Transformers Universe MUX

Log Title: Berger's Time

Characters: Chip, Spike

Location: Seattle Memorial Hospital

Date: September 13, 1993

TP: Flashbacks TP

Summary: Spike is surprised with some news.

As logged by Shawn Berger - Tuesday, September 13, 2016, 8:00 PM

Seattle Memorial Hospital[]

Seattle Memorial Hospital, opened in 1960, is a full-service nonprofit health care provider located on a beautifully landscaped 33-acre (13 hectare) campus just minutes north of downtown Seattle. It is Seattle's only independent full-service, non-profit hospital north of the Lake Washington Ship Canal. The organization is dedicated to raising the long-term health status of the surrounding community by providing personalized, quality care with compassion, dignity ,and respect.



1993. It's outside the hospital where Spike's currently recovering. Spike's hair is shaven, given the skull fracture he sustained. He's in a wheelchair. Chip's with him - paying him a visit. At least this visit, Spike's conscious. And he's regained enough motor power to actually 'work' a wheelchair. Spike looks out at the people coming and going from the garden area of the hospital. He looks lost in thought, but he then looks at Chip and says "Honestly...if all that I can do...I'm fine with it." He nods to Chip. "I've dealt with this stuff for all your life, so I'm really one that can say 'I know what you're going through..." He shakes his head. "But just that I can use my HANDS...I was afraid those few weeks when they said I was going to be paralyzed." He looks at his hands and nods "I'm just...wherever I'm going to land, I have to use my hands..." he grins slightly at Chip. "Obviously, college wasn't for me - I was going to give that a try, but with a new kid now..."

Chip smiles reassuringly at Spike. "Don't worry about that right now, Spike - just concentrate on getting better. You're right in that I have some experience with this, so you can rely on me to help - and not coddle or patronize you in the process. You've got a good support system - Carly, your dad, the Autobots - you're going to be OK, no matter how things turn out." Chip wheels over and gives Spike a comforting clasp on the shoulder.

Spike nods and smiles. "Thanks - that means a lot." He sighs, "Look, I'm sorry we've lost touch. I've wanted to reconnect with you for a lon.." before Spike finishes, a reporter spots the two. She blinks. "Oh my god! Chip Chase! Spike!" She pulls out her notebook and gets a quick quote from Spike about how he's doing. Spike turns on the enthusiasm and says "Great! They've got a great team here!" As they talk, she then says " the way, Sean Berger...did you hear! He died in prison this morning!" After filling in the two on the details, she gulps. "Uh...would you two the paper a quote?"

Spike nods. He frowns slightly, remembering how close Berger came to handing Earth over to the Decepticons. He's still very much unpolished in the diplomacy department, but a few glimmers of promise can be seen as he gulps and says "Look...I know how easy it's going to be to say he was a horrible person, but...a death is still a death." He thinks and says "And...for what it's worth...I want people to know that the LAST thing I remember seeing Berger do...before he was arrested, was helping Chip an' me escape..." He adds "Yes...he almost killed the Autobots, but...he also helped bring 'em back." Spike tenses and looks at Chip, hoping the college educated wunder-kid can phrase this better.

Chip grins and clasps Spike on the shoulder again. "Spike's right. Shawn Berger was a complex, ambitious man." Chip glances at Spike, and then back at the reporter. "He made some bad choices, it's true, but justice has been served. I feel sorry for his family's loss." He gives the reporter a tight smile. "Now, if you will excuse us, I believe Spike has some PT to do. We're going to make sure he's back in the best possible shape as soon as possible." Chip spins his chair expertly in a smooth, tight circle, and gives the reporter a friendly wave before trying to lead Spike back inside.

Spike tries to wheel back with Chase. His coordination is still sort of wonky, but he finally gets to the point where he catches up with Chip. He looks over at Chip and giggles slightly "Thanks...for bailin' me out." He shakes his head at the news - and to prove that the two of them are still somewhat kids, Spike says in disbelief. "Dude...that is craaaaaaazy. I didn't expect him to go so quickly!"

Chip, acting slightly more mature, simply nods with a smile. "Yeah. I guess prison didn't suit him as well as a penthouse in Berger Tower, huh?" he grins. "You handled that reporter pretty well - it was quite a bombshell to drop on you while you're still recovering." Chip keeps his chair speed steady with Spike's so Spike doesn't have to struggle to keep up. "I don't suppose we'd be welcome at the funeral," Chip smirks.
