Transformers Universe MUX

Transformers Universe -:- Combat commands index[]

Before using the combat system read 'News Combat'

        +allow         +areaattack    +attack        +combatroll
        +forcefield    +init          +merge         +miss
        +roll          +scan          +selfhurt      +selfrepair

 See also: News Combat, +help IC

+aid - Provide first aid to an organic being in combat

+init - This is the system to determine the order of the attacks/poses in combat.

+allow - Makes the next attack against your character automatically hit.

+forcefield <target> +forcefield/off - Most often used to protect a target against an enemy attack. All forcefields will dissolve after 'deflecting' one hit.

+areaattack - Attacks denoted with an 'a' can be used against multiple targets - or as a stand-alone against a single target.

+merge - Combiner team command to form their gestalt.

+patch - Provide first aid to a robotic being in combat

+selfhurt - Allows you to do code-damage to yourself to simulate damage done by non-coded events, such as falling.

+attack - Command to attack another IC player that is in the same room as you and has given OOC permission to do so.

+miss - Allows you to simulate an attack (looks coded in game) but the attack will miss the target.

+selfrepair - Rare ability to perform a patch on oneself during the middle of a battle.

+combatroll - Performs a generic combat roll against a target to determine success or failure. This determines hit or miss without causing coded damage.

+roll - This has 3 levels: a generic 50/50 roll, a roll against a stat, and a roll against a stat with a specific target of difficulty.

+stats - This pulls up your characters Stat Sheet.

+ram - This command can be used with or without the Ability Ram. Without it the attacker takes damage. With it, it reflects the ability some characters like Motormaster and ramjet have to crash into thins without doing significant damage to themselves.

+attacklist - This command pulls up the current attacks available to your character.
