Transformers Universe MUX

Log Title: Business Meeting

Characters: Ghost , Omen , Soundwave , Starscream

Location: Decepticon High Command Aerie - Praxus

Date: January 1, 2021

TP: Non-TP

Summary: Ghost invites Starscream to Praxus for a bit of a business discussion, including Soundwave to insure that the meeting is properly recorded.

As logged by Ghost

TFU - Friday, January 01, 2021

Decepticon High Command Aerie - Praxus[]

The Decepticon High Command Aerie was Megatron's base of operations during the Decepticons' occupation of Praxus. It is situated at the center of the Praxus mines and equipped with an advanced laboratory. With most of the Decepticon forces withdrawn from Praxus, the Decepticon High Command Aerie is one of the few outposts in the city-state still held by the Decepticons. Ground access to the aerie goes through a large, central tower, which is surrounded by the barracks the miners use in between shifts. One large laser fence surrounds the entire camp, and Decepticon guards regularly monitor and patrol the perimeter.

<<Decepticon>> Ghost says, "Commander Starscream, I need a few words with you, if you've them to spare."

<<Decepticon>> Air Commander Starscream says, "Ah? Where at"

<<Decepticon>> Ghost says, "Well my office, such as it is, is currently in Praxus."

<<Decepticon>> Air Commander Starscream says, "Riiight... Well, I'll make my way over."

<<Decepticon>> Ghost hmms, "I should make this a more official location."

<<Decepticon>> Comm Guy Soundwave says, "Accompanying, Commanders"



In Praxus, in the Aerie, is a conference room. That has been taken over by the Intel Director. Unofficially, this is her office, such as it is. The chairs are still arranged around the oblong table, some scattering of datapads rest on the surface. And Ghost is seated along one of the sides, at neither 'head' end. Cables extend from between wings and back, snaking out and docked into an uplink on the wall behind her. And to the side, perched on the back of a chair, is Omen.

Screens are alive on the long windowless wall, flashing reports, data, security images gleaned from other holdings in the empire. Seems someone's been working to upgrade this outpost's comm relays and mainframe.

Starscream strides in with a raised ridge as he looks about. "Someone's been busy.." Starscream would muse lowly to himself as he glanced about, mildly impressed, but ever on guard as he approaches.

Ghost glances up, having been alerted to Starscream's arrival, tracking him through her hardline connection as he landed and moved through the small outpost. "Ahh. Commander.. I'd stand but, I'm a bit tethered at the moment." Slight smile as she gestures to the table, "Have a seat, anywhere is fine, really."

Starscream raises that ridge again, arms folded behind him, but he does pull a seat out, and lowers himself down, crossing on leg over the other, very interested in WHAT this could be about since he's been largely left out of things of late, which on one hand, has allowed him to work on Vos, but on the other? left him horribly irritated.

Ghost reaches over and gives Omen's back a rub, avoiding a nip absently. One datapad is set aside, another picked up. Not all reports, you see, come in on the wires. "I don't think we've met since the operational change, have we?" she muses, thoughtful, finials pricking forward, "Sir." Half smile. "How is Vos coming along, by the way?"

Starscream leans back in his seat. "We've not, I've been conveniently left in the dark as of late." He'd huff out, optics settling into a half-lidded position.

"As For Vos, its coming along well, most of it's base foundation is complete."

Ghost lifts a brow, "Well -my- reports have all been coded accordingly so any darkness.. well, that's not a shadow -I'm- casting. Perhaps you should find out what's blocking your light, hmm?" Setting datapad aside, selecting another. "Or if it's something you think my division can assist you with, you but have to give the order, you see, sir." Smile, like a cat to a canary.

Soundwave enters the aerie, and salutes. "Reporting. Soundwave will record." with that he heads to the back of the room and records quietly, just like any other meeting.

Starscream hems. "Ah, reports are not what I mean." He says cryptically, he then raises a ridge at Soundwave. "So.. what gathers us here?" he asks.

Ghost sets that datapad aside and leans forward, steepleing her fingers in front of her, peering at Starscream a moment. As Soundwave enters, she gives the Comm officer a nod, finials flicking forward as wings tip, shift, flick and settle. "Valvolux brings us here. before rumor control makes it to you, I felt the need to note to you directly, a matter of respect really, of something that has been started."

<<Con-Intel>> Ghost says, "Su'cuy Soundwave. Thank you for being present with this."

<<Con-Intel>> Soundwave says, "Thank you for inviting me. What is the situation?"

Starscream raises a ridge as he leans forward. "Go on...?" He asks clearly interested, this is new to him.

<<Con-Intel>> Ghost says, "I've given Vizier an assignment that may cause a certain amount of conflict with Starscream. Negotiating and handling our own embassy in Valvolux."

Ghost smiles, "I've assigned a member of Intel to Valvolux to open negotiations for the opening of our own embassy there.." She pulls a datapad out and slides it over, "Building upon what Deathsaurus had started. Some initial request some time ago that we let just lay fallow."

Starscream blinks and takes the datapad to look it over. "That damned embassy is finely being put to use?" he asks a bit surprised, and looks over the datapad with a raised ridge. "And the plan...?"

Ghost shrugs, "It's a challenge for my agent. While there's the idea of one, it is up to him to negotiate our terms with the city, allowances, site, construction.." She waves a hand, "All the little things. With final authorization, of course, coming through high command."

A tilt of her head, "After your statement on mucking around in these neutral cities, I did want to inform you of the directional alteration there, as in, moving on the concept and working towards some level of dealings. We can't after all, simply leave the /Autobots/ to only have a representative present, now can we?"

