- Imager is an Autobot OC.

- Name: Imager
- Faction: Autobot
- Species: Transformer
- Function: REFUELER
- Division: Medical
- Sub-Group: Female Autobot
- Type: OC
“ | There's a song out there that can end a war, and there has to be someone to play it. | ” |
One of the largest Femmes in creation, IMAGER now serves a humble role as a refueler for the Autobots. She carries an extra tank of fuel in her heavy APC mode, ensuring her comrades are always energized. Once a celebrated musician on Cybertron before the war, Imager has never fully recovered from the violence she has witnessed. In combat, she wields a tri-barreled plasma shotgun and a thick shield that qualifies as starship armor, reflecting her blend of artistic soul and warrior spirit. Her near-impenetrable quad-layered eledinium armor shields her from most attacks, but when it fails, she has a tendency to short circuit or shut down, a stark reminder of her vulnerability amidst her strength.
Canonical/Pre-MUX/Theme History:[]
Imager was initially designated Holosia in the 3rd Age, three hundred and sixty seventh year.
Imager was a member of one of the cells of Female Autobots on Cybertron during the war, and after the Ark and Nemesis left for Earth. Cybertron was in shutdown mode with Shockwave in charge. She watched Cybertron decay, she caught whatever scant messages were sent by Alpha Trion and she found herself in a position where she was forced to adapt, to soldier on grimly or simply perish. She's seen friends die, and that's made her distant from allies. She's seen a different sort of war than most of the Bots, endless hunger, endless despair, watching others die simply because you could not fashion the parts to repair them properly.

She's not a humdrum woe-is-me type like perhaps Dirge, but there isn't exactly enthusiasm in the orders she takes. There's also been more than one instance where she'd get overcharged on enerhol just to keep her processor offline. For the most part, consider her a Bot who has had a rough go of it, and finds it hard to really 'belong' anywhere. Granted the other Female Autobots are the main company she keeps when possible, with the others, it's almost as if they're allies, but not really part of the same faction. It's a sense of identity and belonging that she searches for, one that was lost eons ago.
During early war times, Imager had stayed on the sidelines until she was abducted as part of a torment for the rich elite. Destined to be killed in the gladiator pits, an Autobot raid saved her life there. She was forced to brutally kill a guard with her vioello, which forever tainted her love of music. She reluctantly threw in with the Autobots, and was taken under wing of Arcee and Ironhide. She still shares a great deal of affection and respect for the two and has been accused of stealing Ironhide's 'drawl'.
Her first mission after her combat training involved her being part of an extraction team to deal with post-battle medical care. She was there after Harmonex was leveled by Trypticon. Of personal lament, the great statue of herself had been knocked down and crushed several people.
MUX History:[]
Took her literal eons to get past that, to mourn. She recovered her 'voice' as it were and has attempted to reach out to other citizens of Harmonex for some sense of kinship. Harmonex was considered neutral ground but was unofficially claimed by the Dominicons. Soundwave had a vested interest in the city as well. Imager eventually repaired the city shield with Soundwave, and together the two fixed it so that the only way through the city shield was to have an autobot faction badge and a decepticon faction badge together. meaning they entered next to each other. What Imager did not know was that the Dominicons added their own frequency to that.
It was a mistake. Harmonex drew a ton of interest due to the shield, and trauma flashbacks caused her to get anxious. Peace talks were breaking down as Autobot and Dominicon sides were stubbornly refusing to concede ground. Imager called in her favor from Bulwark, the mighty engineer, and learned how to magnify the city shield using the crystals there. The drawback was, the shield could not be lifted ever again. As such, Harmonex became a city in a bottle. Disgraced and abandoned by most of the survivors of Harmonex, Imager feels as if she betrayed her people for her own selfish desires.
Through the intervention of Calyhex, Imager got on speaking terms with the Cityspeaker Banshee. While infuriated at the concept eventually of playing a concert at Trypticon, Imager's life statement of 'There's a song that can end a war out there, and someone has to play it.' was key to her agreement. She played a magnificent concert there, in hopes of finally finding a way to help mend ties between the two sides.
Ultrix' destruction afterwards didn't help much. Investigation Axlon shortly afterwards, Imager was swallowed up by a freakish sandstorm at a hot spot, and returned mutated carrying a second spark, calling herself Spitze...

Power Base in Helex
In 2015, Imager was took part in the campaign against Helex, and was part of the crew on the ill-fated maiden voyage of the Spirit of Freedom.
In March of 2016, Imager helped turn back an attack by the Seacons on the Central Spaceport in Ibex.
In 2017, Imager helped defend Iacon against an assault by Trypticon.
In 2018, Imager discovered a temple devoted to Solus Prime with the other players of the Dungeon Crawl TP, and rediscovered a song known as "Solus' Lament."
In 2019, Imager was given the stewardship of Harmonex in secret by Optimus Prime, and suffered from acute nucleosis, but was eventually cured. Her problems with Soundwave have done nothing but increase since then. Imager tried to use "Solus' Lament" to stop the Fallen's attack, and was unsuccessful. As steward of Harmonex, Imager feared for war coming to it again after city ownership rights presented themselves. She sealed the city, and broke the key into three parts, giving one to Illarion, one to Starlock, and one to Soundwave. In doing so, she feels like she betrayed much of what she holds dear.
