rotated in on duty. The next -is- the end of this December. The next after is February then April. I wish not to rush anything, to be.. improper but... Time it waits for no man nor woman. I want, so much, so.. deeply it cause me some concern this.>>
Tomas looks around at the kitchen, cocking a brow up, << I wish to make my vows to him, the ancestors and what gods will listen. >> He quirks the other brow up, << And if he wishes, offer him a family marking as a spouse to the main line. One of the older spouse heraldries. As.. well..>> he gestures to his arm, << Too many of those with ill repute know of our mainline heraldry. >> He takes a deep breath, thoughts refocusing, cheeks tinged red from sharing baldly a wish of his, a want. << If he agrees, I do wish to wed him on December the 25th, at home, where the touch of snow can grace us both with the promise of springs together. >>
Oba Sen smiles, the gesture warming her dark eyes as well. << If that is what you want, Tomis-kun, that that is what I wish for you. I know well that time can take from us whom we love without warning. In this case, I would choose happiness over the façade of propriety. As for clan symbolism -- again, I trust your judgement, Tomis-kun. I appreciate you discussing this and all things with me, but no matter how long I live, your level of responsibility is going to increase, and I am going to give you more reign in making decisions involving the family going forward. >>
Tomas's cheeks and ear tips remain slightly tinged but he steps out from behind the counter that's separated them during this conversation. And the bows deeply, << I have plans, adjustments, returns to some of our older ways now that the 'modern' world has gained some sense back. Our calling and work from the shadows and in the light - balance. >> He straightens, that tiny smile back on his face, << You will always be one I discuss these things with, Oba. You are as much of a mother to me as my own was, if not more as I have been guided by you for far longer. You are our Obake and I can only hope to aspire to being our Yatagarasu.>>
Oba Sen's smile brightens further, as do her eyes, at the concept of Storm Shadow wishing to take up such a role. << It has been a long time since our family had such a guiding force, >> she says, folding her strong but aging hands in front of her now-empty bowl and teacup. << If anyone could fill such a role, it would be you, Tomisaburo-san, >> she says, with a slight change of emphasis.
<< I know. It's well past time. One cannot be such without knowing, understanding both the darkness and the light inside and how both are needed. >> Tomas straightens, tiny smile in place, eyes bright. << Thank you. >>
Oba Sen stands as well, reaching out her hands to Storm Shadow, palms down. << Thank you, Tomisaburo-san, >> she replies warmly. << Is there a place that I may stay the night here, or should I have my untenshu find us a hotel for the evening? >> she asks, for once not just assuming everyone else should just accommodate one of her age and status.
Tomas takes his aunts hands, bringing them up to ghost a kiss across her aged knuckles. << We do have guest space. The bathroom is shared with Akari and is... western. It is not the Hill house but you are always welcome in whatever place I call home. From the studio over the dojo in New York to the dojo in San Francisco, to the Hill house and to here, home is a feeling, not a place and you are always a part of what makes home home, Oba.>>
<< I advise keeping the door carefully shut as Mr. Ichiro likes to lay claim to those sleeping where he can get to them. >> Tomas adds with that impish grin of his.
Oba Sen accepts Storm Shadow's hands gracefully and gives him one last warm smile. << I handled the incursions of the Tengu Clan alone, >> she informs Tomas. << I think I can handle one territorial cat, >> she chuckles. She reaches up and casually taps a short code into one of her stylish hairpins, and soon security alerts Tomas that her driver has returned with a large amount of luggage for the night.
Tomas chuckles, giving Oba's hands a gentle squeeze before stepping back. << Oh he is simply curious and likes to sleep on people. This house is a bit more damp than the other and he's adjusting. Or so I've been told. >> A deep breath and he heads for the front door to unlock it so Oba's luggage can be brought in, lending a hand in toting it to the better of the guest rooms. << The water heating system is good here, tankless. I will let Akari know that you are here - she checks her phone in the mornings to catch up with her friends from home. And let Edwin know - I believe he is due in late tonight so I do not wish him to be completely surprised to see you over tea in the morning. >> Rakish grin, << Just his usual level of surprise.>>
Oba Sen chuckles. << I'll TRY not to be too intimidating, >> she claims, but the veracity of that remains to be seen. Once her belongings are moved into the nicest of the guest rooms, she gives Storm Shadow a ghost kiss and disappears into the room to prepare it until dinner or whenever Edwin arrives home, whichever is sooner.
OOC Translations:[]
chunin - a level of rank and expertise in a shinobi family
jonin - a level of rank and expertise in a shinobi family
o-okasan suito - Grandmother's suite, or in-laws suite
misoshiru - white miso soup
Inga Oho - cause and effect, 'karma', an idiom for 'What goes around comes around'
adatagachi - pursuit of revenge/retribution in this context
a 'Ta' day, or Taian - a reference to Rokuyo, lucky and unlucky days of the Japanese calendar
Fukucho - a level of rank and expertise in a shinobi family, Oba Sen's deputy head
komorebi - sunlight dappling through leaves
Obake - lit: shapeshifter, a thing that changes. In this context a family title for a leader who shifts and bends like the willow to insure the family survives.
Yatagarasu - lit: eight-span crow, crow of Amaterasu, a Shinto legendary guiding figure. In this context a family title for a leader guiding back from a darker time with knowledge bestowed both old and new.
untenshu - driver, chauffeur