Transformers Universe MUX
Goldbug is an evil Autobot Seeker from the Shattered Glass universe.
Shattered Goldbug


The least likely is always the most dangerous.

Goldbug, once a destitute Cybertronian drifter known as Bumblebee, clawed his way up the ranks through cunning, deception, and sheer willpower. A survivor of Polyhex's unforgiving streets, he honed his skills in stealth, theft, and blackmail, always looking for a way to outmaneuver his peers. When the opportunity to join Optimus Prime’s Autobot cause arose, he seized it, viewing the war as a platform to channel his unsavory talents. Renowned for his daring in battle and relentless ambition, he earned a new form and identity, becoming Goldbug, the Autobot Seeker. Though he now holds a high rank, his paranoia is ever-present, haunted by the fear of being dethroned through the very treachery he once employed. Transforming into a modified Chrysler ME Four-Twelve, Goldbug is an expert in silent weapons, embodying the deceptive and lethal nature of a true Shattered Glass Autobot spy.



Shattered Expectations[]


Bumblebee, before his transformation into Goldbug

Goldbug, the evil Seeker commander, was once a shiftless drifter named Bumblebee. Survival on the streets of Polyhex meant learning to become a sneak, a pickpocket, and blackmailer, and at these things Bumblebee excelled. Quiet, back-stabbing, and prone to emit a cackle known only as "oil-curdling," Bumblebee would prefer to mop up after a battle, rather than actually do any fighting. When he joined Optimus Prime's brutal Autobot forces, however, his new-found bravery put him on the fast track to power. When Drench was "removed" by Prime, Bumblebee was rebuilt as Goldbug and took his place.

Goldbug led Jazz and Grimlock in a search for the ancient Pretender technology, intending to use it to give them the edge against the Decepticon insurgency. He was nominally the leader of the trio (barely). However, their plan was foiled by the arrival of Starscream and the Mayhem Suppression Squad.

MUX History[]

In preparation of the Autobots' invasion of Earth, Goldbug was sent ahead with his partner Snoop to learn as much as possible about the planet and its inhabitants. Goldbug and Snoop were taken to Earth by Cosmos, and deposited downtown in a city on the northwestern corner of one of the larger Earth settlements.

Drunk and high, humans Buster and Spike decided to steal the shiny gold car that appeared to have been left unattended downtown. The car, however, turned out to be Goldbug, who offered them a deal -- tell Goldbug everything they knows about Earth, and Spike and his brother would be rewarded handsomely while helping "defend the Earth against evil Decepticons." As part of the deal, Buster offered to let Goldbug and Snoop hide out in his garage... in return, when the Earth is "saved," Goldbug has promised to take Buster, Spike, and Spike's son Daniel back to Cybertron.

However, when Buster and Spike talked within earshot of selling out "Goldmine" to the highest bidder, Goldbug threatened to kill every member of Spike's family.

When Deadline showed up at the Witwicky house to treat Spike's injuries, Spike revealed Goldbug's location. Deadline then immediately returned to the Pit to report this tidbit of information directly to General Flint.

Goldbug, disgusted with the Witwickys, abandoned them for better lodgings, leaving them to deal with the inevitable strike force themselves. Fearful of reporting no progress to Emperor Prime, Goldbug went to Carly's house, identifying Cain as more of an alpha male and potential ally for the Autobots on Earth.

When Ebony came to Carly's house looking for information on Goldbug, Cain fought back, and got beaten, shot, and stabbed for his trouble. Cain escaped, but Carly was taken to the Pit by Ebony. During the confrontation, Carly found out that Spike is still alive and in G.I. Joe custody. Ebony, looking for a fast ride back to the Pit, "stole" Goldbug, bringing him directly into his enemy's lair without knowing what she'd done.

Since the arrival of Emperor Prime on Earth, Goldbug's services as a long-range scout have been less needed, and he was therefore faded into the background once more. Still working for his own advancement, Goldbug commissioned Side Burn to create a stellar spanner out in the desert without Optimus Prime's knowledge. They were nearly finished when the positive-matter Autobot Skyfire and Decepticon Buzzsaw came through the northern rift into the Shattered Glass universe. Picking up their radio chatter with negative-polarity Skyfire, Goldbug, like Buzzsaw, sensed Skyfire's disillusionment with the Decepticons, and asked to meet Skyfire to talk. Buzzsaw, Goldbug, and the two Skyfires met in the Nevada desert, not far from the last remaining rift (and, dangerously, the Burpleson Air Force Base).












  • Goldbug has stingers, just like his Animated counterpart.
This page uses content from Transformers Wiki. The original article was at Eye in the Sky.

The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Transformers Universe MUX, the text of Transformers Wiki is available under the Creative Commons License.


Goldbug is currently being temped by both Bzero and Spike's player.


This page uses content from Transformers Wiki. The original article was at Bumblebee (SG Animated).

The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Transformers Universe MUX, the text of Transformers Wiki is available under the Creative Commons License.

This page uses content from Transformers Wiki. The original article was at Goldbug (SG).

The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Transformers Universe MUX, the text of Transformers Wiki is available under the Creative Commons License.