In 2020, Imager composed a brand new song, 'The Tragedy of 'Megatronus' which was played before the Fallen's fateful assault on Iacon that killed many. Later, she was repeatedly ambushed by Decepticons while doing Operations work.
In 2022, As part of Cybertron's revival, Imager was accidentally sucked into a hot spot, and her spark was merged with the body of newly-formed Spitze. Eventually the two were separated and Imager given a new body of her own.
So far in 2023, Imager's been rather quiet. She was nearly killed by Hun-Grrr, and her depression has gotten worse. On advice of her therapist, she's started to take antidepressants, but the use of them has quelled her creativity for music.

Imager's altmode in 2024
In 2024, Alpha Trion promoted Imager to SGT within the Basic Energon Logistics Division (BELD) of Autobot Operations.
OOC Notes[]
Imager joined the MUX in April of 2013.
Imager is quite religious, being a Primalist (Devotee of the Guiding Hand), but felt uncomfortable getting a tattoo.
The Maestra Secundae of Cybertron, Imager was only outclassed by the Maestro Primo Vococent.
Imager's deceased teammates were named Cypher, Glamour, Covert, Safeguard, and Cometchaser.
April 7 - Just checking in[]
- Uhhhhmmm. Imager here. I hadn't really written anything saying that I'm back in active service, but yeah, that's a thing and it happened SOOOOO the ole retrofit is done, and I have some wicked tricks to work with I guess. Hope the analysts liked being all touchy mechs cuz that's the last chance they get of THAT happening again. Well not unless they buy me dinner.
- Imager Out.
April 14 - "Decepticon Castle Redux"[]
The Decepticons attack Castle Decepticon, trying to get it back from the Autobots.
Apr 16 - Re:Castle Decepticon[]
To: Autobot Military/Logistics Division
Security Level: Medium
Subject : Logistics Report
Apr 22 - Re: Requisition[]
- Imager grimaces on screen, "Well that's all sort of appreciated. however as we sorta lost the Castle itself most of that will be kept on back supply for when we get a new outpost to start up. Still dern useful and necessary however iffin we got more pressing concerns. Why you go ahead and tend to them first."
Jun 12 - Convoy problems[]
- Imager appears on screen. "So uh.....after that big ole underground whoozits fighting that went on. After the Bots did the up and up by securing the tunnel. We had us a team go out to check on Razorclaw, maybe give him the kibosh if we could. Funny story....none of em came back. So that's a thing, and I think we should...well, smelt man, people just disappeared. That's a problem. Command, you wanna look for em, or what?"
Jun 13 - Re: Bossman Orders[]
- Imager's back on screen, "Uhhh yes sir, kinda figured that'd be the orders. And bein that I'm the closest Bot we got in Operations, lessen till Hot Spot returns, I'mma asking for either Nosecone or oneadem Wrecker yahoos like Twin Twist to go along, since there's a possibility ofa cave-in. Military's got command of the mission even if I am the one organizing it." She leans in a bit, trolling, "You're welcome." Her optics open a bit, as she apparently remembers who the message is to, "Uh, sir. Yep, on it."
Jun 13 - "Spirit of Freedom, act 1"[]
Three concurrent events surround the doomed ship, the Spirit of Freedom. What is the Decepticon plan here? It starts with the attempted assassination of Ultra Magnus!
6/13/15 - "The Spirit of Freedom, Act 3"[]
Predaking's on the hull, and no amount of window washer fluid or wiper blades can stop him!
Jun 29 - Re: Convoy problems[]
- An abashed looking Imager is on screen, apprehensively holding the back of her neck. "Yeah. So Nosecone lead a team down to investigate what happened to our second team down there in that tunnel. Figured the technobots were a good choice for this. at least the one that can guarantee a way out of a cave-in. The mech. Primus bless him. said that they didn't see anything out of the ordinary but that the area Razorclaw fell into was very large and open so there was a lot of ground to cover which means it'd need a bigger investigation. No signs of weaponsfire or...well...bodies either. So that's good they could just be lost and they've got rations. We'll keep looking. Also"
- Imager hits a datapad button, and reads verbatim, "'This place makes my heebie-jeebies get the willies.' So that's a thing. I'll arrange something more large scale if we can afford it."
Jul 18 - Re:Spike[]
Imager appears on screen, her head in her hand. "This couldn't happen when someone else in Operations was on duty?" She slumps back in her seat all melodramatic, "Uhhhhhh! Fine. Fine. At least they're tiny. Okay Bots you're going to start having to get some extra roommates...so as fits standard Autobot procedure for the last six eons we will search through all personality profiles and mix two random Bots with little to no history together citing a preference for conflict between the two or...and I quote "wacky antics""
July 27 - "Unlikely Talent"[]
Delving into the rough femme's past leads to sparkache
August 10 - "Autobots to the Rescue!"[]
Autobots, as well as neutrals from all over Praxus, have been captured and put to work in Internment Camp Pi. Springer has allowed himself to get captured to work from the inside, and before his inhibiter claw was affixed he was able to leak out information about the camp.
August 17 - Mission Parameters[]
Imager appears on screen. The large Femme looks rather somber as she sits before the camera. "I uh...got the files I needed." She looks away, distressed. "The first one we can kinda confirm. The only one really that we know where she was lost was Cometchaser."
