Transformers Universe MUX
Transformers Universe MUX
Blue Ninja

Blue Ninja

The Blue Ninja are a group of cybernetically-enhanced ninja with a vendetta against the Arashikage. They are armored and use molecular monofilament sabers in combat. They are led by BN-001.


Blue Ninja
These ninja wear dark blue camouflage ninja-yoroi with night-vision googles to protect their eyes and enhance their sight. Besides an array of traditional ninja weapons, there are also armed with grenades, missile launchers, and more bizarrely, monofilament whips that can cut through anything. They move silently even while carrying all this gear and move together as a well-trained team of assassins.




The lower levels consist of enhanced humans, the middle levels are true cyborgs, but the upper echelons are no longer human.


Completely 'armless
Not all present and correct

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