Transformers Universe MUX
Afterburner is an evil Autobot Technobot from the "Shattered Glass" universe.

"Following leaders leads to victory!"

The mathematical genius Afterburner is always cheerful and willing to please everyone around him. In fact, he's a little too willing to please everyone around him, as he tends to mistake other people's desires and judgments and his own as being the exact same thing, even when other people's wants actually wouldn't be in his best interest.

The other Autobots get tired of his unending groveling, but realize there's something to be said for a mech who'll always support your position or go along with your plans, no matter how crazy they are.

He thinks combining with the other Technobots to form Computron is a completely super-awesome idea.


Canonical/Pre-MUX/Theme History:[]

Afterburner and his Technobot teammates had followed Alpha Trion before the Old One was banished to another dimension.

MUX History:[]

Afterburner and the Technobots continue to patrol Cybertron in the absence of Optimus Prime.

OOC Notes[]



Afterburner is available for temping.


This page uses content from Transformers Wiki. The original article was at Afterburner (SG).

The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Transformers Universe MUX, the text of Transformers Wiki is available under the Creative Commons License.

This page uses content from Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki. The original article was at Afterburner (G1).

The list of authors can be seen in the page history.

As with Transformers Universe MUX, the text of Transformers Wiki is available under the GNU Free Documentation License.