- A hologram of a wide-armed Femme, with a sleek starship design appears, wearing black and red. (Picture Metalhawk if he could turn into a Naboo Starfighter)
- "CC was my boss. And...yeah she was a friend." Imager's reluctant speech continues with a great deal of apprehension. A few moments pass. "While I was offlined. Stuck in that chasm an unable to get sunlight. Unable to modeshift. She was off workin the trenches. Elita-Style. 'Parrently a bunch of NAILs...erm. Neutrals got themselves caught by some nasty customers. She set out to find em and rescue em alone."
- The camera cuts away from her before her emotions show. The camera changes to Iacon, as viewed from above.
- And music plays....
- As the transit from Iacon, over the wartorn fields of Cybertron, the ruined cities, the wastelands, to Helex' ruins.
- The camera dives down into a hole in the ground, into the vast network of tunnels beneath Cybertron. Strange figures are seen darting past as the camera delves in deeper, and deeper. Three hauntingly gaunt Femmes stare into the camera, wailing. To those that know of the strange city, they would be known as the Weird Sisters.
- The camera takes a left turn down another side tunnel, where green gas spews out randomly from the pipes, down a side tunnel. The music stops, as a squelching grinding noise is heard. The hulking mech known as Tetrahedronhead, the innards of his form visible, as he has no body plating save his strangely shaped head, pulls an enormous blade behind him.
- The camera backs up, pursuing a different path.
- The camera switches to a stationary spot. That of a darkened room, and two vaguely visible features. Some sort of husky mech sitting, and a tall lean Femme with green optics beside him.
- The camera moves forward into the ruined city. Strange greenish energy visible, as multitudes of chanting, ritualistic cybertronians lead a series of captured Autobots and Decepticons to somewhere off screen.
"We gotta go to Silent Grill...."
- The camera flashes back to that darkened room again. When the lights flicker on, there is nobody there...
- The camera shows a tall femme waving a staff around, silhouetted by the strange greenish energy backlighting her.
- Suddenly the camera falters, the music cuts, as tentacles assault it. A shrill mechanical shriek echoes as static fills the screen, flashing the face of a faceless mech... and he looks rather much like this:

The Slender Mech
- The cutscene ends.
8/21 - "One More Spark to the Call"[]
Into the depths, looking for answers...
9/4/15 - "Duet on a Vanishing Planet"[]
The Last Note threatens the world of Eurythma, destroying the planet from within.
Oct 08 - Re:Silent Grill[]
Imager appears on screen, "Lugging a dead Titan out from the underground has got a bunch of problems attached to it. Let alone whatever the smelt that city has had. I think it is doable... I *guess* but honestly I think we'd better renegotiate with Helex. I don't want anymore of whatever THAT is coming out of whatever THAT HOLE is. Not too sure what sort of military or diplomacy would be needed to get it done... BUT we could set up a few dozen subspace generators around it maybe and joint link em into an expanded/shared subspace field. It'd be noisy and loud. Ain't no way we could do it all stealth like without arousin a big ole deal of suspicion but I think we can move it at least."
- The Femme shrugs her broad shoulders, "I uh...really don't want to go back down there. There are all sorts of things down there no mech in his right processor wants to deal with." She gets a bit of a thousand yalm stare going as she considers the thoughts.
- March 22 - "Seacon Attack on Ibex" - The Seacons attack the Central Spaceport in Ibex.
- April 15 - "Deathknell:Infosec" - With the Autobots in the dark about Silent Grill, Elita One orders the capture of one of the Weird Sisters - Singing muses of the dark that patrol the outer grounds of the ruined city. However capturing one may be just as hard as interrogating one.
- July 05 - "Deathknell: Two counts of Trespassing" - Autobots and Decepticons vie for information aboard a derelict space station.
- March 21 - "Assault on Iacon" - Trypticon launches an assault on Iacon.
Jul 27- Toraxxis Energon Results[]

To: Typhoon and Autobot Operations Commander
Security Level: High
Subject : Requested Report on Toraxxis Energon
Imager appears on screen in one of the labs on Iacon. "Alright, its been a bit since I had to hop into the ole workshop for analysis, but as it turns out, I'm a living paragon of Energon analysis and speculation. You're welcome."
She raises a hand, "Initial analysis was done on site, and...that was probably a poor choice of actions on my part, as the energon was laced with processor-stimulating compounds that enticed the what-I-now-dub 'Rage-centric' parts of the processor." Footage plays of Imager smashing things, punching hard into walls, and breaking through them, she screams "I SAID I WANTED TO PET THE EARTH DOG? WHERE IS HE?" People flee in terror.
Footage cuts back to her, "So I kept the Toraxxis Energon sequested from my own supply." The big Femme pauses as she adds an audio note, "Reminder: Never get rage on your own supply." "Anyhoo." She claps her hands together, "the chemical compound added to the energon seems to be of a natural origin, like the planet put it there or something. I suspect some sort of initial taint."
A map is produced that looks eerily reminiscent of the Death Star plans. Several Junkions watching this video nod sagely, and recite from the script in unison. The rest of the universe is unnerved by such nerdcred.
