Please send all applications to
In the subject line include the character's name/faction/type,
i.e.: Ironhide/Autobot/FC.
Your Name:
Email Address:
Character Name:
Character's Faction:
Please answer the following questions in full, rational sentences. Pay attention to correct grammar and spelling; an application that is a chore to read is probably less likely to be approved. Please double-space between questions. Thank you.
1. What is your MU* experience? List any current and former characters you have played. If you've never played on a MU*, please detail any table-top or other roleplaying experience you may have.
2. How would you roleplay this character? What is your interpretation of her/his personality? Please be as complete as possible; the answer to this question should comprise the bulk of your application, and is what we look to most when deciding to approve or reject an application. Don't just tell us what you know about the character -- let us know what you bring to the table.
3. How much do you know about this character's background and In-Character history? If you can, list a few critical points that affected who the character is today. Don't just cut and paste a history block from Wikipedia -- we don't want a book. Demonstrate you know something about the character and how they fit into the TFU G1 cartoon theme.
4. In what sort of plots or events do you see this character taking part?
For FCs, the application is finished.