Transformers Universe MUX

Log Title: Hypnotizing Over Kill


Location: Daraa Camp - Syria - Western Asia

Date: July 16, 2013

TP: Shadow War TP

Summary: Cobra has set out to destroy American-friendly regimes in Western Asia, and to help prop up those that oppose US interests. Cobra agents have been dispatched to Syria and Trucial Abysmia to act as security agents and muscle, while spreading out to destabilize other countries in the area. It's up to G.I. Joe to stop Cobra, while staying undercover so as to retain plausible deniability. It's the Cold War II, fought in puppet countries throughout the Middle East.

As logged by Typhoid - Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 8:00 PM

Daraa Camp - Syria - Western Asia[]

A military camp has been established east of a major highway running north-south through Daraa Governate in the south of the country. Many tents sprawl throughout this area. Military vehicles are parked neatly at the east end of the camp, and a pair of Rattler jets sits beside a Mamba helicopter at the north edge.

Dr. Typhoid

Typhoid is in her private tent, watching Korean dram - er, reading important work-related reports.

Angel sends a radio transmission.

Interrogator leaves his tent and goes in search of the BATlord, twirling a small silver disk set with a deep blue stone in the center in his right hand.

Angel sends a radio transmission.

Over Kill is hanging around being a BATlord, just watching the humans. He pauses as he sees Interrogator. "Greetings."

Over Kill
Standing before you is a odd young man in his early twenties. He's not particularly short or tall, standing at about 5 ft 10 inches in height, but he is muscular and wiry, and carries his chin high, as if trying to make himself appear taller. His skin is an olive color, tanned by the sun, apparently he spends a lot of time outdoors. His bright orange hair is cropped almost to the skin in a military style buzz close to his squarish head and large chin. His eyes are an odd shade of amber, which almost seem unnatural.
Today, the man is wearing a pair of 'urban camo' pants, which hang loosely on his large, and powerful looking legs. The pants are tucked into a pair of black military style boots, and he wears a tight fitting gunmetal long sleeved gray T-shirt over a powerful looking chest and arms. He never seems to be without a cobra issue gunmetal helmet, complete with a odd green visor that seems to be equipped with some sort of HUD. On his back is a large backpack, which he seems to be living out of. He's normally carrying a laptop with him, and rarely takes his black leather fingerless gloves off to do anything.

Interrogator stops twirling the disk and responds, "Greetings, how are you and your soldiers today?"

Over Kill pauses. "We are functioning at 99.9 percent capacity." he says. "And yourself?"

"I am well. I am ready to continue my experiments. Let us go find Typhoid. I believe she is in her office." Interrogator says. Interrogator removes his civilian clothes, dresses in his uniform, and dons his helmet. He also straps on his weapons.

Over Kill nods "Very well." he says. "What are we going to do"

Interrogator says, "I would like to try hypnosis. It should do you no harm."

Angel sends a radio transmission.

Over Kill nods "Very well. Do we need to have passwords to the BATnet?" he asks.

Interrogator thinks for a moment and says, I believe not. I want to see how you respond to the hypnosis techniques I use on Humans."

Angel sends a radio transmission.

Over Kill nods "Alright." he says. I'M willing when you are."

GAME: Typhoid PASSES an INTELLIGENCE roll of Average difficulty.

(Radio) Typhoid transmits, "Are you continuing your experiments with Over Kill?" to Interrogator.

Angel sends a radio transmission.

Interrogator sends a radio transmission.

(Radio) Interrogator sends Typhoid a radio transmission, 'We were just going to your office so you could observe the session.'

(Radio) Typhoid transmits, "Excellent!" to Interrogator.

Typhoid quickly shuts down her Korean dramas and puts on her gas mask.

Typhoid is a small woman wearing a gas mask and an open white lab coat over black Kevlar armor. On her chest is a crimson Cobra sigil overlaying a green bio-hazard logo. Her frame is slight, made much taller by very thick-heeled boots. She walks with a slight limp, and to those in the know her rank insignia indicates she's head of Cobra's Research & Development division.

Angel sends a radio transmission.

Typhoid buckles up her uniform and tries to look intimidating. Have to always be ON in this world of men.

Interrogator says to Over Kill, "Typhoid is expecting our arrival." He walks to her tent.

Typhoid straightens as Interrogator enters her tent. Even in her platform boots she's still a tiny woman.

Angel sends a radio transmission.

Typhoid steps aside to let Interrogator and Over Kill into her tent. It's not overly large, even for an officer, but there's room for a few people to sit and talk at least.

Interrogator transfers the disk to his left hand and salutes Typhoid once he is inside the tent. He says, "We are ready to begin. I have everything I should need. Hopefully this will go well."

Angel sends a radio transmission.

Typhoid nods. "Excellent. I look forward to observing your technique."

Over Kill tilts his head "Greetings, Typhoid." He watches her closely. "So how do we go about this? I do have to admit I am curious."

Typhoid says, "Why don't you both have seat?" Typhoid sits down herself, a little awkwardly, like something is wrong with her hips (not a new thing, for those who know her).

Interrogator transfers the disk to his right hand and shows it to Crimson saying, "All you have to do is look at the disk and listen to my voice. At least, that is the way it works with Humans."

Interrogator takes the offered chair and polishes the disk, though it is already well polished.

Over Kill sits down on the ground next to the chairs. "Very well." he doesn't seem used to sitting. He looks to the disk, tracking it with his cold, inorganic optics.

Angel sends a radio transmission.

Interrogator focuses on Over Kill and begins walking the disk along his knuckles. He says, "Picture a calm, safe place. Now imagine yourself in that place. What is that place like?"

Over Kill pauses. "Being offline?" he asks, and starts to follow the disk. "0.18 degrees, 0.24.."

Angel sends a radio transmission.

Interrogator asks, "What do the numbers represent?"

Over Kill pauses "Everything. Oh you mean specifically?" he asks. "I'm counting the degrees you are moving the disk and how far away I'd have to be to snipe them."

Angel sends a radio transmission.

GAME: Interrogator PASSES a DEXTERITY roll of Average difficulty.

Typhoid watches silently, her expression hidden by her mask. Interrogator can tell from her body language, however, that's she's interested in the proceedings.

Interrogator almost drops the disk at the mention of sniping so close to his hand. He needs his hands to work, after all! He says calmly, "Do not worry about the exact numbers, just follow the disk with your eyes. Do not think about sniping, this is supposed to be relaxing."

Typhoid listens quietly without interruption as Interrogator conducts the experiment.

Over Kill grows quiet as he tracks things