"Way I'm figurin it, it could be just the uh...whatsit 'vitra sentius'...'sentia'? Is it 'sentius' or 'sentia'? Look, my Ye Olde Cybertronae is as rusty as Dirge's wingjoints, but I am thinking that there's some corruption there, could've happened during that whole..."
The lights dim to a green as Imager intones in a really crummy accent. "De Fate of Siebertron Is EEn Mah Grasp" She mocks Dal Matia's earlier world-ending moment know as the Misericorde. The lights return to normal. "Uerhm, anyhoo, point is that the energon's tainted, and makes mechs prone to violence. And its not a dang test to see if you can handle it, it has nothing to do with engex tolerance. So you Wreckers can shut it off right now."
A spooky shadow flickers behind her, perhaps in response to mocking Silent Grill's inhabitants, as she waves. "Anyway, that's what I got from it so far. Might be able to filter it out, but we dunno how much of it is compromised."
"Imager Out."
A tiny cackle is heard to those who overanalyze standard memos audio components, so that'd be Red Alert, of course.
- 6-3 - "Old mech, new tricks" - Imager shows off, and Encore gets an idea out of it.
June 6 - "Valvolux: Another Problem for the Pile"[]
The Dominicons report in with something worth knowing.
Jun 07 - Report on Valvolux[]
Current State of Valvolux

To: Command
Security Level: High
Subject : Unidentified Power Source
Imager appears on screen, "uhhh yeah so things are going from bad to worse. First off we need more Military types here in Valvolux. my Ops team isn't cut out for full field action. The Dominicons have jumped in to provide some relief. They also bring us news that there's something powering up beneath Valvolux. Speculation has that it might be due to this 'Founder' they keep speaking of in these parts. but nothing conclusive. Either way we're trying to assemble a team to investigate it. but we're having trouble finding submersibles and drilltanks that can fit the bill. We desperately need more assistance in the city or we're going to fall at any moment now."
The screen trembles. "They've started shelling again. I've got to go."
6/15 - "Dungeon Crawl Part 1"[]
Heroic Autobots head beneath Valvolux.
6/18 - "Dungeon Crawl Part 2"[]
Heroic Autobots beneath Valvolux.
6/19 - "Dungeon Crawl Part 3"[]
Heroic Autobots beneath Valvolux.
28 June - "Battle against the Pod Creatures"[]
Last time, the Autobots found a hatch out of the repair bay. It led down to a tunnel carved right through the rock. They ran from some ominous buzzing and ended up here, in a chamber with pods that probably contain living creatures.
30 June - "The Energon Stream"[]
The Autobots below Valvolux investigate a chamber giving off a strange glow.
3 July - "The Dying Mech"[]
The Autobots find a dying prisoner.
4 July - "Fight the Mutants"[]
Heroic Autobots face twisted mutants beneath Valvolux.
Jul 07 - Report on Valvolux (Subterranean)[]
Findings of the Subterranean Exploration Project aka Dungeon Crawl

To: Intelligence/Military
Security Level: HIGH
Subject : 10 astrohours post operation
Imager looks a bit damaged as she's in motion, part of the team can be seen in the camera behind her on occasion. "In motion as I do this so things might be a bit sketchy. We explored the mysterious power increase beneath the city. Techno-organics and...well other things were down there. Alloygators. misshapen Cybertronians...other nightmares. We should either seal those tunnels for certain or put the torch to them. Some things had /EGGS/. Anyway."
Explosions are in the far off distance, giving her pause, someone in the background is heard saying to take cover. Everything is quiet for several moments as Imager looks around. The scene skips forward, the team is in motion again. "Found...would you believe? an actual cathedral built to Solus Prime down there. I did a tri-layered scan of the place. It was...well...painstakingly done. We're talking First Age. Found several relics from there too...but the big news is that the energy drain was a stasis capsule...and the occupant inside was reactivated. Name's Bulwark. Architect and Master City Planner. Blacksmith for Titans. He's not faction-aligned but he wants to see Valvolux prosper again. Claims the hammer he has was of /her/ forge. You High Brass /really/ need to talk to him. ASAP."
- The ground shakes beneath her, and again the team pauses. "That'll have to do for now. Imager out." The building starts to shake just as the transmission cuts out.
Jul 22 - Encore, Check this out![]
Personal Video Feed To Encore
Imager appears on screen, "okay, okay, I know you being Mister 'know everything about engex' guy probably already knows about this, but I was watching humie teevee the other week and saw how they prepped their organic fuel, right? So I saw something that they were doing, and thought I'd give it a shot myself!"
The camera shows to an energon cube with hoses sticking out of it. "I slipped a line off of the main cooling line over in Building 3-H, and ran it through the energon cube. See, look?" She pulls the hose out, which frosts on her fingers, and shows the energon in a semi-solid state. "Its chilled pretty good. Its not full solid, but I imagine we couldn't process it if it were."
She picks up a quarter cube, and fills it. "It looks fancy." She then raises a quart to the camera and takes a big swig. Imager immediately starts coughing and pretty much sprawls out on the ground as she tries to clear her intake lines. She coughs several more times as she fumbles for the camera. "Ugh, I am deleting this train wreck..."
July 30 - "Time to Call in Some Help"[]
Backblast and Scales are stumped, so they ask an expert to help.