Starscream looks from her down to the datapad, then back up, there's a catch, there /has/ to be a catch.. Even if he agrees, he knows this is not just something they'd do given Megatrons current orders with traitors. "Yes.. Well, I am not /opposed/ to such an idea, gives us intel into what they maybe planning, however.." He'd frown. "Considering Megatrons.. orders, regarding traitors, you have to understand my concern in how this will be viewed."

Ghost's finials lay back as she leans forward, resting her chin on her fingertips. Voice is a velvety purr, "Starscream, I'm an Intelligence Operative. My function is to -gather- information. And this little.. embassy is simply another part of The Game. There are -orders-, you see.. and then there are /orders/. Matter of interpretation." She blinks, smiling, "Having an embassy there is like having a very tiny outpost in the middle of any neutral city really. Such as this Aerie? We have our operational limits but, we still can work to learn more."

Soundwave nods at Ghost. She does play The Game well. Lets see how she handles this.

Starscream leans forward, leaning his chin on his wrist, listening. "Ah.. hah.. It is a strategical spot." Starscream admits, still he hems, squinting, glancing around at the spot. "...What is the catch?" He asks.

Ghost raises brows, "Catch? My dear Air Commander. Ahem.." She tilts her head, "My dearest Commander Starscream, there is no intended 'catch'. Simple due diligence as you had.." she pauses, pulling up Starscream's own orders concerning neutral activities, "Also made a command report covering these sites. And as I -am- actively working around that, proper protocol as the Intel head -is- to inform you of when your actions may cause operational difficulties."

Soundwave just continues to record quietly, letting Ghost run this show.

Starscream doesn't believe that for a second, someone only calls him that when their demeaning him! still he's squint. "Tsk, merely enforcing what Megatron has ordered, it is not /I/ you need to take up with that, as I was merely the messenger." Starscream huffs. "After all the Dominicons where labeled traitors /long/ before the beast-former was." No name, just that, wasn't worth the wasted breath.

Ghost murmurs softly, her smile crooked, "Well, we are -all- working together for the same end, are we not? And there are protocols in place that dictate when operations of one division may over-run another's, especially when we get into dark and black ops, yes?"

A tilt of her head, wings tipping again, absently flexing behind her. "I am simply following through on those dictates. And it would be untoward for any ... misunderstandings to occur." She gives a slight shrug, "I'm following the Chain of Command, Commander Starscream. I'd not like it to be said that I wasn't a strong supporter of our procedures and policies, an /honest/ and open supporter of such."

Soundwave comments "Labels are labels. I have seen the ..beast former as you call him assisting Decepticon allies. Meanwhile, the Dominicons are Autobot in all but name."

Starscream knits his fingers together as he keeps a squinted focused on ghost, his weasel senses are tingling, he knows cause he is one. "So what do you propose, given we both are merely doing what our Lord had assigned to us." he asks finely. He glances over at Soundwave, uhg, should of known he'd defend the flying rat.

Ghost strokes fingers down Omen's back as the Raven fixes Starscream with a glare and a crest ruff, clicking her beak aggressively. "Do use caution in what epitaphs you sling around, Starscream. I will tolerate no condemning of another based on their /frame-class/. From anyone." She gets bit for her troubles, but continues to stroke the Raven none-the-less. "Well. I report to you. You, report to Megatron. After all, you -are- the second in command.. currently." Smile.

Soundwave nods "Functionalism out of you. Color me... surprised." he says flatly.

Starscream shoots Soundwave a look, glitch should know he's never been a fan of beast-formers! Be they more mechanical or organic, so filthy and gross! But that may just been Starscream being prissy.. still he glares at the two. "Tsk, he is a traitor, shouldn't need to worry about what he's called, though I suppose it is.. interesting, to know he is still aiding." He'd frown and look back at Ghost.

"That doesn't tell me what you /want/." He states bluntly.

Ghost ahhhs softly, "What makes you think -I- want anything, Commander? I'm afraid you must have me confused with some back alley informant just looking for the next handful of shanix for whatever sordid filth they have to deliver this cycle." She leans back, flexing wings, "I'm doing my -job-. You made a command statement, I'm working around, through, over it. I don't want any misunderstandings. /My/ agent in Valvolux has his orders to follow. And so we're clear as crystal, he will not suffer any detrimental counter-orders from you."

Starscream ahhs, now that was more to the point. "Fair enough, given I now know the circumstances... I suspect him being an exception should run smooth enough." He'd huffs. "Mind, our Lord's mind is fickle at the moment, and willing to change on a dime, I can only do so much to explain but once he decides, he has decided." Starscream explains.

Ghost reaches out and shuffles a few of those datapds, "Now, I'm a rather busy femme so, you know where the exit is, my dearest Commander." She looks at a datapad, ticking something on it before, "Oh.. And I'll be sending Ratbat to review your fuel allocations for your building in Vos. Every city is being reviewed for efficiency. Wouldn't do to have any waste or unknown usage going on, now would it?" Smile like a slit throat.

Starscream hems and pushes himself up. "Of course, I've designed the city to be as efficient as possible, should find everything in order." Starscream says rather formally, before he goes to head out. "I wish you luck in your goals." He says, keeping a optic on his back.

Ghost nods, "Walk with the winds." Shuffle as Omen side-walks over and bites at her fingers. "Evil thing.." scritch.

Soundwave bows his head to Starscream and shifts to stand behind Ghost like her shadow. He makes no comments on Megatron's behavior.

Ghost peers at Soundwave, "Well, that went well."

Soundwave nods "Better than expected." he says. "Shall we file the report then rest on this?"

Ghost nods, "I'll handle it. Then we can rest."

Soundwave nods "As you were...commander."

Ghost smiles, finials pricking forward as she works on those reports. Damned reports.
