Feature Characters (FCs) are characters inspired by canon sources -- the cartoon, comics, movies, or toys, usually. Essential Feature Characters (EFCs) are those characters required to spend more time online and be active -- for example, Optimus Prime and General Hawk. Original Feature Characters (OFCs) are an exception to the canon rule -- they are original characters added to the MUX as appable Feature Characters, but were created by the admin and belong to the MUX as opposed to individual players like regular OCs are.

Some are more featured than most
All FCs are open to application (as opposed to TP-Only characters, which can only be played by admin or temped under special circumstances).
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- Back-Stop
- Backbreaker
- Backstreet
- Banzai
- Barbecue
- Baroness
- Barrage
- Barrel Roll
- Battletrap
- Bayonet
- Bazooka
- Beachcomber
- Beachhead
- Beastbox
- Big Boa
- Big Brawler
- Bitstream
- Black Dragon Leader
- Black Out
- Black Vulture
- Blackwing
- Blades
- Blades (DW)
- Blast Off
- BlitsDavka
- Blitzwing
- Blizzard
- Blot
- Blowtorch
- Blurr
- Body Bags
- Bombast
- Bombshell
- Bombstrike
- Bonecrusher
- Brainstorm
- Brawl
- Brawn
- Breakdown
- Breaker
- Broadside
- Bruce Sato
- Bruno Sheppard
- Budo
- Bullet-Proof
- Bumblebee
- Bumblebee (WW)
- Bumper
- BurnOut
- Bushido
- Buster Witwicky
- Buzzer
- Buzzsaw
- Calhoun Burns
- Camshaft
- Cannonball
- Captain Countdown
- Captain Falcon
- Captain Gears
- Captain Mainframe
- Carly Witwicky
- Carly Witwicky (AU)
- Casey Arkeville
- Centuritron
- Cesspool
- Chameleon
- Chameleon (SG)
- Charbroil
- Chip Chase
- Chop Shop
- Chromia
- Chuckles
- Cliffjumper
- Clobber
- Clouder
- Cloudraker
- Clutch
- Cobra Commander
- Cobra Overlord
- Cobra Velocity
- Colonel Barrage
- Colonel Skystriker
- Copperhead
- Cosmos
- Courage
- Cover Girl
- Crimson Asp
- Cross-Country
- Crosscut
- Crossfire
- Crosshair
- Crusher
- Crystal Ball
- Cutter
- Cutthroat
- Cyclonus
- Daina Janáčková
- Daniel Witwicky
- Dart
- David Lane
- Dead End
- Deep-Six
- Deluge
- Delusion
- Destro
- Detectas
- Detritus
- Devcon
- Dial-Tone
- Dialtone
- Diane Blythe
- Dice
- Dirge
- Discretion
- Divebomb
- Doc
- Dodger
- Dogfight
- Dojo
- Double Blast
- Downshift
- Downtown
- Drag Strip
- Dragonsky
- Dreadnok
- Dreadnok Demolishor
- Drop Zone
- Duke
- Dusty
- Dusty Hayes
- Fast Draw
- Fastlane
- Python Tele-Viper Officer
- FC Application
- Felino
- Fireflight
- Firefly
- Firestar
- First Aid
- Fistfight
- Flame
- Flamewar
- Flareup
- Flash
- Flattop
- Flint
- Flint (AU)
- Flying Scorpion
- Flywheels
- Footloose
- Fracas
- Freestyle
- Frenzy
- Frostbite
- Fujiyama Akira
- Fujiyama Akira (SG)