Aug 06 - Re:Valvolux Shortages[]
Imager drums her fingers on the table as she looks into the viewscreen, her head rests atop her arm.
"Ain't it always the same thing? Require more Energon. Okay well let's take a looksee at our main options...
The old standard is a ground convoy. Either we get an actual tanker or we get a bunch of us that have extra storage capacity like myself. Gas-Power. Capacitax and Capaciton. et cetera" She leans forwards and points at the camera, "So its not just me!"
""Option two would be going back underground. No thank you for that. I did my part but another team could go down there and look for the newer pipelines coming up. We put on some filters. Six of em or so will do the trick to filter it up decently. Then we ensure that pipe goes to Valvolux. I don't need to tell you that it is a maze down there and I'd rather not do that again so soon."
"Third option I can think of right now is to try the ole Third Age satellite systems. You ever see one of them in action? They actually beam it up in a column. Turn. Then beam it back down. It was good for high volumes but most if not all of em are at least partially broken. They got raided when things got scarce the first time. That'd mean a spacewalk."
Imager jerks a finger to herself, "They're all probably going to draw attention most likely. Its all risk and reward like normal. The first being less risky but least capacity and so forth."
August 15 - "Saying Hi to Snarl"[]
Cobra interrupts Scales and Snarl chatting in the desert.
Sep 03 - Message from Bludgeon[]
Uh, An open message was sent to Valvolux earlier. ID'd from Bludgeon. It reads "I spared your precious Dominicons this time. I shan't be so accommodating in the future. Knightmare, show yourself."
October 30 - "Valvolux Festival, Day One"[]
It's a giant party in Valvolux, and everybody is in costume!
November 08 - Fallen Attack on Retoris[]
- "I'll Huff and I'll Puff" - The Fallen comes a-calling in Retoris (Fallen POV).
- "Facing The Fallen" - The Fallen has come to Retoris to make his demands of the Autobots. The Autobots defy him. (Autobot POV)
Nov 09 - ...[]
A video log has been posted to the Autobot channel.
Imager just stares forward into the camera for about fifteen seconds, she looks perfectly fine, though that sullen look on her face is a worry.
"I uhhh...." She starts, her voice very soft, as she looks off-camera, "I've been going through...a..uhm...rough patch...for a while now. Been...been thinkin real hard about leavin'....you know, goin off-duty, goin somewhere else to just." She gestures to her head, and wiggles her fingers, "get my head right."
"There was that whole thing with Retoris yesterday...and I'm not making this about me. We had casualties, and we have some people in desperate need of care. But...well...I don't know if I'm one of them."
She shifts. "I uh....I saw him. I saw something that nobody should ever see. Most of us did, or have seen footage by now. And...well...I didn't fight him. There was this...." She gesticulates, "whole thing that I was a part of not long ago, and I learned some very interesting history. Its no secret that...uh.......that I'm something of a real fan of Solus Prime."
She lets the name hang there for a while.
Her voice turns gravelly, "and....I got to see some information about her life that I didn't know before.....and I'm telling you guys this because...well, I've been having some trouble keeping the faith. I'm tired of everything getting destroyed over and over and over and. And I did something stupid, maybe. I played that song I learned for the Fallen. I played Solus' Lament to him, because I thought that maybe." She shakes her head slowly, "Maybe I could get through to him. And this...this Unicron-spawn...he's been so full of absolute power and rage for eons upon eons. I don't know what I expected....." She gives a weak smile, "That the entire battle'd stop. That he'd be overcome with sorrow...flee. Nobody would get hurt. We'd all stop fighting. It was....silly to think that I could do that."
"But....he stopped. He looked at me. I....I gave him pause."
"It may've only been for a few seconds, but...but my music did a tiny bit of good...a skosh of good....It didn't change the battle much but..." She shrugs again, "A really wise Prime once said that 'the good things are the ones that take the most effort'." Again, there's a weak smile, "It was a sign for me, that maybe not yet...but maybe someday. Maybe someday music really can make the difference, stop the war. Its just going to take time." She blinks and looks towards camera, "I'm going to try. It make take another six eons, but maybe its possible. Maybe...just maybe I could be someone who could do this....So I'm sticking around. I'll fight, but I'll fight because I want it to end. I'll fight because nobody ever needs to go through what we've gone through, and I think...I'll be okay with that."
The camera shuts off without another word.
November 15 - The Scheme[]
Imager shares her idea for how to save Harmonex with Soundwave.
- January 2 - "How Do You Solve a Problem like Soundwave?" - Soundwave is hiding out in a bar after a misunderstanding with his fellow Decepticons.
Feb 06 - A Concern[]
Imager's voice is played over a holotape of Harmonex. "While examining Harmonex, I've noticed some weirdness with how the city was reformatted. Second age stuff mixed in with Fourth age. Weird adapters made to have differences fit together...This sweep I found that some of the buildings from the second age, aren't matching up to the blueprints I have. Something is different, some master construction kernal...I think its improvising."
Her concerned face shows up, "Guys...what if Cybertron's CPU is corrupted?"
Apr 21 - "We've Got an Epidemic"[]
Imager comes into Medical with some personal issues that are much bigger than she thinks.
Apr 21 - Urgent message to medical command[]

Security Level: COMMAND ONLY
- While awaiting results from Medical personnel Scales, I've been put into quarantine for possible Nucleon infection. I was advised to list all the Autobot personnel that may've contracted Nucelon poisoning during my refueling duties. Below is a list of Operations personnel that were scheduled for refuel as per normal duties.
Also, Soundwave says he's dying, and he gave me whatever this is. Do not talk about it on any channels...
>**a list of one hundred and sixty two Autobots follows**<
April 24 - "The Doctors Are In"[]
As news of the problem spreads, Autobot medics assemble and look for the source.
August 29 - "Curing Imager"[]
Imager finally gets cured of nucleosis.
September 22 - "The Fallen Attacks Iacon- Dominicon Perspective"[]
The Fallen TP Finale -- the big bad himself shows up looking for his Blaster.
October 14 - "Arrivals, New and Old"[]
Iacon sees some new faces and some old ones that haven't been back in a while.
Dec 28 - Re: Iacon Rebuilding Process[]
Imager appears on screen, distracted and out of Iacon. "Uhh.. yeah so... kinda... kinda forgot to give an update on Iacon. I mean I know that Trailbreaker and Dust Devil got their orders that they weren't needed for forcefield duty, but it's all completed now, in terms of structure. Good as new, give or take eight percent. You might see some cosmetics still need fixed, and the like, but Iacon is militarily functional again. So there's that." The report cuts off without much fanfare.
- 1/3 - "Asking For An Incident" - A fight between breaks out between Imager and Soundwave, and spills out of control when Starlock tries to stop it, and get them to talk civilly.
Mar 19 - Kalis Report[]
- Imager appears on screen, she's looking scorched and more scorched. One of her optics flickers. "Uh...we lost the Kalis region today. I managed to get word to the firebases we have in the area that we can't supply them. They've responded that they're abandoning positions...So uhh...yeah.. it was Razorclaw. He caught us by surprise, had some mortar assist. Just lept in between me an Upshot..." She exhausts a breath, "He did us up pretty good. That sucker is fast and sharp and uh....Upshot.." Her voice fails a bit, "Upshot didn't fare so well when we found out that he was luring us into a mortar round....and uhm...he's alive and all but not so great off. He's probably sidelined for...ahh maybe three astroweeks. I don't know. But yeah. We lost the ground. We lost all fortifications in the area. Write it off, I guess for now."
And with no further fanfare (or encore), the transmission ends.
3/20 - "Fragmented Melodies"[]
Imager gives a ultimatum to Illarion and Starlock, and one of the two struggles to accept such circumstances.
Aug 18 - Logistics Transport: Military addendum[]
Star Hauler brought in a double load of energon from Earth, lets have better accountability, guys. Decepticon...or maybe Destron, I dunno, minefield was in sector 23-A, and attempted to blow her out of the sky. She's good though. Energon already being returned to Medical reserves, and portioned out for operations and military purposes.
MILITARY ONLY: Star Hauler detected an enemy craft in the high atmosphere. Teletraan 2 detected Dark Energon, but lost the signal. (timestamp, log stamp)
August 22 - "Frozen Find"[]
Joes uncover a frozen mostly dead Cybertronian in Alaska and ask for help. A random assortment of helpers arrive.
Sep 06 - Re:stolen energon[]
No signs of any contamination of the Energon at all. Marked it as used only for stationary machinery usage anyway just in case.
Sep 14 - Missing Report![]
Imager appears on screen, and she looks alarmed, "Uhhhh we got us a situation. Another Operations ambush." She frowns and points a finger forward, "Now I *told* you Military folks that we need more escort, and now Star Hauler's missing!" She scowls and explains, "Apparently Star Hauler got into an altercation up near Six Flags over Cybertron...isn't that place vacant now? Anywhat, here's her comms...."
<<Autobot>> Star Hauler says, "mayday! mayday! This is Star Hauler over the North Pole! I got a pair of Cons on my six and could use backup!"
<<Autobot>> Star Hauler says, "Anyone who can help me at the North Pole that be great."
Imager frowns, "She's off IFF-signal, and Teletraan-2 can't find her. I don't know if she's crashed, dead, or what. We need S and R out there immediately. Scales, Upshot, Backblast, any of you all with scanners and stuff. Find her."
Transmission ends abruptly
Sep 26 - Re: Star Hauler[]
Star Hauler got picked up in a Junkion junk trap. Those things suuuuck, but apparently she was scanned, recognized and recovered. Returned to active duty.
- October 30 - "Niblets - Valvolux Festival" - Day one of the Valvolux Festival, a number of party-goers show up in costume!
Nov 08 - Re: Orders[]
- Imager appears on screen, "Erm, Sirs and ma'ams, I realize I'm just rank one here, but these Cons have been hitting our supply teams for almost a year now. I know things are ramping up on a logistical level, I'd like to add 'lets develop some plan to stop these supply raids' and if yer all willing, 'let's punch Razorclaw'."
The transmission shuts off.
- Nov 18 - "Autobot Comms: Re: Brainstorm" - Someone's freaking lab is right out in the street... and it's making noise.
Nov 18 - Re: Iacon Disturbance[]
Imager's on screen again.
"Audio alarm went off in Iacon... Guess whose fault that is? Brainstorm's lab was beeping loudly enough to disrupt all of us Prima-fearing people and making IT SO NOBODY COULD RECHARGE." She settles herself down, "I was specifically told that teaching Brainstorm a lesson was not allowed, so after the alarm was turned off, I will second the suggestion to put him and his lab away... like.... the moon 'away'."
Dec 18 - Nova Cronum Convoy[]
Imager appears onscreen, she's apparently in some sort of tent. There's a few mechs with hoses spraying foam on people. "Okay, so energon transport to Nova Cronum. Road was mined. Like a LOT mined. Not just explosives but radioactive too, earthshakers. Road was utterly destroyed. But Command listened to my requests, so thank ya, so I had an escort there. Firestar and Moonracer took command of the situation," The mechs with a hose get too close to her. She stops reporting, and turns to yell at one of them, "I TOLD you not to spray that......well I don't know where it's been, but.....no I DON'T care....Don't you tell me there's no deathliquid in there, that's disgusting...and dangerous!" She turns back to the screen, " and while I hate to admit it, Dust Devil was in the area, and his forcefield helped those neutral convoys. I personally took the brunt of it, because I've got quad-plated elendium armor...so you know." One of those sprayers gets close to her again, and she just slaps the spraying wand down, "I said NO! Do NOT touch me with that!...You're sick." She glances towards the camera, "So yeah, that happened. Everybody survived, no supplies lost."
Dec 28 - Re: Ibex[]
"Yeah, looks like all the structural work is just about set up. Some outlying structures can still get fixed up, I was thinking we could throw some sensor beacons up and record the data from the defense system there, see what we can do to sharpen those up, but those aren't nearly as fast as a Seeker. If Ibex is bringing down this much heat, we're going to have to up our game there. Sky mines, maybe a shield system. Some of the guys were discussing a sort of floating grid thing that can target electrical explosions....I mean its tacky as all get out to use electricity, but flak doesn't hold much of a threat anymore."
- December 29 - "Spacebridge Refugee" - A lab, a plan, a surge: Surprise, an Autobot.
- December 29 - "Arguments Over Drinks" - Autobots and Decepticons mingle at The Rollout Bar.
Jan 16 - Re: Blitzwing encounter[]
- Imager appears on screen. "Uh yeah, the triplechanger Blitzwing just well...blitzed us during repairs. Over half the wall was powered down for conduit repair since SOMEBODY decided to drop a battleship. But yeah, so Grapple had suggested we start putting in bomb bunkers, which turned out to be really useful. I got Ops into the bunkers first thing, and cloaked the area. As I informed Jazz, he DID get a flyover before I got that done. Anyhoo, the mech...uhh...preeeeetty much whipped three of us up. Solstice got the worst of it, but we got her to medical, so..prognosis was good there. I've got a design flaw in the tower, as it can't hit targets ON the tower too. So I'm thinking on that subject. Long story short. The cons probably think the wall is in bad repair, it ain't because generators two and three are back up now, but they may do another offensive against it. We're back at it again after those concussion bombs that got dropped. Same old, same old."
Feb 07 - Ibex Wall[]
Sideswipe and myself along with the team put up some sham cannons. That's 'fake artillery' to you all, it takes little work and material to do so, so hopefully it looks beefier. I got to thinkin....we're looking at probably it getting worse there before it gets better. Science guys, do we have any sorta material that gets stronger the more you apply pressure or stress to it?
Mar 14 - Re: Operational Defense Exploration[]
Operational Exploration Submission

To: All Branches
Security Level: Low
Subject : Exploration of New Defense weaponry
Uhhhh, Hey sirs. I was thinking that we could use some adjustments for our defensive capabilities. The standard stuff still works, I mean look at Ibex, but I feel they're pretty used to the tactics. I have a few ideas here that could use looking into, for your perusal.
- Modular weaponry - We use this stuff pretty often sure but we've got energon again, maybe we can do some real T-Cog work here to keep the Cons guessing.
Sonic Weaponry - I hate saying it, but Harmonex fell pretty fast when Trypticon attacked, but sonic weaponry hits an entire area pretty fast, its the generation points of it that are problems. It might be worth a look, and you know I got some experience in that.
Energy Grid project - I got these here drones that I've been tinkering with, idea is that they together can form a modular and flexible cityshield. They're pretty cheap to make as is, but I don't got the whatzits upstairs to get em to work. Its bound to have a lot of offensive firepower as well iffin someone wants to get with me to look into it.
Mar 29 - fume[]
Imager appears on screen. "Primus help me, I am going to get you, Brainstorm! I must have been binary to go to you for anything, but I swear it was a mistake to think you could find me a vocalizer in the type I wanted." She goes into a mocking tone, "Oh I'm Brainstorm, bluhbluhbluh. Having a new-gen S-model vocalizer pales before what I can do, durr durr durr!" She scowls and points at the camera, "Imma get you!"
May 01 - Admittance to Medical[]
text only
Imager's been admitted to medical. While the frame damage is not that bad, she's been moved to the trauma care ward.
- August 16 - "Reactivating Imager" - Imager is reactivated and immediately wants to kick Dust Devil's butt.
Aug 21 - Re: Yeah, phew those things[]
Sep 08 - Re: Sound advice[]
If anything can stop this evil music, the sound of Eurythmia can. Lil quaint planet, made by sound, nearly got destroyed by a flaw in the music twice. Good times. Anyway, I've been there a few times. Ole Soundwave LURVES that planet and did some real harm there...cuz the power of Eurythmia is the power to destroy, heal, and create. It's....It's somethin.
- 9-9 - "Words that cut to the spark" - Imager extends an invite, but tempers flare.
Oct 02 - quick leave of absence[]
Imager's looking rather frantic on screen, writing as she talks, "Uhhh I gotta take a few days off! I got told by uh, Solus Prime, she gave me uhh.... orders! Ugh blast where was.... anyway look, she demoted me, I didn't even know she could do that! I gotta do this thing! Be back soon. Hopefully!"
Nov 16 - Tyrest[]
Imager appears on screen briefly. "Tyrest's power issues are just terrible. And havin two big ole fighin' machines wrassling near it didn't help it none." She pauses to try to administer a bit of respect, "Much thanks to the Torchbearers to...you know, keep us all from getting ground underneath that brute's heel, but he set out to deliver some damage, and it got accomplished. These power plants just aren't going to hold as is. They may as well need a full rebuild. Needless to say, that means the main city defenses are going to be unpowered during this span of time. Anything less will have us just limping along, and I don't take chances when it comes to defending Bot lives. No, sir."
Jan 08 - Tyrest Report[]
Imager appears on screen, "Damage done by that big brute is finally fixed. Overhaul says that the whole grid needs a....a full overhaul if we're ever thinking it'll use a city shield again. That said, Stockpile has been..." She grumbles, and puts a hand over her face, "stockpiling weapons and armor. Cripes, just once I want to see someone named something that does NOT fit their profile, just once, I sw..." The transmission cuts off from an outside source.
- January 21 - "Fires and Petrorats" - There's fire on the tarmac and Huffer is unimpressed and Imager gets to shoot at petrorats.
- May 17 - "Arglebargle" - Imager saves Swivel from some aggressive wildlife.
Sep 18 - I don't ask for much...[]
A POV camera shows Imager looking up to the ceiling of the Iacon Medbay where unconscious Folly is somehow on the ceiling. She sighs.
Another POV camera shows her getting Spitze out of some sort of metal roping. She sighs.
Another POV camera, chronologically two days later, shows her helping Spitze out of the same metal roping.
Imager appears on screen, "So... I don't ask for much. I just found out that like... The Junkions... you know, our allies, have some sort of terrible built-in affliction to em." She frowns, "It actually HURTS them to try to speak normally. Guys... They literally can't do it without harm. So... like... we gotta be more patient and proper to them." There's a bit of incense in her tone, "They may be lighthearted, but these guys fight besides us, help us out all the time, and even die besides us. They are NOT people to laugh at, or to take lightly. Sure they're different, but... they've got their own dignity right?!" She turns her head a little, "We gotta treat our allies right. we gotta BE right for them. The humies, the Junks." Her voice drops a bit more, " 'swhat it means to be an Autobot."
The memo shuts off.
Oct 01 - Sub: Update[]
To : Rung
Subject: Update
So, I had one of those things where you were saying, 'look at the things you can change', and I had one of those. See, I was on Earth, and like, the whole area was threatened by deathliquid, now I don't want to get into that argument again, but like the humans are small, and they had a bunch of people that could've been hurt by the damage done. More importantly I'm sure most of them had CATS. So, like, I brought out a big ole shovel and got to work, and it was like you said a little. that sometimes you can help. I'd kinda want to do more stuff like that, but I mean I can't just stop being depressed if I do. Still, it was good to do.
- October 6 - "What Cosmos Found" - Beneath Helex more mayhem lies.
- May 2 - "AAR: Hydrax Plateau" - The Cons came with a light force over to hydrax.

- July 2 - "I Will Not Fight You!" - Cerebros encounters Ravage on one of his many solitary drives. He desperately tries to prevent a fight.
- Oct 10 - "AAR: Tri-Torus" - After a fierce assault by Megatron and his forces, the Autobots' Tri-Torus firebase and sensor curtain were destroyed, but timely intervention by the Junk King and the new Prime saved Imager and her team, leaving them indebted.
- October 17 - "Getting Ahead" - Imager and Ultra Magnus visit Pile-Up in The Assemblae.
- Nov 11 - "RE: Armory request" - The Junk King Pile-Up is asking for a plasma rifle of some sort.
- Nov 20 - "Re: Fortress Maximus" - Imager details the urgent need for extensive shipments to orbit for Fortress Maximus, including durasteel, plastricite, condurite, and energon, requiring a temporary suspension of other operations missions with an estimated three astroweeks for full restocking and repairs under Ultra Magnus' approval.
- Nov 29 - "Hook?" - Imager discusses the dilemma of considering a Constructicon's offer for Fortress Maximus, contemplating the need for counter-intelligence surveillance because of conflicting interests with Valvolux and Tyger Pax.
- Dec 03 - "Re: Springer" - A tense and silent footage captures Imager's stoic reaction as an autodoc performs welding on her, leading to a surprising outburst after an extended period of unchanging expression.
Imager is played by her creator.
Is this all there is?!!
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